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ApsaraDB RDS:RestoreDdrTable

Last Updated:Jul 05, 2024

Restores data to an existing instance across regions.

Operation description

Note Before restoration, you can call the CheckCreateDdrDBInstance operation to check whether a cross-region backup set can be used for cross-region restoration.

Supported database engine



Note Before you call this operation, carefully read the following documentation. Make sure that you fully understand the prerequisites and impacts for calling this operation.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The source instance ID.


The region ID of the destination instance. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.


The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length.


The method that is used to restore data. Valid values:

  • 0: restores data from a backup set. If you set this parameter to 0, you must also specify the BackupSetId parameter.
  • 1: restores data to a point in time. If you set this parameter to 1, you must also specify the RestoreTime, SourceRegion, and SourceDBInstanceName parameters.

Default value: 0.


The cross-region backup set ID. You can call the DescribeCrossRegionBackups operation to query the IDs of the backup sets that are available to an instance.

Note If you set the RestoreType parameter to 0, you must also specify the BackupId parameter.

The point in time to which you want to restore data. The point in time that you specify must be earlier than the current time. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.

Note If RestoreType is set to BackupTime, you must specify this parameter.

The region ID of the source instance if you want to restore data to a point in time.

Note : If you set RestoreType to 1, you must also specify this parameter.

The ID of the source instance whose data you want to restore to a point in time.

Note If you set the RestoreType parameter to 1, you must also specify the SourceDBInstanceName parameter.

The names of the databases and tables that you want to restore. The value is in the following format: [{"type":"db","name":"<The name of Database 1 on the source instance>","newname":"<The name of Database 1 on the destination instance>","tables":[{"type":"table","name":"<The name of Table 1 in Database 1 on the source instance>","newname":"<The name of Table 1 in Database 1 on the destination instance>"},{"type":"table","name":"<The name of Table 2 in Database 1 on the source instance>","newname":"<The name of Table 2 in Database 1 on the destination instance>"}]},{"type":"db","name":"<The name of Database 2 on the source instance>","newname":"<The name of Database 2 on the destination instance>","tables":[{"type":"table","name":"<The name of Table 3 in Database 2 on the source instance>","newname":"<The name of Table 3 in Database 2 on the destination instance>"},{"type":"table","name":"<The name of Table 4 in Database 2 on the source instance>","newname":"<The name of Table 4 in Database 2 on the destination instance>"}]}]


The resource group ID.


Response parameters


The response parameters.


The ID of the request.


The instance ID.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "75BBF1EF-1E90-4950-BFFB-252D26E8259B",
  "DBInstanceId": "rm-uf6wjk5*****"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400InvalidRestoreType.FormatSpecified restore type is not valid.The restoration type is invalid. Specify a valid restoration type.
400InvalidRestoreTime.FormatSpecified restore time is not valid.The operation failed. The point in time is invalid. Specify a valid point in time.
400InvalidBakset.InvalidSpecified bakset is not valid.-
400InvalidParamTableMetaForRestore.Contentnew dbname or table in TableMeta cannot be same with old when restore to source instance-
400InvalidParamTableMetaInvalid parameter TableMeta is null or not json formatThe value of the TableMeta parameter is invalid. Check the value of this parameter.
400InvalidBakHistoryDOBakHistory is inbalid when check restore TableMeta-
400InvalidParamTableMeta.ContentTableMeta missing old dbname or new dbname, please checkThe value of the table_meta parameter does not contain the names of the source and destination tables.
400InvalidParamTableMeta.DuplicateTableMeta has duplicate db or table with other newname, commons or systemThe operation failed. The databases and tables that you want to restore already exist in the RDS instance.
400InvalidSourceRestoreDBName.NotFoundspecific source restore dbname is not found in db listThe operation failed. The data backup file does not contain the data of the databases.
400InvalidDBName.DuplicateSpecified DB name already exists in the This instance.A database with the same name has been created on the RDS instance. Specify a different name.
400InvalidParameters.FormatSpecified parameters is not valid.The values of some parameters are invalid.
400InvalidAvZone.FormatSpecified AvZone is not valid.The value of the AvZone parameter is invalid. Check the value of this parameter.
400InvalidRegion.FormatSpecified Region is not valid.The region ID is invalid. Check the region ID.
400InvalidVpcParameterSpecified VPCId VSwitchId or IPAddress or TunnelId is not valid.The values of the VPCId parameter and the VSwitchId parameter are invalid. Check the values of these parameters.
400MissingUserIDThe request is missing a user_id parameter.The user ID cannot be found.
400MissingUIDThe request is missing a uid parameter.The operation failed. The UID in the request is left unspecified.
403IncorrectDBInstanceTypeCurrent DB instance type does not support this operation.The operation failed. The RDS instance is not in a ready state.
403IncorrectDBInstanceStateCurrent DB instance state does not support this operation.-
403ChildDBInstanceExistsCurrent DB instance had child instance.The read-only instance already exists.
403InvalidBackupLogStatusCurrent backup log enable status does not support this operation.The operation failed. Log backups are not enabled, and therefore data cannot be restored to a specified point in time.
403IncorrectBackupSetMethodCurrent backup set method does not support operations.The operation failed. The data backup file does not support the restoration of individual databases and tables.
403IncorrectBackupSetStateCurrent backup set state does not support operations.The operation failed. The data backup file is not in a ready state.
404RestoreType.NotFoundRestoreType is not found.RestoreType is not found.
404InvalidBackupSetID.NotFoundSpecified backup set ID does not exist.The backup set does not exist. Specify an available backup set.
404InsufficientResourceCapacityThere is insufficient capacity available for the requested instance.-
404InvalidBackup.NotFoundThe available backup does not exist in recovery time.No available data backup file can be used to restore data.
404InvalidBinlog.NotFoundThe available binlog does not exist in recovery time.The binary log file at the specified point in time is invalid.
404InvalidDB.NotFoundSpecified db does not exist or DB status does not support.-
404InvalidDBInstance.NotFoundSpecified instance does not exist or not support.The RDS instance cannot be found, is deleted, or does not support the operation.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2022-08-11API Description Update. The Error code has changedView Change Details