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Microservices Engine:Create a cloud-native gateway

Last Updated:Jul 08, 2024

Before you can use a cloud-native gateway, you must create a cloud-native gateway and specify the microservice environment that you use. This way, the cloud-native gateway can interoperate with your microservice environment.


  1. Log on to the MSE console. In the top navigation bar, select a region.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Cloud-native Gateway > Gateways.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the Gateways page, click Create Gateway.

  4. On the buy page, configure the parameters and click Buy Now.



    Billing Method

    Select Subscription or Pay-as-you-go.


    Select the region in which you want to deploy the gateway.

    Gateway Name

    Enter a name for the gateway. The name length cannot exceed 64 characters. We recommend that you configure the gateway name based on the environment or the type of your business, such as test or order-prod.

    Gateway Engine Specifications

    Select 2 Cores, 4 GB, 4 Cores, 8 GB, 8 Cores, 16 GB, or 16 Cores, 32 GB based on your business requirements.

    Gateway Nodes

    Select the number of gateway nodes. If you want to deploy the gateway in a production environment, we recommend that you configure at least two nodes.


    A single-node gateway may result in business interruptions. We recommend that you do not configure a single-node gateway.

    Hardware Acceleration

    Select Enable TLS Hardware Accelerator to enable TLS hardware acceleration. This way, the handshake performance of TLS is doubled.


    Due to the limitations on the underlying hardware, the TLS hardware acceleration feature is available only in the China (Beijing), China (Shanghai), China (Hangzhou), China (Shenzhen), and Singapore regions.

    Resource Group

    Select a resource group from the drop-down list.


    Select the virtual private cloud (VPC) in which the backend services are deployed.

    Load Balancing Type

    Select CLB or NLB.

    vSwitch Location

    Select Fixed Zone or Optional Zone.


    If you select Fixed Zone for vSwitch Location, you must specify Zone. Cloud-native gateways use the vSwitches in VPCs to communicate with backend services. We recommend that you select a vSwitch that is deployed in the same zone as the backend services.

    Internet CLB Specifications

    Select a public IP address for access over the Internet.

    Intranet CLB Specifications

    Select a private IP address for access over a VPC.

    Security Group Type

    Select a security group type for your gateway. The default type is Advanced Security Group. We recommend that you select the same security group type as the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance on which backend services are deployed. For more information, see Overview.

    Gateway Monitoring

    By default, Managed Service for Prometheus is activated. This service collects the metric data of gateways, displays data on dashboards, and manages alerts. You can use Managed Service for Prometheus free of charge.

    Log Service

    Select Use Log Service to activate Simple Log Service and enable log shipping to help you analyze logs and visualize data on dashboards. For more information, see Enable log shipping for a cloud-native gateway.

    Tracing Analysis

    Select Use Managed Service for OpenTelemetry to activate Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for OpenTelemetry and enable the gateway tracing analysis feature. For more information, see Enable Tracing Analysis for a cloud-native gateway.

    Service-linked Role

    Associate a service-linked role with the MSE cloud-native gateway to allow access to other Alibaba Cloud services.


    If you select Subscription for Billing Method, you must select a duration. You can select Auto-renewal to continue to use the gateway after the gateway expires.


    The system may require 2 minutes to 3 minutes to create the cloud-native gateway.

Verify the result

Return to the Gateways page and check the status and configurations of the cloud-native gateway. If the gateway uses the configurations that you specified and the status of the gateway is Running, the gateway is created.