You can use Data Management (DMS) to manage database accounts of ApsaraDB for MongoDB. This topic describes how to use DMS to create and query database accounts.


  1. An ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance is created. The methods that you can use to create an instance vary based on the instance architecture. For more information, see the following topics:
  2. The instance is connected by using DMS. Connection methods vary based on the instance architecture. For more information, see the following topics:


Database accounts must be unique within a database.

Create database accounts

  • Database accounts created by using DMS are not listed on the Accounts page in the ApsaraDB for MongoDB console.
  • A database account belongs to the database in which the account is created.
db.createUser({user: "user_name", pwd: "password", roles:[{role: "role_name", db: "role_database_name"}]})
The following table describes the parameters used in the syntax.
Parameter Description Example
user_name The name of the database account.

If the name contains specific special characters, they must be percent-encoded. These special characters include : / ? # [ ] @. For more information, see Percent-Encoding.

password The password of the database account. 123456Aa
role_name The role assigned to the database account.

For more information, see the "Roles of database accounts" section of this topic.

role_database_name The database in which the role is created.

For example, {role: "readAnyDatabase", db: "admin"} specifies to assign the readAnyDatabase role to the account of the admin database. In this case, the account has read-only permissions on all databases in the instance.



Create an account named "test" in the admin database, set the account password to 123456Aa, and assign the readAnyDatabase role to the account.
db.createUser({user: "test", pwd: "123456Aa", roles:[{role: "readAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}]})

If a value of 1.0 is returned for ok, the account is created. Otherwise, the account cannot be created.

If the account creation is successful, the following result is returned:
        'ok': 1.0,
        'operationTime': Timestamp(1655286737,1),
        '$clusterTime': {
            'clusterTime': Timestamp(1655286737,1),
            'signature': {
                'hash': BinData(0,"6+urVhsBbHyxgny3S7****"),
                'keyId': NumberLong(710604588397****)
Note For more information, see Response.

Query database accounts

To query all database accounts that belong to an instance, use the following method:

Run the following command:
Note This command can be used without any changes.
The following result is returned:
        '_id': "admin.root",
        'userId': BinData(3,"b079b4c8-0e34-4e0d-90f9-7574141****"),
        'user': "root",
        'db': "admin",
        'credentials': {
            'SCRAM-SHA-1': {
                'iterationCount': 10000,
                'salt': "eCUjsUnIqvfLYbY****",
                'storedKey': "W0t/jpngji+Mffy****",
                'serverKey': "sryLTQRiOm9s+EVO1j****"
            'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
                'iterationCount': 15000,
                'salt': "scONYL9TYtM0RNKAhzurFxus2sdr****",
                'storedKey': "0Byz0qQdafMmaEWhiA304zb9MFOT****",
                'serverKey': "1tLLzdk1qmry3zAuVZZZVFZNw0****"
        'roles': [
                'role': "root",
                'db': "admin"
        '_id': "admin.test",
        'userId': BinData(3,"769ea9a1-6224-470e-8162-19a62f****"),
        'user': "test",
        'db': "admin",
        'credentials': {
            'SCRAM-SHA-1': {
                'iterationCount': 10000,
                'salt': "8fyXsIUgs6aQmafh****",
                'storedKey': "fJQFoKsl7llXdiU/4v****",
                'serverKey': "Tf1zygJ1jti/3/P3UM****"
            'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
                'iterationCount': 15000,
                'salt': "wcWRhs9VXEsmNWtd7ZDQinT****",
                'storedKey': "A5GiHrQE9/tf70hakRY3U3joho3Grt****",
                'serverKey': "ryRAcj6zomYiHJqhA9ObvuYALc3ZZ****"
        'roles': [
                'role': "readAnyDatabase",
                'db': "admin"

To query all database accounts that belong to a specific database, use one of the following methods:

  • Method 1: Query accounts on the Account Management page of the DMS console.
    1. Log on to the DMS console, choose Database instance > Instances Connected in the left-side navigation pane. Then, find the instance to which the database belongs and right-click its ID.
    2. Select Account Management from the shortcut menu.
    3. On the Account Management page, select the database for which you want to query accounts from the drop-down list.

      On this page, you can view the User name, Database, Database Permission information and click Edit or Delete to edit or delete the account.

  • Method 2: Run a query command in the admin database.
    • Syntax:
      db.getCollection("system.users").find({db: "database_name"})

      database_name indicates the name of the database for which you want to query an account.

    • Example:
      db.getCollection("system.users").find({db: "admin"})
      The following result is returned:
              '_id': "admin.root",
              'userId': BinData(3,"b079b4c8-0e34-4e0d-90f9-7574141****"),
              'user': "root",
              'db': "admin",
              'credentials': {
                  'SCRAM-SHA-1': {
                      'iterationCount': 10000,
                      'salt': "eCUjsUnIqvfLYbY****",
                      'storedKey': "W0t/jpngji+Mffy****",
                      'serverKey': "sryLTQRiOm9s+EVO1j****"
                  'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
                      'iterationCount': 15000,
                      'salt': "scONYL9TYtM0RNKAhzurFxus2sdr****",
                      'storedKey': "0Byz0qQdafMmaEWhiA304zb9MFOT****",
                      'serverKey': "1tLLzdk1qmry3zAuVZZZVFZNw0****"
              'roles': [
                      'role': "root",
                      'db': "admin"
              '_id': "admin.test",
              'userId': BinData(3,"769ea9a1-6224-470e-8162-19a62f****"),
              'user': "test",
              'db': "admin",
              'credentials': {
                  'SCRAM-SHA-1': {
                      'iterationCount': 10000,
                      'salt': "8fyXsIUgs6aQmafh****",
                      'storedKey': "fJQFoKsl7llXdiU/4v****",
                      'serverKey': "Tf1zygJ1jti/3/P3UM****"
                  'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
                      'iterationCount': 15000,
                      'salt': "wcWRhs9VXEsmNWtd7ZDQinT****",
                      'storedKey': "A5GiHrQE9/tf70hakRY3U3joho3Grt****",
                      'serverKey': "ryRAcj6zomYiHJqhA9ObvuYALc3ZZ****"
              'roles': [
                      'role': "readAnyDatabase",
                      'db': "admin"
  • Method 3: Run a query command in the database from which you want to query an account.
    You can select the database from the database drop-down list on the SQL Console page in the DMS console and run the following command:
    show users
    Note This command can be used without any changes.
    The following result is returned:
            'users': [
                    '_id': "admin.root",
                    'userId': BinData(3,"b079b4c8-0e34-4e0d-90f9-7574141****"),
                    'user': "root",
                    'db': "admin",
                    'roles': [
                            'role': "root",
                            'db': "admin"
                    'mechanisms': [
                    '_id': "admin.test",
                    'userId': BinData(3,"769ea9a1-6224-470e-8162-19a62f****"),
                    'user': "test",
                    'db': "admin",
                    'roles': [
                            'role': "readAnyDatabase",
                            'db': "admin"
                    'mechanisms': [
            'ok': 1.0,
            'operationTime': Timestamp(1655967385,1),
            '$clusterTime': {
                'clusterTime': Timestamp(1655967385,1),
                'signature': {
                    'hash': BinData(0,"f2gL0FuIITTKp+6Ex+25TFt****"),
                    'keyId': NumberLong(710604588397****)

To query a single database account that belongs to a specific database, use the following method:

db.getCollection("system.users").find({user: "user_name", db: "database_name"})
  • user_name: the name of the database account.
  • database_name: the name of the database to which the database account belongs.
Run the following command in the admin database:
db.getCollection("system.users").find({user: "test", db: "admin"})
The following result is returned:
        '_id': "admin.test",
        'userId': BinData(3,"769ea9a1-6224-470e-8162-19a62f****"),
        'user': "test",
        'db': "admin",
        'credentials': {
            'SCRAM-SHA-1': {
                'iterationCount': 10000,
                'salt': "8fyXsIUgs6aQmafh****",
                'storedKey': "fJQFoKsl7llXdiU/4v****",
                'serverKey': "Tf1zygJ1jti/3/P3UM****"
            'SCRAM-SHA-256': {
                'iterationCount': 15000,
                'salt': "wcWRhs9VXEsmNWtd7ZDQinT****",
                'storedKey': "A5GiHrQE9/tf70hakRY3U3joho3Grt****",
                'serverKey': "ryRAcj6zomYiHJqhA9ObvuYALc3ZZ****"
        'roles': [
                'role': "readAnyDatabase",
                'db': "admin"

Roles of database accounts

Database Role Description
All databases readOnly Grants read-only permissions on the database.
readWrite Grants read and write permissions on the database.
userAdmin Allows the user to create accounts and roles in the database.
dbAdmin Allows the user to manage collections in the database.
dbOwner Contains permissions granted by readWrite, userAdmin, and dbAdmin.
enableSharding Allows the user to enable or disable cross-shard distribution of databases in a sharded cluster instance.
admin database readAnyDatabase Grants read-only permissions on all databases.
readWriteAnyDatabase Grants read and write permissions on all databases.
userAdminAnyDatabase Allows the user to create accounts and roles in all databases.
dbAdminAnyDatabase Allows the user to manage collections in all databases.
clusterMonitor Allows the user to run commands that query database performance information.
hostManager Allows the user to run the setParameter, killop, resync, and killCursors commands. For more information, see hostManager.
clusterManager Allows the user to manage nodes.
clusterAdmin Contains permissions granted by clusterMonitor, hostManager, and clusterManager.
root Contains permissions granted by all roles that are available to the admin database, such as readAnyDatabase, readWriteAnyDatabase, userAdminAnyDatabase, and dbAdminAnyDatabase.
Note For more information, see Built-In Roles and MongoDB.
