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Simple Log Service:Regular expression functions

Last Updated:Jan 23, 2025

This topic describes the syntax of regular expression functions. This topic also provides examples on how to use the functions.

The following table describes the regular expression functions that are supported by Simple Log Service. The regular expressions use the RE2 syntax. For more information, see RE2 syntax.

Important If you want to use strings in analytic statements, you must enclose strings in single quotation marks (''). Strings that are not enclosed or enclosed in double quotation marks ("") indicate field names or column names. For example, 'status' indicates the status string, and status or "status" indicates the status log field.




Supported in SQL

Supported in SPL

regexp_extract_all function

regexp_extract_all(x, regular expression)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns an array of all matched substrings.


regexp_extract_all(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns an array of substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression.


regexp_extract function

regexp_extract(x, regular expression)

Extracts the first substring that matches a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns the substring.

regexp_extract(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns the first substring that matches the nth capturing group in the regular expression.

regexp_extract_bool function

regexp_extract_bool(x, regular expression)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and converts the substrings to the boolean type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


regexp_extract_bool(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string, returns the substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression, and converts the substrings to the boolean type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


regexp_extract_long function

regexp_extract_long(x, regular expression)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and converts the substrings to the bigint type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


regexp_extract_long(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string, returns the substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression, and converts the substrings to the bigint type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


regexp_extract_double function

regexp_extract_double(x, regular expression)

Extracts the first substring that matches a specified regular expression from a specified string and converts the substring to the double type. If the function fails to convert the substring, null is returned.


regexp_extract_double(x, regular expression, n)

Extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string, returns the substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression, and converts the substrings to the double type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


regexp_like function

regexp_like(x, regular expression)

Checks whether a specified string matches a specified regular expression.

regexp_replace function

regexp_replace(x, regular expression)

Deletes the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and returns the substrings that remain.

regexp_replace(x, regular expression, replace string)

Replaces the substrings that match a specified regular expression in a specified string and returns the result string.

regexp_split function

regexp_split(x, regular expression)

Splits a specified string into multiple substrings by using a specified regular expression and returns an array of the substrings.



If you want to use a regular expression function to extract single quotation marks (') from a string, you must add an additional single quotation mark (') to the regular expression. For more information, see regexp_extract function (Example 3).

regexp_extract_all function

The regexp_extract_all function extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string.


  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and return an array of all matched substrings:

    regexp_extract_all(x, regular expression)
  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and return an array of substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression:

    regexp_extract_all(x, regular expression, n)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression that contains capturing groups. For example, (\d)(\d)(\d) indicates three capturing groups.


The nth capturing group. n is an integer that is greater than or equal to 1.

Return value type

The array type.


  • Example 1: Extract all digits from the value of the server_protocol field.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      *| SELECT regexp_extract_all(server_protocol, '\d+')
    • Query and analysis resultsregexp_extract_all

  • Example 2: Extract the Chrome information from the value of the http_user_agent field and calculate the number of requests that are initiated by the Chrome browser.

    • Sample field

      http_user_agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.803.0 Safari/535.1
    • Query statement (Debug)

      *| SELECT regexp_extract_all(http_user_agent, '(Chrome)',1) AS Chrome, count(*) AS count GROUP BY Chrome
    • Query and analysis resultsregexp_extract_all

regexp_extract function

The regexp_extract function extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string.


  • The following syntax is used to extract the first substring that matches a specified regular expression from a specified string and return the substring:

    regexp_extract(x, regular expression)
  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and return the first substring that matches the nth capturing group in the regular expression:

    regexp_extract(x, regular expression, n)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression that contains capturing groups. For example, (\d)(\d)(\d) indicates three capturing groups.


The nth capturing group. n is an integer that is greater than or equal to 1.

Return value type

The varchar type.



  • Example 1: Extract the first digit from the value of the server_protocol field.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      *|SELECT regexp_extract(server_protocol, '\d+')
    • Query and analysis resultsregexp_extract

  • Example 2: Extract the file information from the value of the request_uri field and calculate the number of visits for each file.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      * | SELECT regexp_extract(request_uri, '.*\/(file.*)', 1) AS file, count(*) AS count GROUP BY file
    • Query and analysis results分析uri

  • Example 3: Extract single quotation marks (') and digits from the value of the message field.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement

      * | SELECT regexp_extract(message, '''\d+') 

      If you want to use a regular expression function to extract single quotation marks (') from a string, you must add an additional single quotation mark (') to the regular expression.

    • Query and analysis resultsregexp_extract函数


  • Example 1: Extract the first digit from the value of the server_protocol field.

    • Sample field

  • SPL statement

* | extend a = regexp_extract(server_protocol, '\d+')
  • SPL results


  • Example 2: Extract the file information from the value of the request_uri field.

    • Sample field

  • SPL statement

* | extend a = regexp_extract(request_uri, '.*\/(file.*)',1)
  • SPL results


  • Example 3: Extract single quotation marks (') and digits from the value of the message field.

    • Sample field

  • SPL statement

* | extend a = regexp_extract(message, '''\d+') 


If you want to use a regular expression function to extract single quotation marks (') from a string, you must add an additional single quotation mark (') to the regular expression.

  • SPL results


regexp_extract_bool function

The regexp_extract_bool function extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and converts the substrings to the boolean type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned. The conversion is successful only when the substring is the word true or false. The word true or false is not case-sensitive.


  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and convert the substrings to the boolean type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.

    regexp_extract_bool(x, regular expression)
  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string, return the substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression, and convert the substrings to the boolean type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.

    regexp_extract_bool(x, regular expression, n)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression that contains capturing groups. For example, (\d)(\d)(\d) indicates three capturing groups.


The nth capturing group. n is an integer that is greater than or equal to 1.

Return value type

The boolean type.


  • Extract the values of the boolean type from the field values.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      *| select regexp_extract_bool('false', '[a-zA-Z]+')
    • Query and analysis results


regexp_extract_long function

The regexp_extract_long function extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and converts the substrings to the bigint type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and convert the substrings to the bigint type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.

    regexp_extract_long(x, regular expression)
  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string, return the substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression, and convert the substrings to the bigint type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.

    regexp_extract_long(x, regular expression, n)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression that contains capturing groups. For example, (\d)(\d)(\d) indicates three capturing groups.


The nth capturing group. n is an integer that is greater than or equal to 1.

Return value type

The bigint type.


  • Extract digits from the value of the time field.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      *|SELECT regexp_extract_long(time, '(\d{2})/', 1) 
    • Query and analysis results


regexp_extract_double function

The regexp_extract_double function extracts the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and converts the substrings to the double type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.


  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and convert the substrings to the double type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.

    regexp_extract_double(x, regular expression)
  • The following syntax is used to extract the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string, return the substrings that match the nth capturing group in the regular expression, and convert the substrings to the double type. If the function fails to convert the substrings, null is returned.

    regexp_extract_double(x, regular expression, n)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression that contains capturing groups. For example, (\d)(\d)(\d) indicates three capturing groups.


The nth capturing group. n is an integer that is greater than or equal to 1.

Return value type

The double type.


  • Extract digits from the value of the server_protocol field.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      *|SELECT regexp_extract_double(server_protocol, '\d+') 
    • Query and analysis results


regexp_like function

The regexp_like function checks whether a specified string matches a specified regular expression.


regexp_like(x, regular expression)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression.

Return value type

The boolean type.



Check whether the value of the server_protocol field contains digits.

  • Sample field

  • Query statement (Debug)

    *| select regexp_like(server_protocol, '\d+')
  • Query and analysis resultsregexp_like


Check whether the value of the server_protocol field contains digits.

  • Sample field

  • SPL statement

* |extend a = regexp_like(server_protocol, '\d+')
  • SPL results


regexp_replace function

The regexp_replace function deletes or replaces the substrings that match a specified regular expression from or in a specified string.


  • The following syntax is used to delete the substrings that match a specified regular expression from a specified string and return the substrings that remain:

    regexp_replace(x, regular expression)
  • The following syntax is used to replace the substrings that match a specified regular expression in a specified string and return the result string:

    regexp_replace(x, regular expression, replace string)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression.

replace string

The substring used to replace the substrings that match the regular expression.

Return value type

The varchar type.



  • Example 1: Replace the region name that starts with cn in the value of the region field with China and calculate the number of requests from China.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      * | select regexp_replace(region, 'cn.*','China') AS region, count(*) AS count GROUP BY region
    • Query and analysis resultsregexp_replace

  • Example 2: Delete the version number from the value of the server_protocol field and calculate the number of requests for each communication protocol.

    • Sample field

    • Query statement (Debug)

      *| select regexp_replace(server_protocol, '.\d+') AS server_protocol, count(*) AS count GROUP BY server_protocol
    • Query and analysis resultsregexp_replace


  • Example 1: Replace the region name that starts with cn in the value of the region field with China.

    • Sample field

  • SPL statement

* | extend a = regexp_replace(region, 'cn.*','China')
  • SPL results


  • Example 2: Delete the version number from the value of the server_protocol field.

    • Sample field

* | extend a = regexp_replace(server_protocol, '.\d+')
  • SPL results


regexp_split function

The regexp_split function splits a specified string into multiple substrings by using a specified regular expression and returns an array of the substrings.


regexp_split(x, regular expression)





The value of this parameter is of the varchar type.

regular expression

The regular expression.

Return value type

The array type.


Split the value of the request_uri field with forward slashes (/).

  • Sample field

  • Query statement (Debug)

    * | SELECT regexp_split(request_uri,'/')
  • Query and analysis resultsregexp_split