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ApsaraDB RDS:ModifyPGHbaConfig

Last Updated:Jul 05, 2024

Modifies the pg_hba.conf file of an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

Operation description

Supported database engines

RDS PostgreSQL


Note : Before you call this operation, carefully read the following documentation. Make sure that you fully understand the prerequisites and impacts for calling this operation.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


A reserved parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.


The instance ID. You can call the DescribeDBInstances operation to query the instance ID.


The method that you use to modify the pg_hba.conf file. Valid values:

  • add: adds one or more records. If you use this method, make sure that the value of the PriorityId parameter for each new record is different from the value of the PriorityId parameter for any existing record.
  • delete: deletes one or more records. If you use this method, the record that corresponds to the specified value of the PriorityId parameter is deleted from the pg_hba.conf file.
  • modify: modifies one or more records. If you use this method, the record that corresponds to the specified value of the PriorityId parameter is modified.
  • update: overwrites the existing configuration in the pg_hba.conf file by using the new configuration.

An array that consists of the details of the AD domain services.


The connection type.

Valid values:

  • host: The record matches TCP/IP connections, including SSL connections and non-SSL connections.
  • hostssl: The record matches only TCP/IP connections that are established over SSL.
  • hostnossl: The record matches only TCP/IP connections that are not established over SSL connections.
Note You can set this parameter to hostssl only when SSL encryption is enabled for the instance. For more information, see Configure SSL encryption for an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

The mask of the IP address. If the value of the Address parameter is an IP address, you can use this parameter to specify the mask of the IP address.


The name of the database. If you set this parameter to all, the specified users are allowed to access all databases on the instance.

If you specify multiple entries, separate the entries with commas (,).


The priority of the record. If you set this parameter to 0, the record has the highest priority. Valid values: 0 to 10000.

This parameter is used to identify each record. When you add a record, the value of the PriorityId parameter for the new record must be different from the value of the PriorityId parameter of any existing record. When you modify or delete a record, you must also modify or delete the value of the PriorityId parameter for this record.


The IP addresses from which the specified users can access the specified databases. If you set this parameter to, the specified users are allowed to access the specified databases from all IP addresses.

The user who is allowed to access the specified databases. You must specify the user that is used to log on to the RDS instance. If you specify multiple entries, separate the entries with commas (,).


The authentication method. Valid values:

  • trust
  • reject
  • scram-sha-256
  • md5
  • password
  • gss
  • sspi
  • ldap
  • radius
  • cert
  • pam

The options of the authentication method. In this topic, LDAP is used as an example. You must configure this parameter. For more information, see Authentication Methods.

ldapserver=The private IP address of the ECS instance ldapbasedn="CN=Users,DC=pgsqldomain,DC=net" ldapbinddn="CN=The username of the administrator user of the AD domain controller, CN=Users,DC=pgsqldomain,DC=net" ldapbindpasswd="The password of the administrator user of the AD domain controller" ldapsearchattribute="sAMAccountName"

Response parameters


The response parameters.


The ID of the request.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "458E0781-C46C-55F5-A0E5-1DD284B28A3F"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400HbaItem.InvalidTypeSpecified hba item type is invalid.-
400HbaItem.InvalidMethodSpecified hba item auth method is invalid.The specified HBA identity authentication method is invalid.
400HbaItem.InvalidIPMaskSpecified hba item ip mask is invalid.-
400HbaItem.InvalidPrioritySpecified hba item priorityId is out of range or duplicate.-
400HbaItemOpsType.InvalidSpecified hba opsType is invalid.-
400InvalidConfigValueThe ConfigValue is not valid-
400MinorVersionNotSupportThe current database minor version does not support the operation.The operation is not supported for the minor engine version of the instance.
400InvalidDBInstanceName.NotFoundThe specified DB instance name does not exist.The instance name does not exist.
400IncorrectDBInstanceTypeCurrent DB instance type does not support this operation.The operation failed. The RDS instance is not in a ready state.
403HbaItemPriorityIdAlreadyExistSpecified hba item priorityId is exist.-
403IncorrectDBInstanceStateCurrent DB instance state does not support this operation.-
404HbaItemPriorityIdNotFoundSpecified hba item priorityId is not found.-
404IncorrectDBInstanceLockModeCurrent DB instance lock mode does not support this operation.The operation failed. The RDS instance is locked.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2022-02-14The Error code has changedView Change Details