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Microservices Engine:Enable the Nacos open source console

Last Updated:Nov 17, 2023

The Nacos engine provides a default console, which is the open source console. In Microservices Engine (MSE) Nacos V2.2.3.1 and later, the open source console is automatically disabled to improve security capabilities of the console. This topic describes how to enable the open source console when it is disabled.



  1. Log on to the MSE console.

  2. On the Instances page, click the name of the instance.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Parameter Settings.

  4. In the Effective Parameters After Restart section, click Edit and set ConsoleUIEnabled to Yes to enable the open source console.

  • After you enable the open source console, your MSE Nacos instance is restarted. Your ongoing business is not affected during the restart. However, a small number of logs may be generated, indicating that the requests from the Nacos client are rejected and the Nacos client is reconnected to the Nacos engine. This is a normal symptom.

  • In Nacos versions earlier than V2.2.2, a logon page is always displayed for authentication based on your account and password when you access the open source console, regardless of whether the default authentication plug-in is enabled. In Nacos V2.2.2 and later, the logon page of the open source console no longer appears if the default authentication plug-in is not enabled. If the open source console is enabled for your MSE Nacos instance, the logon page also does not appear.