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Mobile Platform as a Service:MAS FAQs

Last Updated:Jul 19, 2023

How do I check whether Mobile Analysis Service (MAS) is integrated into the client correctly?

View local logs (Android or iOS), or view logs in the console to check whether MAS is integrated correctly.

Why is data not available in the console after MAS is integrated into the client correctly?

The client logs are automatically uploaded to the log server only under certain conditions. For example, the number of local logs reaches the threshold, or the time that the app is running in the background exceeds the limit. To view data at the earliest during testing, you can manually force logs to be uploaded immediately on the client.

For more information, see Upload logs manually from Android or Upload logs manually from iOS.

Why are the event PVs and UVs not available after an event is created in the console?

To view the event PVs and UVs, make sure that:

Why are the event UVs always 0 after an event is created in the console?

Make sure that the user ID is set on the client. For information about how to set the user ID, see User ID.

Why is no data displayed on the custom dashboard?

Perform the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check whether the log uploading switch is turned on. Log on to the mPaaS console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Mobile Analysis Service > Log management > Configure uploading switch > Tracking point configuration. On the log switch list, verify that the log uploading switch is turned on for a specific tracking point. For more information, see Configure log uploading switch.

  2. Check whether the logs that correspond to the dashboard are uploaded to the server. In the console, choose Log management > Play back logs to query historical logs.

    • If the corresponding logs are found, the logs have been uploaded. For more information, see Query historical logs.

    • If the corresponding logs are not found, check whether the app has triggered logs. Perform the following steps:

      1. Disconnect your phone from the network before logs are triggered.

      2. After the app enters the background, go to the local log directory to check whether the queried logs exist.

        • iOS clients: Logs are stored in the sandbox directory: Library > atrack > logs.

        • Android clients: Logs are stored in /data/data/[PackageName]/files/mdap or /sdcard/Android/data/[PackageName]/files/mdap. The log path varies depending on the release_type field in assets/channel.config. For more information, see View local logs.

      3. After logs are generated on the client, play back logs again to check whether the logs are uploaded to the server.

        After logs are generated on the client, the logs are uploaded automatically only when the number of locally cached logs reaches the threshold. The threshold may vary depending on the log type. To facilitate debugging, go to the mPaaS console, and choose Mobile Analysis Service > Log management> Configure uploading switch. On the page that appears, set Uploaded log threshold to 1. This parameter specifies the number of logs of the current type in local files. When the number is reached, logs are uploaded. After debugging, you can change the value back to the original one. For more information about log uploading, see Upload logs from Android or Upload logs from iOS.

  3. After log playback, if you find that the logs are not uploaded to the server, check whether tracking points are deployed incorrectly. For more information, see Deploy tracking points in Android or Deploy tracking points in iOS. After tracking points are deployed, perform Step 2 again to ensure that the logs are uploaded.

  4. If the logs are uploaded to the server but no data is displayed on the dashboard, check whether the log data format is valid.

    Compare the raw logs under Play back logs against Tracking log models to check whether the log data format is valid. If not, modify the format based on the log model corresponding to the tracking point type.

  5. Also, if the problem persists, you can search by group number 41708565 in DingTalk and join the group for consultation.

Why are crash logs on iOS clients not parsed in the console?

Crash logs on iOS clients can be parsed only by using a packaged dSYM file.

The crash statistics feature provided by iOS clients supports symbolization of crash logs. To use this feature in your app, go to the mPaaS console and choose Mobile Delivery Service > Delivery management to upload a dSYM file.