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Auto Scaling:ModifyScalingConfiguration

Last Updated:Jul 25, 2024

Modifies a scaling configuration.

Operation description

You can change the name of a scaling configuration in a scaling group. The name must be unique within the scaling group.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:

  • Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
  • Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
  • Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
    • The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
    • If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level, All Resources is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
  • Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
  • Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation
  • ScalingGroup

Request parameters


The ID of the scaling configuration that you want to modify.


Specifies whether to create an I/O optimized instance. Valid values:

  • none: does not create an I/O optimized instance.
  • optimized: creates an I/O optimized instance.

The preemption policy that you want to apply to pay-as-you-go instances and preemptible instances. Valid values:

  • NoSpot: The instance is created as a pay-as-you-go instance.
  • SpotWithPriceLimit: The instance is a preemptible instance that has a user-defined maximum hourly price.
  • SpotAsPriceGo: The instance is created as a preemptible instance for which the market price at the time of purchase is automatically used as the bidding price.

The name of the scaling configuration. The name must be 2 to 64 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). The name must start with a letter or a digit.

The name of the scaling configuration must be unique in a region. If you do not specify this parameter, the scaling configuration ID is used.


The name of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that is automatically created by using the scaling configuration.


The hostname of the ECS instance. The hostname cannot start or end with a period (.) or a hyphen (-). The hostname cannot contain consecutive periods (.) or hyphens (-). Naming conventions for different types of instances:

  • Windows instances: The hostname must be 2 to 15 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-). The hostname cannot contain periods (.) or contain only digits.
  • Other instances, such as Linux instances: The hostname must be 2 to 64 characters in length. Separate a hostname into multiple segments with periods (.). Each segment can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-).

The ID of the image that is used by Auto Scaling to automatically create ECS instances.

Note If the image that is specified in the scaling configuration contains system disks and data disks, the data that is stored in the data disks is cleared after you modify the image.

The name of the image. Each image name must be unique in a region. If you specify ImageId, ImageName is ignored.

You cannot use ImageName to specify images from Alibaba Cloud Marketplace.


The number of vCPUs.

You can specify the number of vCPUs and the memory size to determine the range of instance types. For example, you can set Cpu to 2 and Memory to 16 to specify instance types that have 2 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory. If you specify Cpu and Memory, Auto Scaling determines the available instance types based on factors such as I/O optimization requirements and zones. Then, Auto Scaling preferentially creates instances by using the lowest-priced instance type.

Note You can specify CPU and Memory to determine the range of instance types only if you set Scaling Policy to Cost Optimization Policy and you do not specify an instance type in the scaling configuration.

The memory size. Unit: GiB.

You can specify the number of vCPUs and the memory size to determine the range of instance types. For example, you can set Cpu to 2 and Memory to 16 to specify instance types that have 2 vCPUs and 16 GiB of memory. If you specify Cpu and Memory, Auto Scaling determines the available instance types based on factors such as I/O optimization requirements and zones. Then, Auto Scaling preferentially creates instances by using the lowest-priced instance type.

Note You can specify CPU and Memory to determine the range of instance types only if you set Scaling Policy to Cost Optimization Policy and you do not specify an instance type in the scaling configuration.

The metering method for network usage. Valid values:

  • PayByBandwidth: You are charged for the maximum available bandwidth that is specified by InternetMaxBandwidthOut.
  • PayByTraffic: You are charged for the actual data transfer. InternetMaxBandwidthOut specifies only the maximum available bandwidth.

The maximum outbound public bandwidth. Unit: Mbit/s. Valid values:

  • If you set InternetChargeType to PayByBandwidth: 0 to 100. If you leave this parameter empty, this parameter is automatically set to 0.
  • If you set InternetChargeType to PayByTraffic: 0 to 100. If you leave this parameter empty, an error is returned.

The category of the system disk. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_essd: enhanced SSD (ESSD)
  • ephemeral_ssd: local SSD

If you specify SystemDisk.Category, you cannot specify SystemDiskCategories. If you do not specify SystemDisk.Category or SystemDiskCategories, the default value of SystemDisk.Category is used. For non-I/O optimized instances of Generation I instance types, the default value is cloud. For instances of other instance types, the default value is cloud_efficiency.


The size of the system disk. Unit: GiB. Valid values:

  • If you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud: 20 to 500.
  • If you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud_efficiency: 20 to 500.
  • If you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud_ssd: 20 to 500.
  • If you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud_essd: 20 to 500.
  • If you set SystemDisk.Category to ephemeral_ssd: 20 to 500.

The value of SystemDisk.Size must be greater than or equal to max{20, ImageSize}.


The name of the system disk. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter but cannot start with http:// or https://.

Default value: null.


The description of the system disk. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length. The description can contain letters but cannot start with http:// or https://.

Test system disk.

The ID of the automatic snapshot policy that you want to apply to the system disk.


The performance level (PL) of the system disk that is an ESSD. Valid values:

  • PL0: An ESSD can provide up to 10,000 random read/write IOPS.
  • PL1: An ESSD can provide up to 50,000 random read/write IOPS.
  • PL2: An ESSD can provide up to 100,000 random read/write IOPS.
  • PL3: An ESSD can provide up to 1,000,000 random read/write IOPS.
Note For more information about how to select ESSD PLs, see ESSD .

The weight of an ECS instance as a backend server. Valid values: 1 to 100.


The user data of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. The user data must be encoded in Base64 format. The size of raw data before Base64 encoding cannot exceed 32 KB.

echo hello ecs!

The name of the key pair that you can use to log on to an ECS instance.

  • Windows instances do not support this parameter.
  • By default, the username and password authentication method is disabled for Linux instances.

The name of the RAM role that you want to attach to the ECS instance. The name is provided and maintained by Resource Access Management (RAM). You can call the ListRoles operation to query the available RAM roles. You can call the CreateRole operation to create RAM roles.


Specifies whether to use the password that is preconfigured in the image. Before you use this parameter, make sure that a password is configured in the image.


The tags of the ECS instance. Specify the tags as key-value pairs. You can specify up to 20 tags. When you specify tag keys and tag values, take note of the following items:

  • A tag key can be up to 64 characters in length. The key cannot start with acs: or aliyun, and cannot contain http:// or https://. The tag key cannot be an empty string.
  • A tag value can be up to 128 characters in length. The value cannot start with acs: or aliyun, and cannot contain http:// or https://. The tag value can be an empty string.
{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2", ... "key5":"value5"}

The ID of the deployment set of the ECS instances that are created by using the scaling configuration.


The ID of the security group with which ECS instances are associated. The ECS instances that are associated with the same security group can access each other.


Specifies whether to override existing data. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

The ID of the resource group to which the ECS instances belong.


The ID of the Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) cluster to which the ECS instances belong.


The description of the ECS instance. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length. The description can contain letters but cannot start with http:// or https://.

Test instance.

The number of randomly generated IPv6 addresses that you want to allocate to the elastic network interface (ENI).


The performance mode of the burstable instance. Valid values:

  • Standard: standard mode. For more information, see the "Standard mode" section in the Burstable instances topic.
  • Unlimited: unlimited mode. For more information, see the "Unlimited mode" section in the Burstable instances topic.

The name of the image family. If you specify this parameter, the latest custom images that are available in the specified image family are returned. Then, you can use the images to create instances. If you specify ImageId, you cannot specify ImageFamily.


The zone ID of the ECS instances that are created by using the scaling configuration.


The ID of the dedicated host on which you want to create ECS instances. You cannot create preemptible instances on dedicated hosts. If you specify DedicatedHostId, SpotStrategy and SpotPriceLimit are ignored.

You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the most recent list of dedicated host IDs.


Specifies whether to associate an ECS instance on a dedicated host with the dedicated host. Valid values:

  • default: does not associate the ECS instance with the dedicated host. If you start an instance that is stopped in economical mode and the original dedicated host has insufficient resources, the instance is automatically deployed to another dedicated host in the automatic deployment resource pool.
  • host: associates the ECS instance with the dedicated host. If you start an ECS instance that is stopped in economical mode, the ECS instance remains on the original dedicated host. If the original dedicated host has insufficient resources, the ECS instance fails to start.

Specifies whether to create an ECS instance on a dedicated host. Valid values:

  • default: does not create the ECS instance on a dedicated host.
  • host: creates the ECS instance on a dedicated host. If you do not specify DedicatedHostId, Alibaba Cloud selects a dedicated host for the ECS instance.

The scheduler options.


The type of the private pool that you want to use to start instances. A private pool is generated when an elasticity assurance or a capacity reservation takes effect. You can select a private pool for Auto Scaling to start instances. Valid values:

  • Open: open private pool. Auto Scaling selects a matching open private pool to start instances. If no matching open private pools exist, Auto Scaling uses the resources in the public pool to start instances. In this case, you do not need to specify PrivatePoolOptions.Id.
  • Target: specified private pool. Auto Scaling uses the resources in the specified private pool to start instances. If the private pool is unavailable, Auto Scaling cannot start the instances. If you set this parameter to Target, you must specify PrivatePoolOptions.Id.
  • None: no private pool: Auto Scaling does not use the resources in private pools to start instances.

The ID of the private pool. The ID of a private pool is the same as the ID of the elasticity assurance or capacity reservation for which the private pool is generated.


The retention period of the preemptible instance. Unit: hours. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

  • The following retention periods are available in invitational preview: 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours. If you want to set this parameter to one of these values, submit a ticket.
  • If you set this parameter to 0, no retention period is specified for the preemptible instance.

The interruption mode of the preemptible instance. Default value: Terminate. Set the value to Terminate. This value specifies that the preemptible instance is to be released.


The data disks.


The data disk.


The PL of the data disk that is an ESSD. Valid values:

  • PL0: An ESSD can provide up to 10,000 random read/write IOPS.
  • PL1: An ESSD can provide up to 50,000 random read/write IOPS.
  • PL2: An ESSD can provide up to 100,000 random read/write IOPS.
  • PL3: An ESSD can provide up to 1,000,000 random read/write IOPS.
Note For more information about how to select ESSD PLs, see ESSD .

The ID of the automatic snapshot policy that you want to apply to the data disk.


Specifies whether to encrypt the system disk. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

The description of the system disk. The description must be 2 to 256 characters in length. The description can contain letters but cannot start with http:// or https://.

Test data disk.

The ID of the snapshot that you want to use to create data disks. If you specify this parameter, DataDisk.N.Size is ignored. The size of the disk is the same as the size of the specified snapshot.

If you specify a snapshot that is created on or before July 15, 2013, the operation fails and the system returns InvalidSnapshot.TooOld.


The categories of the data disks. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk. The DeleteWithInstance attribute of a basic disk that is created together with the instance is set to true.
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk.
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD.
  • cloud_essd: ESSD.
Note If you specify Categories, you cannot specify DataDisk.Category.

The category of the data disk. If Auto Scaling cannot create instances by using the disk category that has the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates instances by using the disk category that has the next highest priority. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk. The DeleteWithInstance attribute of a basic disk that is created together with the instance is set to true.
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk.
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD.
  • cloud_essd: ESSD.
Note If you specify Categories, you cannot specify DataDisk.Category.

The size of the data disk. Unit: GiB. Valid values:

  • If you set Categories cloud: 5 to 2000.
  • If you set Categories to cloud_efficiency: 20 to 32768.
  • If you set Categories to cloud_ssd: 20 to 32768.
  • If you set Categories to cloud_essd: 20 to 32768.
  • If you set Categories to ephemeral_ssd: 5 to 800.

The size of the data disk must be greater than or equal to the size of the snapshot that is specified by SnapshotId.


The mount target of the data disk. If you do not specify Device, a mount target is automatically assigned when Auto Scaling creates ECS instances. The name of the mount target ranges from /dev/xvdb to /dev/xvdz.


The name of the system disk. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter but cannot start with http:// or https://.


The category of the data disk. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk. The DeleteWithInstance attribute of a basic disk that is created together with the instance is set to true.
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk.
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD.
  • ephemeral_ssd: local SSD.
  • cloud_essd: ESSD.

If you specify Category, you cannot specify Categories. If you do not specify Category or Categories, the default value of Category is used:

  • For I/O optimized instances, the default value is cloud_efficiency.
  • For non-I/O optimized instances, the default value is cloud.

Specifies whether to release the data disk when the instance to which the data disk is attached is released. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

This parameter is available only for independent disks whose Category is set to cloud, cloud_efficiency, cloud_ssd, cloud_essd, or cloud_auto. If you specify this parameter for other disks, an error is reported.


The ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key that you want to use to encrypt the data disk.


The IOPS metric that is preconfigured for the data disk.

Note IOPS measures the number of read and write operations that an Elastic Block Storage (EBS) device can process per second.

Specifies whether to enable the burst feature for the system disk. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Note This parameter is available only if you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud_auto.

The preemptible instance types.


The preemptible instance type.


The price limit of the preemptible instance. This parameter takes effect only if you set SpotStrategy to SpotWithPriceLimit.


The instance type of the preemptible instance. This parameter takes effect only if you set SpotStrategy to SpotWithPriceLimit.


The instance type. If you specify InstanceTypes, InstanceType is ignored.

Auto Scaling creates instances based on the priorities of instance types. If Auto Scaling cannot create instances by using the instance type that has the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates instances by using the instance type that has the next highest priority.


The instance type. If you specify InstanceTypes, InstanceType is ignored.

Auto Scaling creates instances based on the priorities of instance types. If Auto Scaling cannot create instances by using the instance type that has the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates instances by using the instance type that has the next highest priority.


The instance types.


The instance type.


The instance type. If you want to specify the capacity of instance types in the scaling configuration, specify InstanceType and WeightedCapacity at the same time.

You can use InstanceType to specify multiple instance types and WeightedCapacity to specify the weights of the instance types.

Note If you specify InstanceType, you cannot specify InstanceTypes.

You can use InstanceType to specify only instance types that are available for purchase.


The weight of the instance type. The weight specifies the capacity of an instance of the specified instance type in the scaling group. If you want Auto Scaling to scale instances in the scaling group based on the weighted capacity of the instances, specify WeightedCapacity after you specify InstanceType.

A higher weight specifies that a smaller number of instances of the specified instance type are required to meet the expected capacity requirement.

Performance metrics, such as the number of vCPUs and the memory size of each instance type, may vary. You can specify different weights for different instance types based on your business requirements.


  • Current capacity: 0
  • Expected capacity: 6
  • Capacity of ecs.c5.xlarge: 4

To meet the expected capacity requirement, Auto Scaling must create and add two ecs.c5.xlarge instances.

Note The capacity of the scaling group cannot exceed the sum of the maximum number of instances that is specified by MaxSize and the maximum weight of the instance types.

Valid values of WeightedCapacity: 1 to 500.


The IDs of the security groups.


The ID of the security group.


The intelligent configuration settings, which determine the available instance types.


The intelligent configuration setting, which determines the available instance types.


The number of vCPUs per instance type in intelligent configuration mode. You can specify this parameter to filter the available instance types. For more information, see Overview of instance families.

Before you specify this parameter, take note of the following items:

  • You can specify InstancePatternInfo only if your scaling group resides in a virtual private cloud (VPC).
  • If you specify InstancePatternInfo, you must also specify InstancePatternInfo.Cores and InstancePatternInfo.Memory.
  • Auto Scaling preferentially uses the instance type specified by InstanceType or InstanceTypes to create instances. If the specified instance type does not have sufficient inventory, Auto Scaling selects the lowest-priced instance type specified by InstancePatternInfo to create instances.

The level of the instance family. You can specify this parameter to filter the available instance types. This parameter takes effect only if you set CostOptimization to true. Valid values:

  • EntryLevel: entry level (shared instance type). Instance types of this level are the most cost-effective but may not provide stable computing performance. Instance types of this level are suitable for scenarios in which the CPU utilization is low. For more information, see Shared instance families.
  • EnterpriseLevel: enterprise level. Instance types of this level provide stable performance and dedicated resources and are suitable for business scenarios that require high stability. For more information, see Overview of instance families.
  • CreditEntryLevel: credit-based entry level (burstable instance types). CPU credits are used to ensure computing performance. Instance types of this level are suitable for scenarios in which the CPU utilization is low but may fluctuate in specific cases. For more information, see Overview of burstable instances.

The maximum hourly price of pay-as-you-go or preemptible instances in intelligent configuration mode. You can specify this parameter to filter the available instance types.

Note If you set SpotStrategy to SpotWithPriceLimit, you must specify this parameter. In other cases, this parameter is optional.

The memory size per instance type in intelligent configuration mode. Unit: GiB. You can specify this parameter to filter the available instance types.


The architectures of the instance types. Valid values:

  • X86: x86
  • Heterogeneous: heterogeneous computing, such as GPU-accelerated or FPGA-accelerated
  • BareMetal: ECS Bare Metal Instance
  • Arm: Arm
  • SuperComputeCluster: Super Computing Cluster

By default, all values are included.


The architecture of the instance type. Valid values:

  • X86: x86
  • Heterogeneous: heterogeneous computing, such as GPU-accelerated or FPGA-accelerated
  • BareMetal: ECS Bare Metal Instance
  • Arm: Arm
  • SuperComputeCluster: Super Computing Cluster

By default, all values are included.


Specifies whether to include burstable instance types. Valid values:

  • Exclude: does not include burstable instance types.
  • Include: includes burstable instance types.
  • Required: includes only burstable instance types.

Default value: Include.


The instance types that you want to exclude. You can use wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*), to exclude an instance type or an instance family. Examples:

  • ecs.c6.large: excludes the ecs.c6.large instance type.
  • ecs.c6.*: excludes the c6 instance family.

The instance type that you want to exclude. You can use wildcard characters, such as an asterisk (*), to exclude an instance type or an instance family. Examples:

  • ecs.c6.large: excludes the ecs.c6.large instance type.
  • ecs.c6.*: excludes the c6 instance family.

The categories of the system disks. If Auto Scaling cannot create instances by using the disk category that has the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates instances by using the disk category that has the next highest priority. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_essd: ESSD
Note If you specify SystemDiskCategories, you cannot specify SystemDisk.Category.

The category of the system disk. If Auto Scaling cannot create instances by using the disk category that has the highest priority, Auto Scaling creates instances by using the disk category that has the next highest priority. Valid values:

  • cloud: basic disk
  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
  • cloud_ssd: standard SSD
  • cloud_essd: ESSD
Note If you specify SystemDiskCategories, you cannot specify SystemDisk.Category.

Specifies whether to encrypt the system disk. Valid values:

  • true
  • false

Default value: false


The ID of the KMS key that you want to use to encrypt the system disk.


The algorithm that you want to use to encrypt the system disk. Valid values:

  • AES-256
  • SM4-128

Default value: AES-256


The IOPS metric that is preconfigured for the system disk.

Note IOPS measures the number of read and write operations that an EBS device can process per second.

Specifies whether to enable the burst feature for the system disk. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Note This parameter is available only if you set SystemDisk.Category to cloud_auto.

The ID of the dedicated host cluster.


Response parameters


The information that is returned.


The ID of the request.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3****"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-06-12The internal configuration of the API is changed, but the call is not affectedView Change Details
2024-04-23The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2024-03-20The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2024-01-29The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-11-24The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-08-23The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-04-12The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details