IBM Qradar SOAR On
Alibaba Cloud

Speed incident response with automation and process standardization with IBM Qradar SOAR on Alibaba Cloud.


IBM QRadar® SOAR on Alibaba Cloud is designed to help your security team respond to cyberthreats with confidence, automate with intelligence and collaborate with consistency. It guides your team in resolving incidents by codifying established incident response processes into dynamic playbooks. The open and agnostic platform helps accelerate and orchestrate their response by automating actions with intelligence and integrating with other security tools.

Solution Highlights

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    Accelerate incident response

    minimize the duration and impact of cyberattacks by automating manual tasks, allowing your team to focus on high-value investigations.

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    Orchestrate and automate response

    automatically correlates security alerts against threat intelligence feeds for malicious indicators and integrates malware analysis into incidents after sandbox detonation.

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    Make your response dynamic

    playbooks are dynamic and additive, providing your team with guidance to resolve incidents and intelligence to adapt to incident conditions with agility.

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    Prevent privacy breaches

    establishes a central hub that helps your team prevent and respond to privacy breaches quickly and efficiently.

How It Works

Your Challenges

Organizations today battle complex cyberattacks that change as they unfold and more intel is gathered. Responding effectively has become more complicated than ever with complicated technology environments and a growing skills gap.

Our Solution

  • IBM QRadar® security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) platforms on Alibaba Cloud provides an advanced orchestration platform that fuels dynamic and accelerated response. By automating repetitive and menial tasks and delivering the right information to the right analyst at the right time, orchestration with SOAR drives down mean-time-to-response and makes analysts more effective, efficient, and strategic, it empowers analysts to make intelligent decisions and act quickly. Advanced incident response orchestration coordinates people, process, and technology both within the Security Operations Center (SOC)and across the organization.


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