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Platform For AI:DSW use cases

Last Updated:Jun 26, 2024

This topic describes the relevant topics of Data Science Workshop (DSW) use cases.



Responsible AI: Fairness analysis

This topic describes how to use responsible-ai-toolbox to perform fairness analysis on the model in DSW. In this topic, the fairness of a model that predicts whether the annual income exceeds 50K is evaluated in terms of gender and race.

Responsible AI: error analysis

This topic describes how to use the responsible-ai-toolbox to perform error analysis on a model in DSW. In this topic, a model that predicts whether the annual income exceeds 50K is evaluated.

Use EasyVision to detect objects

This topic describes how to use EasyVision in DSW to detect objects.

Use EasyTransfer to develop a text classification model

This topic uses text classification as an example to describe how to use EasyTransfer to train and evaluate models, use models to make predictions, export model files, and deploy models in DSW.

Use EasyASR for speech recognition

This topic describes how to use EasyASR for speech recognition in DSW.

Use EasyASR for speech classification

This topic describes how to use EasyASR for speech classification in DSW.