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Mobile Platform as a Service:10.1.68 series baseline (discontinued maintenance)

Last Updated:Sep 13, 2024

Important: Since V10.1.68.10, the mPaaS client can check the identity of Alibaba Cloud and public cloud users. Users who fail the verification will no longer be able to use the capabilities of mPaaS. To make sure that you can use mPaaS, log on to the mPaaS console to obtain the .config file again and import it into your project. For more information, see Check identity of mPaaS users.

The release notes describe the updates of the Android SDK with baseline 10.1.68 after mPaaS is released. The release notes are sorted in reverse chronological order.

  • Added feature

  • Updated feature

  • Fixed feature

  • Removed feature

  • Known issues

For more upgrade and adaptation information of baseline 10.1.68, see Upgrade guide to mPaaS 10.1.68. 18, 2022)

Social sharing

  • Updated The DingTalk SDK is split and supports removing DingTalk separately.

Mobile Delivery Service

  • Updated The default download path of the mPaaS upgrade component is changed from the original external storage to the internal storage. For details, please refer to the default storage path. (August 24, 2022)

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed Fixed the issue that in Portal&Bundle integration mode, the child process could not call RPC after the first privacy popup consent.

H5 Containers and offline packages (August 4, 2022)

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed Fixed zip decompression vulnerability.

Mobile Analysis

  • Removed Removed codes related to physical activity recognition permissions. & (July 8, 2022)

H5 Containers and offline packages

  • Fixed Fixed problems from pushWindow and closeCurrentWindow.

Social Sharing

  • Removed Removed the secret saving function of WeChat SDK.

Message push

  • Fixed Support vivo 3.0 and later versions.

  • Fixed Support OPPO 3.02 and later versions.

mPaaS Framework

  • Updated Optimized startup speed. (May 27, 2022)

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed Optimized privacy call.

H5 Containers and offline packages

  • Updated shouldOverrideUrlLoading supports interception functionality. (May 12, 2022)

Mobile Analysis

  • Updated The UC crash SDK is not initialized before the privacy agreement is approved, and the UC crash SDK can be initialized only after the privacy agreement is approved.

V10.1.68.46 (April 14, 2022)

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed The issues which might cause activity leak have been fixed.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • New The feature of disabling logcat log in debug packages has been added.

  • Fixed In the componentized access mode, the issues of the process information invocation before some privacy pop-ups have been fixed.

  • Removed The log backup directory is no longer created on the SD card.

V10.1.68.45 (February 11, 2022)


  • Fixed The issue that when using the standard UI in, clicking select the album button would cause a crash in a specific scene has been fixed.

V10.1.68.44 (January 21, 2022)


  • Fixed

    The issue of occasional increase in the stuck rate in componentized mode has been fixed.


  • Fixed

    The problem that the Mini Program fails to load some resources has been fixed.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Added

    The function of adding custom parameters to automated logs has been added.

Mobile Gateway Service

  • Added

    The network performance monitoring function has been added.


  • Fixed

    The occasional crash issues in the standard UI has been fixed.

  • Known issues

    In the AAR access mode, when the Framework and Multimedia components are accessed at the same time, or the Framework and Mini Program components are accessed at the same time, clicking the button of Select the album would cause a crash. If you have already used the current version, please upgrade as soon as possible.

V10.1.68.43 (January 6, 2022)


  • Fixed

    The issue has been fixed that the privacy popup status is invalid.

  • Fixed

    The issue has been fixed that ZIP decompression path hasn't been detected in the framework.

Mobile Delivery Service

  • Fixed

    The issue has been fixed that some Android phones can not work properly.

V10.1.68.42 (November 26, 2021)


  • Added

    The Agree status in the privacy popup has been cleared.

  • Fixed

    The issue has been fixed where the privacy permission would be used when calling exitApp after the privacy popup was rejected.

V10.1.68.41 (November 12, 2021)


  • Fixed

    The occasional crash issue under the version of the baseline has been fixed.

V10.1.68.40 (November 11, 2021)


  • Updated

    The configuration of Proguard in the component has been optimized.

  • Updated

    FinalR class in AAR access mode has been optimized to make it optional.

  • Fixed

    The fixed issue that getting the application Activity list before agreeing in the privacy pop-up box.

Message Push Service

  • Updated

    The compression of pictures in self-built channels has been optimized.

  • Fixed

    The issue that the Huawei channel URL has a # has been fixed.

V10.1.68.38 & V10.1.68.39 (November 1, 2021)

  • Updated

    The configuration of the functional component Proguard has been updated and optimized. (September 29, 2021)


  • Added

    The adaptation to Android 12 has been added. For more details, please refer to Adapt to Android 12.

Mini Program

  • Added

    The support for configuring the maximum length of a single piece of data and the total upper limit of the cache for my.setStorage has been added.

  • Fixed

    The problem that the video component cannot be played when it is opened for the second time when there is no poster cover image has been fixed.

  • Fixed

    The barrier-free adaptation screen reading has been optimized.

Mobile Gateway Service

  • Added

    IPv4 priority policy has been added in LocalDNS. (September 9, 2021)

Security Guard

  • Updated

    Optimize the proguard configuration in native AAR access mode.

Social Sharing

  • Updated

    Optimize the proguard configuration in native AAR access mode.


  • Added

    Setting horizontal screen in start page is supported in Portal&Bundle access mode.


  • Updated

    Update the titleText property to aui_titleText property.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Fixed

    Fix the bug that H5 ssl error cannot execute to the error page.

Message Push Service

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that the default message notification fails to redirect to the web page after being clicked.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Added

    API for setting custom ID is added.

Mini Program Container

  • Fixed

    Fix the bug containing in the function of selecting cities.

Intelligent Human-Computer Communication

  • Fixed

    Fix the audio decoding failure of some devices. (August 17, 2021)

Message Push Service

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that when the application runs in the foreground, it will repeatedly report the message to the event tracking after receiving the message through the FCM channel. Refer to Access FCM push channel to upgrade fcm-adapter to version 0.0.2.

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that the picture contained in the message received through the FCM channel cannot be displayed when the application is in the foreground. Upgrade fcm-adapter to version 0.0.2, refer to Access FCM push channel.


  • Fixed

    Fix the problem of occasional black screen when using MPScanner in custom UI.

Social Sharing

  • Added

    The independent obfuscation configuration in AAR access mode is added.


  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that the API related to GET_TASKS permission will be called when the application accessed with component-based mode runs in the background immediately after it started.

Mini Program Container

  • Added

    The getMpaasInfo plug-in is added, which can obtain information such as the appId of the mini problem.

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that the Web component of mini problem fails to call the camera to take pictures. (July 29, 2021)


  • Fixed

    Rename some conflicting names of attrs, and change the inputType of AUInputBox to aui_inputType, inputHint is changed to android:hint.


  • Added

    The full-screen standard UI that supports multiple QR code recognition is added.

  • Added

    The function of continuously scanning QR code after the successful recognition of QR code is added.

Message Push Service

  • Added

    The independent obfuscation configuration in AAR access mode is added.

  • Fixed

    The potential intent vulnerabilities are fixed.

Application Performance Management

  • Added

    The statistics of page load time are added.

  • Added

    The statistics of mobile gateway request time are added.

  • Added

    The statistics of custom network request time is added.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Added

    An extended interface related to higher version of UC populate error page is added in MPH5ErrorPageView, which can be ignored currently. Now, usePopulateErrorPage returns false, and populateErrorPage returns null.

  • Updated

    The default switch on the page is turned off. It was turned on by default, but now it can be turned off.

  • Removed

    Some useless codes related to privacy are removed. (July 1, 2021)

Message Push Service

  • Added

    The debug log of vendor channel is added.

  • Updated

    The access method is reconstructed to reduce the access cost and improve the access experience.

  • Updated

    The version of MiPush is upgraded to SDK V4.0.2.

  • Updated

    Statistics reporting API is updated.

  • Updated

    AndroidManifest configuration required by some manufacturers to push SDK is added.

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that automatic badge removal function of PUSH crashes on Huawei models that do not support corner marks.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Added

    The Input File tag allows users to use the mph5openfilechooseprovider, which can intercept by itself and implement the logic of choosing files. For more details, see Use MPH5OpenFileChooserProvider.

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem that some phones in Android 11 cannot select files when using the Input File.


    MIUI ROM must ensure that Developer Options> Turn on MIUI Optimization is turned on, otherwise the file cannot be selected on MIUI ROM. It is the problem of ROM, not the the problem of SDK adaptation.

  • Removed

    The JS injection with useless initialization is removed.

Mini Program

  • Fixed

    Fix the low-probability crash of the map embedded component in the debug package.

Mobile Real-Time Communication

  • Removed

    Remove unnecessary dependencies so that the size of the package is reduced. (June 7, 2021)

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Added

    A control switch for framework’s function of automatic active reporting is added.


  • Removed

    Partially useless service declarations are removed. (May 19, 2021)

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Fixed

    Occasionally crash when switch animation in the Fragment is fixed.

Mini Program

  • Added

    The API of custom component is added.

  • Fixed

    The screenshot API is invalid in Android of higher version.

Message Push Service

  • Updated

    Adapt to OPPO PUSH SDK V2.1.0.

  • Fixed

    Compatibility problem of the styles of graphic message notification bar on some models is fixed.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Fixed

    Crash monitor initialization occasionally crashes is fixed. (April 23, 2021)

Location Based Service (LBS)

  • Updated

    The internal APIS of AutoNavi LBS send/receive request by HTTPS enforced. (April 20, 2021)

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Added

    The method of obtaining and updating channel number cache is added.

Message Push Service

  • Added

    The large text messages and graphic messages have been supported by self-built message of built-in channel.

  • Updated

    The packageId of pushsdk-build has been updated from 127 to 110. If you used componentized Portal&Bundle access method, please check if 110 is repetitive with your existing bundle project’s packageId. If yes, please change your bundle project’s packageId. (March 19, 2021)

Mobile Real-Time Communication

  • Added

    Upgrade the SDK, support setting resolution id, switching between landscape and Portrait, and optimize other details.

Mini Program

  • Updated

    my.request needs to set your own ssl factory. If not, the my.request https request of Mini Program will be affected. For more details, please refer to my.request.

  • Fixed

    The map memery leak problem of mini program is fixed.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Updated

    HTTP error code 412 doesn't trigger error page. (March 5, 2021)

Mini Program

  • Updated

    The scan code API is available.

  • Updated

    The picture selection API is available.

  • Updated

    The city selection API is available.

  • Fixed

    Fix the resource conflict problem in default title AAR.

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed

    The compatibility between privacy bullets and hot fixes in AAR access mode is fixed. (January 27, 2021)

Code Scanner

  • Added

    Recognize 4-digit barcode.

  • Added

    The album button can be hidden under the standard UI.

  • Updated

    Improved barcode recognition capability(Custom code scaning function may need to adapt to the interface changes, see Advanced guide).

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Updated

    The input file tag supports image/*.

  • Fixed

    Fix the XSS injection problem of UC kernel.

  • Fixed

    Fix bug in default setting userId.

Mini Program

  • Fixed

    Possible memory leak risk is fixed.

  • Fixed

    The problem that the video is black when playing in full screen under the arm64-v8a architecture is fixed.

Message Push Service

  • Updated

    To avoid background startup, adjust the three-way channel initialization time.

Social Sharing

  • Fixed

    The problem of QQ cannot use Provided official API in the componentized access method is fixed.

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed

    In the componentized access mode, the related authority issues generated by calling GET_TASKS without confirming the privacy pop-up window. (January 8, 2021)

Hot Fix

  • Fixed

    When using the mPaaS hardening service, the problem of some internal classes cannot be hot-fixed is fixed.

mPaaS Framework

  • Fixed

    After the privacy pop-up window pops up, and the user has not confirmed the privacy pop-up window, the application running in the background calls the API problem related to the GET_TASKS permission. (December 14, 2020)

Social Sharing

  • Fixed

    The failure in sharing to QQ is fixed. (December 11, 2020)

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Removed

    Useless parameters are removed from log configuration requests and requests for uploading diagnosis logs.

Mini Program

  • Added

    Response parameters proviceName and cityName are added to the chooseLocation operation. (November 20, 2020)

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Removed

    Exception logs for the diagnosis feature that are generated when storage permissions are not authorized are removed.

mPaaS Framework

  • Removed

    Some unwanted logs are removed.

Location Based Service

  • Updated

    The auto check-in feature of the Location-based Service component is disabled by default. To enable the feature, you must manually configure the feature. For more information about configurations of the auto check-in feature, see Configure AndroidManifest.

Content Delivery Platform

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem of the floating icon widget’s support for GIF elements.

  • Updated

    Since baseline, the Content Delivery Platform (CDP) component is not initialized by default to pull widget area information and promotional activities when the process starts. To enable initialization after startup, you must manually configure the feature.

Mobile Synchronization

  • Fixed

    The failure in receiving messages in lock screen mode is fixed. (November 6, 2020)

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Fixed

    After a user agrees on privacy authorization, the runtime logs generated after current startup can be reported.

  • Removed

    Some unwanted error logs are removed. (October 21, 2020)

Message Push Service

  • Added

    Huawei HMS5 Core SDK is supported.

  • Updated

    The methods of connecting to third-party push SDKs are updated. The client can be connected to a single push channel. If the client has been connected to a third-party channel, the version of the third-party push SDK must be adapted and updated. For more information, see Connect to a third-party push channel.

Social Sharing

  • Fixed

    The callback bug about Weibo sharing SDK is fixed.

V10.1.68.15 (September 30, 2020)

Content Delivery Platform

  • Fixed

    The deformation and tapping failure of preset floating icons are fixed.

  • Fixed

    Exposure of the sharing API operations is fixed.

  • Added

    The protocol for redirection to offline packages is supported.

mPaaS Framework

  • Removed

    Some unwanted error logs are removed.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Fixed

    The occasional responding failure that occurs during initialization of forced-exit monitoring is fixed.


  • Added

    A startup parameter is added to the standard UI to support transparent status bar.

V10.1.68.14 (September 17, 2020)

Message Push Service

  • Fixed

    The security issue of MPaaSNcActivity is fixed.

Content Delivery Platform

  • Fixed

    The Close button can be displayed.

  • Fixed

    The fatigue of widget areas can continue to take effect after a promotional activity ends and then starts again.


  • Fixed

    Custom scan logs are normal even when the scan feature is not connected to the framework.

UC Kernel

  • Added

    The UC Kernel can be started in the Android 11 system.

V10.1.68.13 (August 28, 2020)

mPaaS Framework

  • Added

    The feature of switching between the monitoring frontend and backend.

mPaaS Upgrade Component

  • Fixed

    The pop-up update detection message can be properly displayed after the detection operation with the Activity parameter is called to set the theme.

Mini Program

  • Fixed

    The abnormal closure of network connection that is established by calling the my.request operation is fixed.

Message Push Service

  • Fixed

    The security vulnerability that exists when MPaaSNcActivity is used to set exported to true is fixed.

V10.1.68.12 (August 17, 2020)


  • Fixed

    The issue that a null pointer is returned when MPScanner.scanFromBitmap is used to scan a picture without bar codes or QR codes is fixed.

Mini Program

  • Updated

    An initialization method is added to the AuthGlobal class of the Zhanghutong component.

  • Added

    The video component is supported.

  • Fixed

    The display error of the navigation bar in Mini Programs in specified scenarios is fixed.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Updated

    Custom scheme redirection can be controlled by the connecting party.

V10.1.68.10 and V10.1.68.11 (August 5, 2020)

Mini Program

  • Added

    The error page that appears when the WebView component of Mini Program accesses a domain name out of the whitelist can be user-defined.

  • Updated

    If a page is damaged after the my.request operation is called, the requested network connection can be automatically closed.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Fixed

    The issue that the thread pool overflows when there are too many offline download tasks of packages is fixed.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Fixed

    The occasional issue about the invalid device ID in startup speed logs generated in the bundle and portal mode is fixed.

Mobile Gateway Service

  • Added

    The RPC response header can be returned as an array.

UC Kernel

  • Added

    Toast notifications can be disabled during video playback in a mobile network.

Mobile Real-Time Communication

  • Fixed

    The multi-invitation feature of video calls is fixed.

V10.1.68.9 (July 22, 2020)

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Added

    The sync channel is supported in log diagnosis.

Mobile Real-Time Communication

  • Added

    The Mobile Real-Time Communication (MRTC) SDK is added.

V10.1.68.8 (July 3, 2020)

Mini Program

  • Added

    The API operation for deleting an offline package is added.

  • Fixed

    The occasional responding failure during the use of the chooseLocation operation is fixed.

V10.1.68 (beta).7 (June 18, 2020)

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Added

    Extended parameters are added to the error page for MPH5ErrorPageView. For more information, see Custom HTML5 error page.

  • Fixed

    The data parsing issue in the upper-right corner of the custom navigation bar is fixed.

Mini Program

  • Added

    The shared resource package module is added. A shared resource package for Mini Program can be preset by using TinyAppCenterPresetProvider. For more information, see Getting started.

  • Fixed

    The current Mini Program can be closed after the navigateBackMiniProgram operation is called.

Message Push Service

  • Added

    An API operation that processes application badges from messages pushed by Huawei is added.

V10.1.68 (beta).6 (May 28, 2020)

Mini Program

  • Added

    Mini Programs can be debugged. Custom parameters are supported.

  • Updated

    Data returned by the getLocation operation is optimized.


  • Removed

    Aspectj dependencies are removed.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Fixed

    The exception of the page source field of automated logs in some scenarios is fixed.

V10.1.68 (beta).5 (May 14, 2020)


  • Added

    The custom scan API operation is added to reduce development and maintenance costs.

  • Added

    The custom scan feature supports monitoring of ambient brightness changes.

Mini Program

  • Added

    API operations for city selection are supported.

  • Updated

    The getLocation operation supports query for points of interest (POIs) in streets and surrounding regions.

  • Fixed

    Fix the problem of photo failed to be taken by calling the chooseImage operation in some device models.

Message Push Service

  • Updated

    Xiaomi push SDK is upgraded to version 3.7.6.

  • Fixed

    The formats of log diagnosis messages in earlier versions of Message Push Service (MPS) in Apsara Stack are supported.

V10.1.68 (beta).4 (April 24, 2020)

Mini Program

  • Added

    The map feature becomes independent of AMAP and supports integration with AMAP.

  • Added

    The Cancel button is added to the layer mask page of authorization for Zhanghutong.

  • Fixed

    New TabBars can be opened in a Mini Program when mp_h5_push_window_use_activity is set to YES.

  • Fixed

    The SSL error that occurs when the my.request operation is called to access some domain names in Android 6.0 and earlier is fixed.

  • Fixed

    The cityAdCode parameter returned by the getLocation operation is valid.


  • Fixed

    Obfuscation conflicts with Alipay payment SDK are fixed.

mPaaS Framework

  • Added

    The clearance whitelist 2.0 is added. This fixed the issue that the dynamically configured whitelist 1.0 cannot cover the responding failure scenarios triggered before the whitelist is dynamically configured.

V10.1.68 (beta).3 (April 15, 2020)

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Fixed

    The camera feature can be enabled by using the <input> tag in Huawei 10 clients. For more information, see FAQ.

  • Fixed

    The <input file> tag can be reused after it is used to select a file.

Message Push Service

  • Added

    A new API operation for binding users without the userId parameter is added.

  • Fixed

    The failure to pull logs is fixed.

Mini Program

  • Added

    The Zhanghutong component is added. The connecting party who has integrated Zhanghutong must manually add this component to the plug-in.

  • Fixed

    The issue about closure delay and entry and exit animations of custom loading pages is fixed.

V10.1.68 (beta).2 (March 27, 2020)

Message Push Service

  • Fixed

    The port resolution issue of Message Push Service is resolved.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Added

    The switch for reading device IMEIs and IMSIs is added.

Mini Program

  • Added

    The openLocation operation supports the navigation feature.

  • Updated

    Fields about the mPaaS service is added to the getSystemInfo API operation.

  • Updated

    The format of datePicker is the same as that in Alipay.

  • Fixed

    Logon congestion of Zhanghutong in some scenarios is fixed.

V10.1.68(beta).1 (March 12, 2020)

mPaaS Framework

  • Added

    The AAR access mode is added, which is closer to native experience.

  • Updated

    Single components are better supported. Demos for single components are provided.

  • Updated

    The size of the SDK for a single component is optimized to reduce the overall volume of an application package.

  • Updated

    Mini Programs are divided per higher granularity. Users can select a Mini Program as needed.

  • Updated

    The UC is upgraded to version 3.0, which ensures higher performance and stability.

HTML5 Container and Offline Package

  • Updated

    New operations for custom titles are added. For more information, see Custom navigation bar (10.1.68(beta)).

  • Updated

    The startUrl(MicroApp, url) operation is added to the MPNebula class. This fixes the failure in redirecting to an online page after redirection from a Mini Program page to a native page.

UC Kernel

  • Added

    A component for capturing forced exits of the UC Kernel is added.

  • Updated

    The UC Kernel is upgraded to version 3.0.

Mobile Analysis Service

  • Fixed

    The issue that an invalid device ID is returned in some scenarios is fixed.

  • Fixed

    The setting of logon reports interval can take effect.

  • Removed

    Some unwanted error logs are no longer printed.


  • Added

    In the mPaaS Inside and AAR modes, the mPaaS platform can be connected without depending on the mPaaS framework.