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Last Updated:Apr 11, 2024

Stops an execution that is in progress in a flow.

Operation description

Usage notes

The flow must be in progress.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The name of the flow in which that you want to stop the execution. You can call the ListFlows operation to obtain the value of this parameter. The name is unique within the same region and cannot be modified after the flow is created. Set this parameter based on the following rules:

  • The name can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • The name must start with a letter or an underscore (_).
  • The name is case-sensitive.
  • The name must be 1 to 128 characters in length.

The name of the execution that you want to stop. You can call the ListExecutions operation to obtain the value of this parameter. The name is unique in a flow. Set this parameter based on the following rules:

  • The name can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • The name must start with a letter or an underscore (_).
  • The name is case-sensitive.
  • The name must be 1 to 128 characters in length.

The reason for stopping the execution. The value must be 1 to 4,096 characters in length.

for test

The error for stopping the execution. The value must be 1 to 128 characters in length.


Response parameters


The response parameters.


The execution status. Valid values:

  • Starting
  • Running
  • Stopped
  • Succeeded
  • Failed
  • TimedOut

The time when the execution stopped.


The request ID.


The time when the execution started.


The definition of the flow.

version: v1.0\ntype: flow\nname: test\nsteps:\n - type: pass\n name: mypass

The execution result, which is in the JSON format.


The name of the flow.


The name of the execution.


The input of the execution, which is in the JSON format.



Sample success responses


  "Status": "Running",
  "StoppedTime": "2019-01-01T01:01:01.001Z",
  "RequestId": "testRequestId",
  "StartedTime": "2019-01-01T01:01:01.001Z",
  "FlowDefinition": "version: v1.0\\ntype: flow\\nname: test\\nsteps:\\n - type: pass\\n name: mypass",
  "Output": "{\"key\":\"value\"}",
  "FlowName": "flow",
  "Name": "exec",
  "Input": "{\"key\":\"value\"}"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400ActionNotSupportedThe requested API operation '%s' is incorrect. Please check.-
400APIVersionNotSupportedThe requested API version '%s' is not supported yet. Please check.-
400EntityTooLargeThe payload size exceeds maximum allowed size (%s bytes).The payload size exceeds maximum allowed size (%s bytes).
400ExecutionAlreadyCompletedExecution '%s' for flow '%s' has already completed.-
400InvalidArgumentParameter error.Parameter error.
400MissingRequiredHeaderThe HTTP header '%s' must be specified.The HTTP header '%s' must be specified.
400MissingRequiredParamsThe HTTP query '%s' must be specified.The HTTP query '%s' must be specified.
403AccessDeniedThe resources doesn't belong to you.-
403InvalidAccessKeyIDThe AccessKey ID %s is invalid.The AccessKey ID %s is invalid.
403RequestTimeTooSkewedThe difference between the request time %s and the current time %s is too large.The difference between the request time %s and the current time %s is too large.
403SignatureNotMatchThe request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your access key and signing method.The calculated signature of the request does not match the signature you provided. Check your AccessKey Secret and signing algorithm.
404ExecutionNotExistsExecution %s for flow %s does not exist.Execution %s for flow %s does not exist.
404FlowNotExistsFlow %s does not exist.Flow %s does not exist.
409ConcurrentUpdateErrorUpdate conflict, please retry.Update conflict, please retry.
415UnsupportedMediaTypeThe content type must be "application/json".The content type must be "application/json".
429ResourceThrottledThe request is throttled. Please try again later.The request is throttled. Please try again later.
500InternalServerErrorAn internal error has occurred. Please retry.An internal error has occurred. Please retry.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-03-21The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedsee changesets
Change itemChange content
Error CodesThe Error code has changed.
    delete Error Codes: 400
    delete Error Codes: 403
    delete Error Codes: 404
    delete Error Codes: 409
    delete Error Codes: 415
    delete Error Codes: 429
    delete Error Codes: 500
Input ParametersThe request parameters of the API has changed.
    delete Input Parameters: RequestId