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Resource Management:Use the Transfer Associated Resources feature

Last Updated:Jul 17, 2024

Resource Group provides the Transfer Associated Resources feature. After you enable this feature, you can configure transfer rules. If a transfer rule is triggered, the system automatically transfers associated resources to resource groups to which primary resources belong.


This section uses Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances as an example to describe the use scenarios of the Transfer Associated Resources feature. For an ECS instance, the following associated resources support this feature: cloud disks, elastic network interfaces (ENIs), and elastic IP addresses (EIPs). You can enable the Transfer Associated Resources feature and configure the following transfer rules for the associated resources:

  • After a resource is attached to, bound to, or associated with an ECS instance, the resource is automatically transferred to the resource group to which the ECS instance belongs.

  • When an ECS instance is transferred from a resource group to another, the resources that are attached to, bound to, or associated with the ECS instance are automatically transferred to the new resource group.

Enable the Transfer Associated Resources feature

  1. Log on to the Resource Management console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resource Group > Settings.

  3. In the Transfer Associated Resources section of the Settings page, click Enable and Configure Transfer Rules.

    When you enable the Transfer Associated Resources feature, the system automatically creates the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForResourceGroup. This role allows Resource Group to transfer associated resources to resource groups to which primary resources belong. For more information about the service-linked role, see Service-linked role for Resource Group.

  4. In the Enable message, click OK.

  5. On the Configure Transfer Rules page, configure transfer rules.

    1. Select the types of resources that you want to transfer.

      For information about the resource types that support the Transfer Associated Resources feature and the supported transfer rules, see Resource types that support the Transfer Associated Resources feature.

    2. (Optional) Select the Transfer Existing Associated Resources check box. This way, existing associated resources can be transferred to the resource groups to which primary resources belong. We recommend that you select this check box.

      Existing associated resources refer to the associated resources that are created before the Transfer Associated Resources feature is enabled.

      If existing associated resources do not belong to the same resource groups as their primary resources, you need to enable Transfer Existing Associated Resources to transfer the existing associated resources to the resource groups to which the primary resources belong. Otherwise, the existing associated resources can be transferred to the same resource groups as the primary resources only after the primary resources are transferred to other resource groups.

      When you enable Transfer Existing Associated Resources, the system assumes the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForResourceGroup to activate and access the Cloud Config service. This way, existing associated resources can be detected and transferred. This operation does not consume your quota for Cloud Config or incur fees.

  6. Click OK.

View or modify transfer rules

After you enable the Transfer Associated Resources feature and configure transfer rules, you can view or modify the transfer rules at any time.

  1. Log on to the Resource Management console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resource Group > Settings.

  3. In the Transfer Associated Resources section of the Settings page, click View and Configure Transfer Rules.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the Configure Transfer Rules page, click Edit to modify the rules.

  5. Click OK.

Disable the Transfer Associated Resources feature

  1. Log on to the Resource Management console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Resource Group > Settings.

  3. In the Transfer Associated Resources section of the Settings page, click Disable.

  4. In the Disable message, click OK.

    After you disable the Transfer Associated Resources feature, associated resources can no longer be transferred to resource groups to which primary resources belong. Existing relationships between resources and resource groups are not affected.

Resource types that support the Transfer Associated Resources feature

Primary resource

Associated resource

Transfer rule

ECS instances

Cloud disks (including data disks and system disks)

  • After a resource is attached to, bound to, or associated with an ECS instance, the resource is automatically transferred to the resource group to which the ECS instance belongs.

  • When an ECS instance is transferred from a resource group to another, the resources that are attached to, bound to, or associated with the ECS instance are automatically transferred to the new resource group.

ENIs (including primary and secondary ENIs)


Cloud disks


  • After a snapshot is created for a cloud disk, the snapshot is automatically transferred to the resource group to which the cloud disk belongs.


    Automatic snapshots do not support this transfer rule.

  • When a cloud disk is transferred from a resource group to another, the snapshots that are created for the cloud disk are automatically transferred to the new resource group.

NAT gateways


When a NAT gateway is transferred from a resource group to another, the ENIs that are bound to the NAT gateway are automatically transferred to the new resource group.


  • After an EIP is associated with a NAT gateway, the EIP is automatically transferred to the resource group to which the NAT gateway belongs.

  • When a NAT gateway is transferred from a resource group to another, the EIPs that are associated with the NAT gateway are automatically transferred to the new resource group.

Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances


  • After an EIP is associated with an SLB instance, the EIP is automatically transferred to the resource group to which the SLB instance belongs.

  • When an SLB instance is transferred from a resource group to another, the EIPs that are associated with the SLB instance are automatically transferred to the new resource group.


  • If a transfer task is being performed for a primary resource based on the Transfer Associated Resources feature, you are not allowed to transfer the primary resource or its associated resources across resource groups in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console or by calling API operations. You can perform the operation only after the task is complete.

  • To avoid conflicts, you are not allowed to manually transfer a primary resource and its associated resources across resource groups at the same time after you enable the Transfer Associated Resources feature. We recommend that you transfer only the primary resource. The associated resources are automatically transferred together with the primary resource.

  • The Transfer Associated Resources feature is supported in the following regions: India (Mumbai) Closing Down, Indonesia (Jakarta), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), China (Hohhot), Australia (Sydney), Singapore, Germany (Frankfurt), US (Virginia), US (Silicon Valley), China (Hong Kong), China (Qingdao), Japan (Tokyo), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Shenzhen), China (Beijing), China (Shanghai), China (Hangzhou), China (Chengdu), UK (London), China (Heyuan), China (Ulanqab), China (Guangzhou), Philippines (Manila), Thailand (Bangkok), China (Nanjing - Local Region), and China (Fuzhou - Local Region).