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Resource Access Management:AliyunROSReadOnlyAccess

Last Updated:Dec 28, 2023

AliyunROSReadOnlyAccess is a service system policy that is managed by Alibaba Cloud. You can attach the AliyunROSReadOnlyAccess policy to a Resource Access Management (RAM) identity, such as a RAM user, RAM user group, and RAM role. The AliyunROSReadOnlyAccess policy: Provides read-only access to Resource Orchestration Service via Management Console.

Policy details

  • Type: service system policy

  • Creation time: 06:45:12 on March 09, 2018

  • Update time: 07:41:05 on March 10, 2020

  • Current version: v2

Policy content

  "Version": "1",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Effect": "Allow"
