This topic describes how to enable the AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role so that DashVector can access Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources.
AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector is a service-linked role provided by Resource Access Management (RAM). It grants DashVector permission to access VPC resources, and query the VPC, security group, and zone information.
A cluster is created. For more information, see Create a cluster.
You enter the VPC configuration page of DashVector for the first time, or enter this page again after you delete the AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role.
Create an AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role
Log on to the DashVector console.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Clusters page, find the cluster for which you want to create the role, and click Details in the Operation column.
On the details page, click the Access Control tab and then click VPC. In the Create AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector dialog box, click OK to automatically create the AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role.
NoteThe automatically created AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role is displayed in the RAM console. For more information, see View the information about a RAM role.
Delete the AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role
If you no longer need the AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role, you can delete it in the RAM console. For more information, see Delete a RAM role.
After the AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector
role is deleted, DashVector cannot access VPC resources. To resume the access, create another AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role. For more information, see Create an AliyunServiceRoleForDashVector role .