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Mobile Platform as a Service:Create a publishing task

Last Updated:Oct 16, 2023

After you create a dynamic ant card and add a card resource, you must publish the dynamic ant card before the client can pull the card. This topic describes how to create an Ant Cube Card Publishing task in the mPaaS console.


If you want to publish a card in the whitelist mode, you must create a whitelist before you publish the card. For more information about how to create a whitelist, see Whitelist management.


  1. Log on to the mPaaS console. In the left-side navigation pane, select an application.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Real-time Publishing > Ant Cube Cards > Card Management. The Card Management page appears.

  3. In the Card List on the Card Management page, click the card that you want to publish.

  4. Click Create Release. The Create Release page appears.

  5. On the Create Release page, set the following parameters and click OK.

    • Release Type: required. Grayscale release and official release. If you select phased release, you can configure the release model, whitelist, and advanced rules. If you select formal release, you do not need to configure these parameters.

    • Publish Model: required. You can select the release model of the whitelist or time window.

      • Whitelist: You can publish cards based on the whitelist. Only users who are in the whitelist can pull cards.

        • Whitelist: If you set the Release Model parameter to Whitelist, you must select an created whitelist.


        If the number of selected whitelisted users exceeds 100000, only the first 100000 users are selected.

      • Time Window: Within a specified time range, a phased release is performed based on the maximum number of users.

        • If you select a time window model for phased release, you need to specify the time window closing time and the number of people in the phased release.

    • Release Description: optional. Notes the current publishing task.

    • Advanced Rules: optional. You can publish within a specific rule scope. You can select the platform, type, operation type, and resource value.

      • Platform: required. iOS, Android, all.

      • Type: required. City, model, network, and device system version.

      • Operation Type: required. Included or not included. Under the equipment system version type, the operation type has additional in-range and out-of-range options.

      • Resource Value: required. You can enter the resource value directly. You can also configure the resource mapping relationship in the publishing rule in advance and call this operation here. For more information about how to add resource values for advanced rules, see Manage publishing rules.

At this point, you have finished publishing the card. After the card is published, the task is in the Publishing state. For a task that is being published, you can view, pause, or end the task. If a card has a version that is in the Publishing task, you cannot create a publishing task. You must wait until the current publishing task is finished, or end the current Publishing task before creating a new task. ​