OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol layer that is built based on the Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0 protocol. This topic describes how to obtain user information by using OIDC.


A web application is created. The name, OAuth scopes, and callback URL are specified for the application. An application secret is created for the application. For more information, see Create an application, Add OAuth scopes, and Create an application secret.


ID tokenOIDC can issue the ID token of a user to an application. The ID token can be used to obtain the user information, such as the username and logon name. The ID token cannot be used to access Alibaba Cloud resources.
OIDC Discovery Endpoint

OIDC provides different endpoints for different purposes. Discovery Endpoint contains the necessary configuration information that is required by OIDC.

Note Discovery Endpoint provides a set of keys in a JSON document. The keys contain information about the OIDC provider, such as the response type that is supported by OIDC, the value of the token issuer, the signing key endpoint of the ID token, and the signing algorithm.

As an OIDC provider, Alibaba Cloud provides the following Discovery Endpoint to simplify the configuration:

The following example shows the content of Discovery Endpoint:

  "code_challenge_methods_supported": [
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
  "issuer": "",
  "jwks_uri": "",
  "revocation_endpoint": "",
  "token_endpoint": "",
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "scopes_supported": [
  "authorization_endpoint": ""


  1. A user logs on to an application by using a browser.
  2. The application redirects the user to the Alibaba Cloud OIDC service and sends the URL of the application to the browser.
    Note If the user is not logged on to Alibaba Cloud, the application redirects the user to the Alibaba Cloud logon page.
  3. The user logs on to the Alibaba Cloud OIDC service by using the browser and requests an authorization code.
  4. The Alibaba Cloud OIDC service returns an authorization code to the browser.
  5. The application requests an access token that corresponds to the user from the Alibaba Cloud OIDC service. The authorization code is required in the request.
  6. The Alibaba Cloud OIDC service returns the ID token and access token to the application. The application can use the ID token or access token to obtain user information.

Example 1: Obtain the signing key of an ID token

Sample request

private List getSignPublicKey() {
  HttpResponse response = HttpClientUtils.doGet("");
  List rsaKeyList = new ArrayList();
  if (response.getCode() == 200 && response.isSuccess()) {
    String keys = JSON.parseObject(response.getData()).getString("keys");
    try {
      JSONArray publicKeyList = JSON.parseArray(keys);
      for (Object object : publicKeyList) {
        RSAKey rsaKey = RSAKey.parse(JSONObject.toJSONString(object));
      return rsaKeyList;
    } catch (Exception e) {;
  }"GetSignPublicKey failed:{}", response.getData());
  throw new AuthenticationException(response.getData());

Example 2: Verify the JWT signature of an ID token

The ID token that is issued by Alibaba Cloud is a signed JSON JWT. The RS256 signing algorithm that complies with the JWS standard is used. When an application requests user information, Alibaba Cloud validates the following content of the ID token:
  • Token signature: Alibaba Cloud checks whether the ID token is valid by using the public signing key that is issued by OAuth.

    Sample request

    public boolean verifySign(SignedJWT signedJWT) {
      List publicKeyList = getSignPublicKey();
      RSAKey rsaKey = null;
      for (RSAKey key : publicKeyList) {
        if (signedJWT.getHeader().getKeyID().equals(key.getKeyID())) {
          rsaKey = key;
      if (rsaKey != null) {
        try {
          RSASSAVerifier verifier = new RSASSAVerifier(rsaKey.toRSAPublicKey());
          if (signedJWT.verify(verifier)) {
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
"Verify exception:{}", e.getMessage());
      throw new AuthenticationException("Can't verify signature for id token");
  • Token validity: Alibaba Cloud checks the time when the ID token was issued and the validity period of the ID token.
  • Token recipient: Alibaba Cloud prevents ID tokens that are issued to other applications from being issued to the application.

Example 3: Parse an ID token to obtain user information

  • Response parameters
    • Header parameters
      ParameterDescriptionRequired OAuth scope
      algThe signing algorithm. openid
      kidThe public key that is used to validate the ID token. You must use this key to validate your signature and prevent your ID token from being tampered with. openid
    • Body parameters
      ParameterDescriptionRequired OAuth scope
      expThe timestamp when the token expires. openid
      subA unique string that indicates the user. The string does not contain the UID and username of the user. openid
      audThe receiver of the token, which is the ID of the OAuth application. openid
      issThe issuer of the token. The value is openid
      iatThe timestamp when the token was issued. openid
      nameThe display name of the user. profile
      upnThe logon name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) user. This parameter is returned only when a RAM user sends the request. profile
      login_nameThe logon name of the Alibaba Cloud account. This parameter is returned only when an Alibaba Cloud account sends the request. profile
      aidThe ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the user belongs. aliuid
      uidThe ID of the user. If you log on to Alibaba Cloud with an Alibaba Cloud account, the value is the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. In this case, the value of this parameter is the same as the value of the aid parameter. If you log on to Alibaba Cloud as a RAM user, the value is the ID of the RAM user. aliuid
  • Sample responses
    • Sample response header
        "alg": "RS256",
        "kid": "JC9wxzrhqJ0gtaCEt2QLUfevEUIwltFhui4O1bh****"
    • Sample response body

      For demonstration purposes, the following sample responses show an ID token before encoding. In actual scenarios, an encoded ID token is returned. For more information, see Example 2: Verify the JWT signature of an ID token.

      • Sample response body of an Alibaba Cloud account-initiated request
          "exp": 1517539523,
          "sub": "123456789012****",
          "aud": "4567890123456****",
          "iss": "",
          "iat": 1517535923,
          "name": "alice", //The display name of the user.
          "login_name":"", //The logon name of the Alibaba Cloud account.
          "aid": "123456789012****", //The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.
          "uid": "123456789012****" //The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.
      • Sample response body of a RAM user-initiated request
          "exp": 1517539523,
          "sub": "123456789012****",
          "aud": "4567890123456****",
          "iss": "",
          "iat": 1517535923,
          "name": "alice", //The display name of the user.
          "upn": "", //The logon name of the RAM user.
          "aid": "123456789012****", //The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the RAM user belongs.
          "uid": "234567890123****" //The ID of the RAM user.

Example 4: Obtain user information by using an access token and the UserInfo operation

After you obtain an access token, you can call the UserInfo operation to obtain user information. The UserInfo operation can be called only by using an access token, and the response information is not encoded.

Note In the actual usage scenarios of OIDC, an access token can be returned even if only the openid, aliuid, and profile scopes are specified. The returned access token can be used only to call the UserInfo operation.

The endpoint for the UserInfo operation is

Sample request

GET v1/userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer SIAV32hkKG

Response parameters

ParameterDescriptionRequired OAuth scope
subA unique string that indicates the user. The string does not contain the UID and username of the user. openid
nameThe display name of the user. profile
upnThe logon name of the RAM user. This parameter is returned only when a RAM user sends the request. profile
login_nameThe logon name of the Alibaba Cloud account. This parameter is returned only when an Alibaba Cloud account sends the request. profile
aidThe ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the user belongs. aliuid
uidThe ID of the user. If you log on to Alibaba Cloud with an Alibaba Cloud account, the value is the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account. In this case, the value of this parameter is the same as the value of the aid parameter. If you log on to Alibaba Cloud as a RAM user, the value is the ID of the RAM user. aliuid

Sample response body

  • Sample response body of an Alibaba Cloud account request
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "sub": "123456789012****", 
      "name": "alice", //The display name of the user.
      "login_name":"", //The logon name of the Alibaba Cloud account.
      "aid": "123456789012****", //The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.
      "uid": "123456789012****" //The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.
  • Sample response body of a RAM user request
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json
      "sub": "123456789012****", 
      "name": "alice", //The display name of the user.
      "upn": "", //The logon name of the RAM user.
      "aid": "123456789012****", //The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the RAM user belongs.
      "uid": "234567890123****" //The ID of the RAM user.