Community Blog Redis Core Team Welcomes Zhao Zhao from Alibaba Cloud to Run the Redis Project

Redis Core Team Welcomes Zhao Zhao from Alibaba Cloud to Run the Redis Project

This article mainly introduces Zhao Zhao, a member of Alibaba Cloud since 2015 that was recently invited to join the Redis Core Team to run the Redis project.

Recently, Salvatore Sanfilippo, the initiator of Redis, stepped back from his role as the Redis maintainer for good. Redis was officially delivered to the community and will be led by the Redis Core Team.


Zhao Zhao, a Technical Expert at Alibaba Cloud, was invited to join the Redis Core Team with four other members from Redis Labs and AWS. He is also the only member from China and the Asia-Pacific region.


Since Zhao Zhao joined Alibaba Cloud in 2015, he has been continually engaged in Redis-related projects. Currently, he is responsible for the maintenance of open-source Redis and the development of Tair, including the high-capacity storage version and the high-performance version, which is entirely self-developed. During his time in Alibaba Cloud, Zhao Zhao has not only continuously contributed to the community but also actively promoted the localization of databases in China to ensure software security within the region.

Nearly three years since the inception of the Redis 4.0 project, Zhao Zhao has been involved in many tasks, delivering a series of solutions for various issues, including performance improvement, memory usage utilization, and major bug fixes. He is active in the Redis community; he does not only provide feedback on the issues discovered in cloud environment with effective solutions, he also proactively helps to solve problems from users in the community.

His contributions encouraged the development of the community and established his personal reputation among developers, as well as enhanced the image and influence of Alibaba Cloud. Redis has a large amount of user in China, so as to Alibaba Cloud, the representative of those enterprises who focus on their local business with global strategy. For the Redis Core Team, it's the new comer Zhao Zhao who enriched the diversity and component of the community, which means a lot for open source environment.

As one of the biggest contributors to the latest version (Redis 6.0), Zhao Zhao will work with other core members to set up the Redis roadmap, being responsible for version release, maintaining official documentations, and recruiting more members for the team.

As Sanfilippo said, Redis 6.0 is the first version with many features and possibly the most important version in Redis history, especially when considering the features that are compatible with the basic requirements of enterprise-level applications. For Redis 7.0, the upcoming version in the team's plans, Zhao Zhao disclosed that there will be two major updates. One of the major updates is the solution to the slow query problem upon big keys, which is, for now, caused by a single thread of worker. The other key update is the realization and optimization of PING, which is the keep alive request between primary node and secondary nodes during synchronization.

Redis, being the database that ranks first in all in-memory key-value databases, is the most popular open source cache product. It is the best choice for high concurrency, large traffic, and low latency businesses. As we know, Redis 6.0 has big improvements in key areas, but for what we don't know is that the Redis Team from Alibaba Cloud Database Business Group has contributed a lot to make these improvements a reality.

According to the statistics, the number of commits of Alibaba Cloud ranks the first among those who contributed to the development of open-source Redis 6.0, second only to the founder of Redis, Salvatore Sanfilippo, as well as Redis Labs.


In addition to embracing and contributing to existing open source, Alibaba Cloud is also active in the open source revolution, by continually supporting the creation of open-source products. Among the top 10 open source contributions released by GitHub, the largest open source community in the globe, Alibaba is the only Chinese company on the list. It is also the only Chinese company that has made large contributions to the global open source ecosystem, with more than 1,700 open source projects released. Alibaba Cloud has garnered more than 750,000 favorites and provided over 20,000 contributors from various fields including middleware, mobile, database, container, AI, and big data.

Alibaba Cloud supports more than 95% of mainstream open source database products on the market. With a comprehensive suite of database products, including six of the world's most popular open source databases such as MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, enterprises can use the latest open source database after migrating to Alibaba Cloud.

Alibaba Cloud has been working with more partners to build a rich database ecosystem. Areas of cooperation include open source products, data migration, data integration, delivery and services and so on. After more than a decade of continuous endeavors, Alibaba Cloud database products now have more than 100,000 customers worldwide, covering leading enterprises in finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, logistics, and many other fields. Currently, the market share of Alibaba Cloud Database is ranked third in the world with an annual growth rate of 115%.

Learn more about Redis on Alibaba Cloud at https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/apsaradb-for-redis

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