You can adjust the brightness of an image stored in OSS by adding bright parameters. This topic describes the parameters used to adjust the brightness of an image and provides examples on how to adjust the brightness of an image.


Operation name: bright

The following table describes the parameters you can configure.

Parameter Description Valid value
[value] The percentage by which to adjust the image brightness. [-100, 100]
  • A value smaller than 0 indicates that the brightness of the image is decreased.
  • A value of 0 indicates that the brightness of the image is not changed.
  • A value greater than 0 indicates that the brightness of the image is increased.


You can process images by using object URLs, OSS SDKs, or API operations. In this example, object URLs are used. For more information about how to use OSS SDKs and API operations to process images, see IMG implementation modes.

An image in the bucket named oss-console-img-demo-cn-hangzhou in the China (Hangzhou) region is used in this example. The following URL is used to access the image over the Internet: