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Service Catalog:Manage product instances

Last Updated:Apr 12, 2024

You can manage all product instances that are created by end users within the current account. When an end user resigns or transfers to a different position, you can manage the product instances that are managed by the end user to prevent service interruption.


View information about a product instance

  1. Log on to the Service Catalog console as the administrator.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the Instances page, select Account from the drop-down list to the right of Access filter.

  4. Click the name of the product instance whose information you want to query.

    • Product instance information

      In the Product instance information section, you can view the following information: Product instance ID, Instance status, Owner, Created time, Product name, Version name, Product ID, Version ID, Stack region, and Resource stack ID.


      When an end user launches a product and deploys the product instance in a region, a stack is created in the same region and displayed in the Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) console.

    • Tasks

      On the Tasks tab, you can view the following information: Task ID, Task Type, Version name, Version ID, Created time, and Task status. You can also perform the following operations to query additional information about the product instance:

      • Click View output to view the output information about the product instance.

      • Click Parameter to view the parameters of the product instance.

      • Click Log to view the logs of the product instance.


        You cannot view the logs of a product instance whose status is Failed. For information about the causes of product instance exceptions, see What does an end user do if the system fails to create a product instance?

    • Resources

      On the Resources tab, you can view the following information about resources of the product instance: Resource Name/Resource Type, Resource ID, Resource status, and Description.

    • Tags

      On the Tags tab, you can view the keys and values of tags that are attached to the product instance.

    • Plans

      On the Plans tab, you can view the following information about the plans of the product instance: PlanID, OperationType, PlanName, Owner, PlanStatus, and Description.

Update a product instance

You can modify the information in the Launch Options, Product version, and parameter settings sections to update a product instance based on your business requirements.

  1. Click Update in the Operation column of the instance whose information you want to update.

  2. Modify the information about the product instance in the Product version section. You can also modify the information about the product instance in the Parameter Settings section. Then, click Next.

  3. Check and confirm the information in the Product information, Instance information, and Parameter sections and click Update product.

    After you update the product instance, a new task whose Task Type is Update instance is displayed on the instance details page.

Terminate a product instance

After you terminate a product instance, the product instance is removed from the product instance list, and you cannot manage the product instance. Proceed with caution.

  1. Find the product instance that you want to terminate and click Terminate in the Operation column.

  2. In the Terminate product instance dialog box, enter terminate and click Terminate Instance.