When performance issues or operation exceptions (such as the CPU utilization reaches 100%) occur on a database, you can troubleshoot the issues or exceptions based on the session information on the database. Database Autonomy Service (DAS) provides the session management feature for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances. The feature allows you to view the active sessions, abnormal sessions, access sources, and SQL statements about your database instance in real time. You can also perform O&M operations such as terminating sessions and performing SQL throttling, SQL diagnostics, and SQL optimization on your database instance.
Your RDS instance runs one of the following MySQL versions and RDS editions:
MySQL 8.0 on RDS High-availability Edition, RDS Enterprise Edition, or RDS Cluster Edition
MySQL 5.7 on RDS High-availability Edition, RDS Enterprise Edition, or RDS Cluster Edition
MySQL 5.6 on RDS High-availability Edition
MySQL 5.5 on RDS High-availability Edition
Go to the Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the RDS instance resides. Then, find the RDS instance and click the ID of the instance.
In the left-side navigation pane, choose Autonomy Services > Diagnostics.
Click the Session Management tab.
On the Session Management tab, view the session information about the database instance in the Instance Sessions and Session Statistics sections.
In the Instance Sessions section, you can perform the following operations:
View information such as exceptions, active sessions, the longest execution duration, CPU utilization, and connection usage.
In the upper-right corner of the section, click 10s SQL Analysis. In the dialog box that appears, view the information about SQL statements that are executed within a 10-second time window, such as SQL statistics, slow query logs, and SQL overview. For more information, see 10-second SQL analysis.
Click SQL Throttling. In the SQL Throttling dialog box, configure the parameters to enable threshold-based SQL throttling on sessions. For more information, see SQL throttling.
Click Optimize. In the SQL Diagnostic Optimization dialog box, view the SQL diagnostic results.
If you accept the SQL optimization suggestions, click Copy and paste the optimized SQL statement to the database client or Data Management (DMS) for execution. If you do not accept the SQL optimization suggestions, click Cancel.
NoteDAS performs SQL diagnostics based on the level of complexity of SQL statements, the amount of data in the table, and the database load. Suggestions may be returned in more than 20 seconds after the SQL diagnostics is performed. After the diagnostics is complete, the SQL diagnostic engine provides diagnostic results, optimization suggestions, and expected optimization benefits. You can determine whether to accept the suggestions based on the provided information.
Export active sessions.
Terminate sessions.
When you terminate the sessions, you must enter the username and password of the database account that is used to establish the sessions. You can also use a database account that has the permissions to terminate sessions established by other database accounts. For example, you can use a privileged account.
NoteIn the User column of the session list, you can view the database account that is used to establish the sessions.
You can click End Session History to view the records of terminated sessions.
In the Session Statistics section, you can perform the following operations:
View summary information and session statistics by user, access source, or database. The summary information includes the total number of sessions, the total number of running sessions, and the longest session duration.
Export summary information and session statistics by user, access source, or database.
You can click Enable Automatic Throttling to enable the automatic SQL throttling feature. After you enable the feature and the conditions that you configure for the feature are met, automatic SQL throttling is triggered to manage the number of access requests and the number of concurrent SQL requests on your database instance. This helps ensure the availability of your database service. For more information, see Automatic SQL throttling.
You can enable the autonomy features of DAS. DAS can automatically diagnose and optimize the SQL statements in the sessions on your database instance.