This topic describes how to select the series type and specifications of an ApsaraDB for Redis instance. This topic also helps you learn how to create, connect to, develop, and manage an ApsaraDB for Redis instance.

Select a series type and specifications

Before you create an ApsaraDB for Redis instance, you must select a series type and specifications based on various factors, such as performance, price, and workload. For more information, see Select ApsaraDB for Redis instances.

Use an ApsaraDB for Redis instance

Step Description
Step 1: Create an ApsaraDB for Redis instance ApsaraDB for Redis provides multiple service types and architectures to meet different requirements. You can refer to the relevant topics to create an ApsaraDB for Redis instance.
Step 2: Configure whitelists Before you use an ApsaraDB for Redis instance, you must add the IP addresses of the clients that are used to access the ApsaraDB for Redis instance to an IP address whitelist of the instance.
Step 3: Connect to an ApsaraDB for Redis instance You can use Data Management (DMS), a Redis client, or the redis-cli tool to connect to an ApsaraDB for Redis instance.
Step 4: Develop and manage an ApsaraDB for Redis instance
