| object | | |
DeletionLock | integer | Indicates whether the cluster is locked and can be deleted. Valid values:
- 0: The cluster is not locked and can be deleted.
- 1: The cluster is locked and cannot be deleted.
| 0 |
Category | string | The edition of PolarDB. Valid values:
- Normal: Cluster Edition.
- Basic: Single Node Edition.
- Archive: X-Engine Edition.
- NormalMultimaster: Multi-master Cluster Edition.
- SENormal: Standard Edition.
Only PolarDB for MySQL supports Single Node Edition.
Only PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.1 supports Standard Edition.
Only PolarDB for MySQL 8.0 supports X-Engine Edition and Multi-master Cluster Edition.
| Normal |
ResourceGroupId | string | The ID of your Alibaba Cloud resource group. | rg-*************** |
DataLevel1BackupChainSize | long | The total physical storage of level-1 backups (snapshots). Unit: bytes. | 74448896 |
DBClusterId | string | | pc-***************** |
DBType | string | The type of the database engine. | MySQL |
DBClusterNetworkType | string | The network type of the cluster. | VPC |
IsLatestVersion | boolean | Indicates whether the kernel is of the latest version. Valid values:
| false |
HasCompleteStandbyRes | boolean | Indicates whether to replenish resources for the primary database after a cross-zone switchover. Valid values: true false | false |
DataSyncMode | string | Indicates the rule of data replication. Valid values: AsyncSync: asynchronous. SemiSync: semi-synchronous. | AsyncSync |
StandbyHAMode | string | Indicates whether the cross-zone disaster recovery feature is enabled. Valid values: ON OFF 0: Customer Drill Mode | OFF |
StorageMax | long | The maximum storage capacity of the current cluster specification. Unit: bytes. | 10995116277760 |
DBVersion | string | The version of the database engine. | 8.0 |
DBNodes | object [] | The details of the nodes. | |
CreationTime | string | The time when the node was created. | 2020-03-23T21:35:43Z |
FailoverPriority | integer | The failover priority. Each node is assigned a failover priority. If a failover occurs, a node can be selected as a primary node. The priority determines the probability at which a node is selected as a primary node. A larger value indicates a higher priority. Valid values: 1 to 15. | 1 |
MaxIOPS | integer | The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS). | 32000 |
DBNodeClass | string | | polar.mysql.x4.large |
DBNodeRole | string | The role of the node. Valid values:
- Writer: The node is the primary node.
- Reader: The node is a read-only node.
| Reader |
ZoneId | string | | cn-hangzhou-i |
MaxConnections | integer | The maximum number of concurrent connections in the cluster. | 8000 |
DBNodeStatus | string | The status of the node. Valid values:
- Creating: The cluster is being created.
- Running: The cluster is running.
- Deleting: The cluster is being deleted.
- Rebooting: The cluster is restarting.
- DBNodeCreating: PolarProxy is being added.
- DBNodeDeleting: PolarProxy is being deleted.
- ClassChanging: The specification type of PolarProxy are being modified.
- NetAddressCreating: The network connection is being created.
- NetAddressDeleting: The network connection is being deleted.
- NetAddressModifying: The network connection is being modified.
- MinorVersionUpgrading: The minor version is being updated.
- Maintaining: The cluster is being maintained.
- Switching: A failover is being performed.
| Running |
DBNodeId | string | | pi-**************** |
ImciSwitch | string | Indicates whether the In-Memory Column Index (IMCI) feature is enabled. Valid values:
| ON |
HotReplicaMode | string | Indicates whether the hot standby feature is enabled. Valid values:
| ON |
AddedCpuCores | string | The number of CPU cores for compute node scale-out within seconds. | 6 |
MasterId | string | The ID of the primary node in the cluster that runs Multi-master Cluster Edition. | pi-bp18z52akld3***** |
SccMode | string | Indicates whether the global consistency (high-performance mode) feature is enabled for the node. Valid values:
| ON |
ServerWeight | string | The routing weight of the node. Valid values: 1 to 100 Default value: 1. | 1 |
ServerlessType | string | The type of the serverless node. Only AgileServerless can be returned.
This parameter is supported only for serverless clusters.
| AgileServerless |
ZoneIds | string | The zone ID of the cluster. | cn-hangzhou-i,cn-hangzhou-g |
MaintainTime | string | The maintenance window of the cluster. The format is HH:mmZ-HH:mmZ . The time is displayed in UTC. For example, the value 16:00Z-17:00Z indicates that the cluster can be maintained from 00:00 to 01:00 (UTC+08:00). | 18:00Z-19:00Z |
Engine | string | | POLARDB |
Tags | object [] | | |
Key | string | | test |
Value | string | | MySQL |
RequestId | string | | 074467EF-86B9-4C23-ACBF-E9B81A****** |
VPCId | string | The VPC ID of the cluster. | vpc-******************* |
DBClusterStatus | string | The status of the cluster. For information about the valid values, see Cluster states. | Running |
VSwitchId | string | The vSwitch ID of the cluster. | vsw-********************* |
DBClusterDescription | string | The description of the cluster. | test |
Expired | string | Indicates whether the cluster has expired. Valid values:
This parameter is returned only for subscription (Prepaid) clusters.
| false |
PayType | string | The billing method of the cluster. Valid values:
- Postpaid: pay-as-you-go.
- Prepaid: subscription
| Prepaid |
StoragePayType | string | The billing method of the storage. Valid values:
- Postpaid: pay-as-you-go
- Prepaid: subscription.
| Prepaid |
LockMode | string | The lock mode. Valid values:
- Unlock: The cluster is not locked.
- ManualLock: The cluster is manually locked.
- LockByExpiration: The cluster is automatically locked due to cluster expiration.
| Unlock |
StorageUsed | long | The storage space consumed by the cluster. Unit: bytes. | 3012558848 |
StorageSpace | long | The storage space that uses the subscription billing method. Unit: bytes. | 50 |
DBVersionStatus | string | The status of the minor version. Valid values:
- Stable: The minor version is stable.
- Old: The minor version is outdated. We recommend that you upgrade the cluster to the latest version.
- HighRisk: The minor version has critical defects. We recommend that you immediately upgrade the cluster to the latest version.
For more information about how to upgrade the minor version, see Upgrade versions.
| Stable |
CreationTime | string | The time when the cluster was created. | 2020-08-14T05:58:42Z |
SQLSize | long | The storage of SQL. Unit: bytes. If the value is -1, no data is stored. | 0 |
InodeTotal | long | Maximum inodes in file system. | 6,291,456 |
InodeUsed | long | | 4,194,304 |
BlktagTotal | long | Maximum blktags in file system. | 7,864,320 |
BlktagUsed | long | The current blktag usage. | 5,242,880 |
RegionId | string | The region ID of the security group. | cn-hangzhou |
ExpireTime | string | The time when the cluster expires.
A specific value will be returned only for subscription (Prepaid) clusters. For pay-as-you-go (Postpaid) clusters, an empty string will be returned.
| 2020-11-14T16:00:00Z |
SubCategory | string | The specification type of the compute node. Valid values:
- Exclusive: dedicated.
- General: general-purpose.
This parameter is supported only for PolarDB for MySQL clusters of Cluster Edition.
| Exclusive |
DeployUnit | string | The unit to which the cluster belongs. | default |
IsProxyLatestVersion | boolean | Indicates whether PolarProxy uses the latest version. Valid values:
| false |
StorageType | string | The storage type. Set the value to HighPerformance. | HighPerformance |
ServerlessType | string | The type of the serverless cluster. Only AgileServerless can be returned. | AgileServerless |
StrictConsistency | string | Indicates whether the multi-zone data consistency feature is enabled for the cluster. Valid values:
- ON: Multi-zone data consistency is enabled, which is suitable for Standard Edition clusters that run Multi-zone Edition.
| ON |
ProxyCpuCores | string | The number of CPU cores for PolarProxy. | 4 |
ProxyStandardCpuCores | string | The number of CPU cores for PolarProxy Standard Enterprise Edition. | 2 |
ProxyType | string | The type of PolarProxy. Valid values:
- Exclusive: Dedicated Enterprise Edition
- General: Standard Enterprise Edition
| Exclusive |
ProxyStatus | string | The status of PolarProxy. Valid values:
- Creating: PolarProxy is being created.
- Running: PolarProxy is running.
- Deleting: PolarProxy is being released.
- Rebooting: PolarProxy is restarting.
- DBNodeCreating: PolarProxy is being added.
- DBNodeDeleting: PolarProxy is being deleted.
- ClassChanging: The specifications of PolarProxy are being changed.
- NetAddressCreating: The network connection is being created.
- NetAddressDeleting: The network connection is being deleted.
- NetAddressModifying: The network connection is being modified.
- Deleted: PolarProxy is released.
| Running |
ProxyServerlessType | string | The type of the serverless PolarProxy. Valid value: AgileServerless. | AgileServerless |
AiType | string | The information status of the AI node. Valid values:
- SearchNode: search node.
- DLNode: AI node
| DLNode |