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ApsaraDB for MongoDB:View backup storage capacity

Last Updated:May 30, 2024

You can view the backup storage capacity of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance in the ApsaraDB for MongoDB console. The backup storage capacity displayed in the ApsaraDB for MongoDB console includes the total size of all backup files (full backup files and log backup files) of the MongoDB instance and the free backup quota provided for the instance. You are charged for the backup storage capacity that exceeds the free quota of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance on a pay-as-you-go basis. This topic describes how to view the backup storage capacity of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.

Background information

  • Backup storage capacity is the total storage capacity used by full backup and log backup files.

  • You are charged for the backup storage capacity that exceeds the free quota of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance on a pay-as-you-go basis. For more information about billing rules, see

    the Pricing tab of the ApsaraDB for MongoDB buy page.

    The following free quotas are provided by ApsaraDB for MongoDB:

    • Instances that use cloud disks: You are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis when your storage space exceeds 200% of the instance storage capacity.

    • Instances that use local disks: You are charged on a pay-as-you-go basis when your storage space exceeds 50% of the instance storage capacity.


  1. Go to the Replica Set Instances or Sharded Cluster Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the instance resides. Then, find the instance and click the ID of the instance.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane of the instance details page, click Backup and Restoration.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the backup list, view the backup storage details, including used storage and free quota.


    If the instance is a standalone or replica set instance, you can view information in the Backup Storage field in the Specification Information section of the Basic Information page of the instance. The information includes storage capacity used by full backup and log backup files and the free backup quota.


How do I view the fees incurred for instance backup?

You can view the bills of the Backup Storage Size billable item on the Billing Details tab of the Bill Details page.

Related API operations




Queries the backup sets of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.


Queries the backup sets of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance that uses cloud disks.


Queries the backup storage capacity of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set or sharded cluster instance that uses cloud disks.