Community Blog Starter Guide | AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL TPC-H Benchmark Testing in One Click

Starter Guide | AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL TPC-H Benchmark Testing in One Click

This tutorial describes how to run TPC-H benchmark on AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL.

This article focuses on one-click deployment through the Alibaba Cloud console. If you need to use scripting for automated deployment, you can refer to this article that uses Terraform.


About TPC-H As stated in the TPC Benchmark™ H (TPC-H) specification:

“TPC-H is a decision support benchmark. It consists of a suite of business-oriented ad hoc queries and concurrent data modifications. The queries and the data populating the database have been chosen to have broad industry-wide relevance. This benchmark illustrates decision support systems that examine large volumes of data, execute queries with a high degree of complexity, and give answers to critical business questions.”

For more information, see TPC-H specifications.

This article describes how to use Compute Nest to quickly deploy the resources required for this service.

Deployment Architecture:


Billing Instructions

The cost of this service in computing nest deployment mainly involves:

  1. AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL Instance
  2. Traffic bandwidth charges
  3. ECS Instance

Permissions Required

Deploying this service instance requires accessing and creating some Alibaba Cloud resources. Therefore, your account needs to include permissions for the following resources.

Note: You only need to add this permission when your account is a RAM account.

Permission policy name Remarks
AliyunECSFullAccess Permission to manage cloud server service (ECS)
AliyunVPCFullAccess Permission to manage private network (VPC)
AliyunROSFullAccess Permission to manage Resource Orchestration Service (ROS)
AliyunGPDBFullAccess Permission to manage AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL (GPDB)
AliyunComputeNestUserFullAccess Manage user-side permissions for the ComputeNest service (ComputeNest)

Deployment Process

Deployment Parameter

Parameter Explanation
Service Instance Name The name can be up to 64 characters in length, and can contain digits, letters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The name must start with a letter.
Region The region where the service instance is deployed.
Instance Charge Type Charge type for the service instance.
Instance Type ECS instance type
Instance Password Server login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+={}[]:;'<>,.?/ Special symbol in)
DBInstanceSpec The AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance spec
SegmentStorageSize Segment Storage Size
DB Username Primary account name of the database instance.
DB Instance Password DB login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()!@#$%&*-+= Special symbol in)
VSwitch Availability Zone The availability zone of the VSwitch.
VPC CIDR IPv4 Block The ip address range of the VPC in the CidrBlock form.
VSwitch CIDR Block Must belong to the subnet segment of VPC.

Deployment Steps

1.  Visit Deployment Link and fill in the deployment parameters as prompted:


2.  After filling in the parameters, you can see the corresponding inquiry details. After confirming the parameters, click Next: Confirm Order. After confirming the order is completed, agree to the service agreement and click Create Now to enter the deployment stage.


Validation Results

After waiting for the service deployment to be successful, connect to ECS remotely and continue running TPC-H by referring to Step 3 of the document.


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