Community Blog Three Ways to Manage Your Virtual IT Infrastructure on the Cloud

Three Ways to Manage Your Virtual IT Infrastructure on the Cloud

IaaS provides virtualized resources over the Internet, relying on automation and orchestration technologies to help you manage your cloud environment with ease.

To learn more about the benefits of an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) business model, download the Managing Your Virtual IT Infrastructure on the Cloud whitepaper today.

The world is undergoing a period of mass digitization, where many physical entities are transforming into online resources. For IT departments, this change can be difficult to manage where it requires you to adapt your infrastructure; creating new virtual servers quickly to meet the demands placed on your network, while decommissioning unrequired servers to maintain a cost-effective environment.

This is where an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform can help. This form of cloud computing provides your virtualized computing resources over the Internet, relying on automation and orchestration technologies to help you manage your cloud environment with ease.

For example, when using our Elastic Compute Service (ECS) you can commission a virtual server with a few clicks, using the intuitive Alibaba Cloud Console to set up your subscription in order to help you meet your service and cost requirements. That's not all you can achieve using our platform. Let's explore three further ways you can manage your virtual IT infrastructure on Alibaba Cloud.

Approach 1: Backup and Recovery

When you're operating online, regular backups and instant recovery are vital capabilities to maintain your service levels and ensure your business resilience.

Regular snapshots are one way to achieve this, where our Express Connect service lets you create a link between an Alibaba Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and your existing data center. The resulting hybrid architecture provides a resilient disaster recovery solution, where your online resources are available in any situation.

Approach 2: Storage

A virtual cloud environment provides you with a highly scalable and resilient storage solution, where a range of additional options exist to further boost your online capacity. In fact, using our storage solutions, you could achieve limitless capacity.

Our ApsaraDB RDS instances work across a range of database types, for example, working at up to 470GB of RAM. Using our Object Storage Service (OSS), you can create cloud-based storage buckets with unlimited capacities, and these objects can easily be managed via an API, SDK, or a web-based console.

All our storage solutions provide high levels of data durability, making multiple copies of the data with a data reliability of "eleven nines" (99.999999999%), which is considerably more reliable than a conventional RAID. You can also choose the region in which your data resides, in order to minimize latency and costs as well as to satisfy your regulatory requirements. At Alibaba Cloud, our global network operates in 21 regions and 63 availability zones, spreading your data across designated AZs to further boost your online security and capacity.

Approach 3: Monitoring and Automation

Monitoring is a vital capability to detect issues, conduct preventative maintenance, and maximize your service uptime.

Our CloudMonitor is a flexible monitoring service, for example; providing in-depth insights into your cloud deployments and helping you manage your online environment with ease. It uses automation to help achieve this, allowing you to protect your deployments from security threats, network issues or system failure in real time, by sending alerts through a variety of channels including social networks, email, text messages and instant messenger services.

Alibaba Cloud can help your organization create and manage its virtual IT infrastructure using our IaaS platform, helping you keep control of your costs, monitor your servers, create server backups and snapshots, automate your virtual infrastructure, and provision large amounts of storage.

To find out more, download the Managing Your Virtual IT Infrastructure on the Cloud whitepaper today.

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