“One of our goals at Preferred Networks is to deliver new forms of expression and user experiences by applying the deep learning technology to the creative industry, which requires powerful, reliable computing resources. Alibaba Cloud’s flexible and cost-efficient solutions, especially the GPU servers, helped us build a stress-free DevOps environment for our Crypko™ character generation platform.”
Masaaki Fukuda, VP of Consumer Products at Preferred Networks.

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About Preferred Networks

Preferred Networks, Inc. (PFN) is a Tokyo-based technology company that develops practical applications of deep learning, robotics and other advanced technologies for a range of industries to solve real-world problems that were previously unsolvable.


Preferred Networks (PFN) develops Crypko™, a deep learning-powered platform that automatically generates high-quality character illustrations to support artists in the creative industry. (It processes images which don’t include personal informaiton.)
Due to the heavy computing requirement , PFN was in search of powerful, reliable and cost-efficient GPU servers that ensure the service quality. The company also needed regional expertise to expand the Crypko user base throughout Asia.

Why Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba cloud has a strong market share in Asia and a lot of customer references.
- The cloud infrastructure of Alibaba Cloud is globally available, especially in Asian regions.
- We can use Japanese domestic data center that obtains a comprehensive range of attestation reports and certificates which are required in Japan.
Rich support in development and operations
- Alibaba Cloud provides full development support through Slack or DingTalk.
High cost performance
- We reduced a cloud infrastructure cost and upgrade the cloud infra spec. It achieved more stress free and flexible development and operation.
- Various product options optimize the development cost.
Alibaba Cloud is highly flexible and stable, especially we can use GPU server resources easily. We can use Alibaba Cloud for each project in accordance with project features. This is really helpful for DevOps.
Achieved the efficiency of operation and problem detection through LogService aggregation and visualization function.
Easy-to-use console that allows you to complete most of the configurations on console UI.
Extensive support for not only offering cloud service but also operation and business which helps us to develop a new business.


Achieved 30% cost reduction with a wide range of cloud service.