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Mobile Platform as a Service:10.2.3 series baseline

Last Updated:Sep 23, 2024

The mPaaS client checks the identity of Alibaba Cloud and public cloud users upon logon. Users who fail the verification are no longer able to use the capabilities of mPaaS. To ensure that you can use mPaaS, go to the mPaaS console to obtain the .config file and then import it into your project. For more information, see Check identity of mPaaS users.

The current release notes describe the updates of the mPaaS SDK for Android with the 10.2.3 series baseline after mPaaS was released. The release notes are sorted in reverse chronological order.

  • Added feature

  • Updated feature

  • Fixed feature

  • Removed feature

  • Known issues (September 20, 2024)

Real-Name Authentication

  • Fixed Fixed occasional null pointer problem.

H5 container and offline package

  • Added Supports higher version kernel.

  • Removed Removed the call to the API getRunningAppProcesses. (September 5, 2024)

Ant dynamic card

  • Added The card is adapted to the adapter interface.

Mriver mini program

  • Fixed Fixed select photo-retake function.

Social sharing

  • Fixed Fixed the issue of getting the app list before sharing to QQ friends. (July 26, 2024)

Mobile analysis

  • Added Added lag monitoring and stuck monitoring to support usage without inheriting the Base class. (June 6, 2024)

mPaaS framework

  • Removed Remove the call to the API getRunningAppProcesses.

Mobile analysis

  • Removed Remove the call to the API getRunningAppProcesses.

Mobile gateway

  • Removed Remove the call to the API getRunningAppProcesses.

H5 container and offline package

  • Removed Remove the call to the API getRunningAppProcesses. (June 13, 2024)

Mobile analysis

  • Fixed Fixed a crash when only connecting to a single component of mobile analysis. (May 10, 2024)

Mobile content delivery platform

  • Fixed Fixed some crash issues.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated Updated RN new version compatibility issues.

Real-Name Authentication

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the page freezes after canceling the pop-up window. (April 16, 2024)

Native mini program

  • Fixed Fixed the issue of occasional font crashes. (April 11, 2024)

Mobile content delivery platform

  • Added Fragment is supported for dynamic booth.

  • Fixed The problem that the H5 type of rotating booth is not displayed.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated The mini program player is optimized, and the deformation issue of some videos is fixed.

  • Updated The AlipayJSBridge injection timing of the mini program's embedded web is optimized.

  • Updated The API exception indicators of mini program APM is optimized.

Message Push

  • Fixed The issue that the host name cannot be verified when an error is reported during TLS connection is establishing in a self-built channel.

Real-Name Authentication

  • Fixed Fixed the occasional empty internal cache directory issue. (March 21, 2024)

Mriver mini program

  • Added Now the mini program supports Lottie animation.

  • Updated Now mini program videos support the first frame.

  • Updated The mini program now supports turning on the pull-down refresh function by default.

  • Updated Optimize my.request referer and solve the abnormal problem of Chinese referer.

Message push

  • Updated Adapted to OPPO push version 3.4.0.

  • Updated Now you need to agree to the privacy pop-up window before dynamically registering BroadcastActionReceiver.

Mobile analysis

  • Fixed Fixed the issue where background logs are not reported when the application is pressed into the background in some scenarios. (February 25, 2024)

Message push

  • Added Support the priority use of Honor channel on Huawei/Honor devices.

  • Added Supports preferential use of device manufacturer channels on devices with FCM push capabilities.


  • Fixed Fixed the issue where the secondary recognition area did not cover the full screen after continuous scanning was enabled for full-screen QR code scanning.

Wireless bodyguard

  • Removed Wireless Bodyguard will cease maintenance from April 1, 2024. The Wireless Bodyguard SDK functions used by the original App will not be affected for the time being. To switch to Blue Shield, please see mPaaS wireless bodyguard switch to blue shield. (January 25, 2024)

Intelligent double recording

  • Added Added Hong Kong and Macao pass recognition.

  • Fixed Fixed online exception.

Message push

  • Fixed Fixed an issue where FirebaseMessagingService was not added in the FCM adaptation layer. (January 11, 2024)

Ant dynamic card

  • Added Support notify related jsapi.

  • Added Supports cached code scanning preview.

  • Added Support video label.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated The Mini Program basic library has been upgraded to version 2.8.9.

  • Updated Mini program keep-alive supports judging whether to refresh the page based on the entry.

H5 container and offline package

  • Fixed Fix occasional memory leaks. (December 29, 2023)

Optical Character Recognition

  • Updated Fixed recognition errors caused by abnormal loading of models without storage permissions.

Visual Event Tracking

  • Updated Support H5 and mini program event tracking.

Message push

  • Added Added an interface to obtain customId from pushed message data.

  • Added Added FCM push adaption component.

H5 container and offline package

  • Fixed Fixed the ANR problem caused by opening the offline package multiple times without a network during the first fallback of the offline package. (December 14, 2023)

Upgrading components

  • Fixed Fixed the problem of bitmap not being found in upgrade notification.

Message push

  • Updated Modify the SDK name for Honor push adaptation to honor-build.

Mobile content delivery platform

  • Updated It supports that the page will no longer be displayed when resume after the booth is closed.

Mriver mini program

  • Added Supports Camera component.

  • Added Supports docking with Baidu Maps.

  • Updated Upgrade the appx base library to version 2.8.9.

  • Updated Maps support custom interface implementation through the adapter layer.

  • Updated my.request/my.httprequest supports returning detailed network link data.

UC kernal

  • Fixed Fix the chromium kernel cve-2023-4357 vulnerability.

Ant dynamic card

  • Updated Synchronize Alipay version, bugfix. (November 30, 2023)

Message push

  • Added Added support for Honor manufacturer push channel. (November 16, 2023)

Message push

  • Updated Adapted to vivo push version V3.0.0.7.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated Supports controlling whether mini program video will automatically exit after full-screen playback is completed.

  • Fixed Fix fastjson version compatibility issue. (November 2, 2023)

Mriver mini program

  • Added Added support for mini programs to monitor startup performance through my.on("onTinyPerfListener", (data) => {}). & (October 20, 2023)

mPaaS framework


  • Added A new integration method is added to the custom UI, which supports full-screen UI functions such as multi-code recognition and gesture amplification.

Mobile threat awareness

  • Updated Strengthen some risk detection capabilities. (October 12, 2023)

Optical Character Recognition

  • Updated Business license recognition supports horizontal version.

  • Updated Optimization of identification of rare characters on ID cards.

H5 container and offline package

  • Updated The switch for UC kernel adaptation to Android 14 is turned on by default.

  • Updated The default statistics upper limit of H5 containers supports configuration. (September 26, 2023)

UC kernel

  • Removed Remove some redundant codes to solve the problem of Google Play review rejection.

  • Updated Adapted to Android 14 version and fixed kernel vulnerabilities. (September 21, 2023)


  • Updated Folding screen adaptation updated. (September 14, 2023)

mPaaS framework

  • Updated Optimize package size.

  • Added Added support for Kotlin Extension.

Social sharing

  • Updated Added support for QQ SDK.

  • Removed Removed support for Laiwang SDK.

Mobile gateway

  • Added Supports Ant National Secret timeout setting. (August 31, 2023)

H5 container and offline package

  • Added Added support for intercepting H5 permission applications by setting H5PermissionRequestProvider.

Mriver mini program

  • Added Added support for Google Maps.

  • Added Added support for blocking video playback error prompts.

  • Fixed Fixed the problem of deformation when switching between horizontal and vertical screens when the video is paused.

  • Fixed Fixed occasional crashes online. (August 25, 2023)

Message push

  • Fixed Fixed an issue where Millet pushes custom permission conflict. (August 17, 2023)


  • Fixed Fixed an issue where InstantRun patches could not be re-signed by themselves.

mPaaS framework

  • Fixed Fix the crash problem of low version models (<= Android 5.0 ).

Real-Name Authentication

  • Fixed Fix the crash problem caused by confusing configuration.

  • Fixed Fix icon display problem. (August 3, 2023)


  • Fixed Fix the problem of reading SD card before agreeing to the user privacy pop-up box in Release mode.

Privacy control

  • Added Added privacy API control function. (July 20, 2023)

Mriver mini program

  • Updated Mini program plug-in function upgrade: support dynamic plug-ins and specified versions.

  • Updated The mini program supports the new version of Canvas.

  • Updated Mini program my.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect().

  • Updated Mini program map marker optimization.

  • Updated Optimized display logic for mini program video poster.

H5 container and offline package

  • Fixed Fix crashes caused by H5 RPC throttling.

Optical Character Recognition

  • Fixed Business license recognition results optimization.


  • Updated File upload optimization, close the cache. (July 7, 2023)

Message push

  • Updated Upgrade the built-in Xiaomi push SDK version to V5.7.8.


  • Added Custom scan code supports recognition of multiple codes.

  • Added Customize the scan result recognition field area.

  • Added Added an API for custom scanning codes to determine whether the flash is turned on. (June 26, 2023)

Blue Shield

  • Added Add blue shield component.

Native mini program

  • Updated Support APM event tracking.

Ant dynamic card

  • Fixed Fix occasional flashback.

Mobile gateway

  • Added Supports the use of Blue Shield for signature verification.

Data synchronization

  • Added Supports the use of Blue Shield for signature verification.

Mobile dispatch center

  • Added Supports the use of Blue Shield for signature verification.

Unified storage

  • Added Supports encryption and decryption of files using Blue Shield.


  • Added Support to use Blue Shield to encrypt and decrypt the cache.


  • Added Supports the use of Blue Shield for signature verification.

Mriver mini program

  • Added Support to use Blue Shield to encrypt and decrypt the cache data.

  • Added Supports changing the permissions required by built-in applet APIs.

  • Updated Mini-program bluetooth search optimization to solve some mobile phone freeze problems.

  • Fixed Fix occasional crash. (June 9, 2023)

Mobile analysis

  • Fixed Fix the security issue of getting ssid, remove the call to NetworkInfo.getExtraInfo().

H5 container and offline package

  • Fixed Fix the security issue of obtaining ssid, remove the call to NetworkInfo.getExtraInfo() when downloading the offline package and checking the network.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated Mini program video supports referer anti-leech.

  • Updated Mini program supports the database to be encrypted separately for uid.

  • Fixed Fix occasional crash.

  • Fixed Fix the issue that onBlur was not triggered when the mini program numeric keyboard was closed.

  • Fixed Fix security problem. (May 25, 2023)

Message push

  • Added Support oppo manufacturers to push custom creation of multiple notification channels.

  • Added Turn off the autostart function. For more details, see Message push disable auto-start.

Mobile analysis

  • Updated Optimize the logic of log reporting when the application is pressed to the background, and solve the problem of autostart. (May 12, 2023)


  • Added Support resource hotpatch under res.

Terminal environment detection

  • Fixed False alarms in hook detection on some models of low-version systems.

Optical Character Recognition

  • Updated Optimize the rare characters of the ID card.

  • Added Support business license identification.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated Support subpackage download in advance, which is disabled by default.

  • Updated Fix the problem that video is not displayed in some styles.

  • Updated Optimize the APM first screen T2 indicator.

  • Fixed Fix occasional crashes and memory leaks.

H5 container and offline package

  • Updated Optimize abnormal situations such as uninitialized framework. (April 27, 2023)

Message push

  • Added Support Huawei transparent transmission of messages.

Ant cube card

  • Updated Upgrade Alipay to the new version.

  • Fixed Fix some occasional bugs.

Mriver mini program

  • Updated The base library version was upgraded to 2.7.18.

  • Fixed Solve the keep-alive exception problem caused by subpackage download failure. & (April 15, 2023)

H5 container and offline package

  • Fixed Input onBlur exception fix.

Mriver mini program

  • Fixed Fix the problem that the Bluetooth name change does not refresh.

  • Fixed Fix the PV loss problem of appx 1.x applet.

  • Fixed Fix the problem of restarting the applet by long pressing the TitleBar.

Device identification

  • Removed No more fetching of imei, imsi, AndroidID information. (March 16, 2023)

Privacy control

  • Added Added built-in default monitoring configuration. (March 2, 2023)

Mobile security keyborad

  • Added Added full keyboard switching mode.

Mriver mini program

  • Added Support video speed up and down.

  • Updated Optimize the embedded webview multi-level jump return function. (February 16, 2023)


  • Added Added mobile analysis national secret SSL component.

mPaaS framework

  • Fixed Fix the problem that the callback of MP.init initialization method is not triggered.

Mobile delivery service hotpatch

  • Added Support InstantRun schemes.

Ant cube card

  • Fixed Fix v7a architecture.

H5 container and offline package

  • Added Support offline package download failure automatic retry.


  • Fixed Fix the problem that opening the picture selection page is too slow when there are too many local pictures.

Mriver mini program

  • Added Embedded WebView supports long press to save pictures.

  • Added my.uploadFile supports monitoring response.

  • Added Adds a video player that supports SSL 1.2+ video links.

  • Added Support for distinguishing trial version/official version.

  • Fixed Fix my.request/my.httpRequest timeout issue.

  • Fixed Fixed the problem of abnormal color of the numeric keypad caused by resource conflicts.

  • Fixed Compatible with AutoNavi new version SDK.

  • Fixed Adjust the parameter type of custom menu panel API setOnMenuWindowDismissListener(OnMenuWindowDismissListener listener).

Mobile content delivery platform

  • Added Added verification booth information interface.

  • Fixed Fix the problem that the url booth type is not displayed.

Terminal environment detection

  • Added Added screen recording detection function.

Mobile analysis

  • Added Added automatic click log.

Data synchronization

  • Added Support to pass in deviceid for initialization. (January 29, 2023)

Mobile gateway

  • Added Support customers to pass in custom hostNameVerifier.

  • Fixed Fix the problem that the gateway of mocksettings cannot switch environments on 10.2.3.

Message push

  • Added Support self-built channels to establish connections through TLS.

Data synchronization

  • Added Support non-443 port to establish connection through TLS.

H5 container and offline package

  • Added Support for intercepting requests. (January 6, 2023)

Intelligent double recording

  • Added SDK package size trimming supports selection of dynamic libraries corresponding to the abi architecture.

Ant cube card

  • Added Support clear cache, unavailable card settings. (December 22, 2022)


  • Fixed Fix the problem that the recognition will not continue after the selection of multi code result is cancelled.

Ant cube card

  • Updated Upgrade to the latest kernel version of Alipay.

  • Fixed Fix the version inconsistency of CubeDebug. (December 8, 2022)

Intelligent double recording

  • Added Added SDK AI capability model and resource support dynamic loading package size trimming function.

Privacy control

  • Added Added a privacy control component.

Social sharing

  • Fixed Fix the problem that WeChat sharing and downloading pictures failed.

Ant cube card

  • Fixed Fix CubeDebug scan failure issue. (December 1, 2022)

Mobile dispatch center

  • Added Added the function of MDC detecting and sorting by ping.

Mobile gateway

  • Fixed Fix HTML5 RPC exception in

Ant cube card

  • Fixed Fix the problem of the buried point field of TempleId. (November 24, 2022)

Mobile analysis

  • Added Added the Get IMEI / IMSI, which will no longer read relevant information after it is turned off.

Message push

  • Added Added the Get IMEI / IMSI, which will no longer read relevant information after it is turned off.

  • Added Added OPPO/Xiaomi to configure Appkey interface through API.

  • Added Added Huawei non-bridgeActivity get Token switch.

Data synchronization

  • Added Added the Get IMEI / IMSI, which will no longer read relevant information after it is turned off.

Safe storage

  • Added Added a secure storage component.

Real-Name Authentication

  • Fixed Fix known issues.

Mobile gateway

  • Added Added dynamic configuration data encryption pubkey interface.

Intelligent double recording

  • Fixed Fix the problem that the OCR front camera cannot be recognized.

Ant cube card

  • Fixed Fix RPC occasional exception. (November 10, 2022)

Visual buried point

  • Added Added a visual buried point component.

Mini program

  • Added Added the Mriver applet component. (October 28, 2022)


  • Added Added support for targetSdkVersion 31.

Intelligent double recording

  • Added Support for loading atomic capabilities by module.

  • Fixed AGP 7.2.2+ enables partial class clipping anomalies when R8 is obfuscated by default.

H5 container and offline package

  • Added Video playback supports using the built-in native player.

Audio and video calls

  • Fixed Fix screen sharing crash when targetSdkVersion >= 30. (October 18, 2022)

Mobile gateway

  • Added Signature verification supports SM3 algorithm.

  • Added Signature verification supports not using wireless bodyguards.

H5 containers and offline package

  • Fixed Fixed the issue that the invalid refresh click of H5 loading failed page.

  • Fixed Fixed occasional H5Activity ANR during lazy initialization of mPaaS framework.

UC kernel

  • Fixed Fixed the problem that some WebGL2 features were abnormal on some models.

Image identification

  • Updated Updated broadened image to support configuring ratio.

Real-Name Authentication

  • Added Support Real-Name Authentication.

Social sharing

  • Updated The DingTalk SDK is split and supports removing DingTalk separately.

Mobile Delivery Service

  • Updated The default download path of the mPaaS upgrade component is changed from the original external storage to the internal storage. For details, please refer to the default storage path.

V10.2.3.1 and V10.2.3.2 (September 9, 2022)

mPaaS Framework

  • Added Multiple components are added, including Chinese National Cryptographic SSL Service for mPaaS (mPaaS GMSSL), Mobile Security Detection (MSD), Mobile Threat Awareness, Real-Name Authentication, Intelligent Dual-Recording, and Ant Cube Card.

  • Added The targetSdkVersion 30 is supported. For more information, see Adapt mPaaS to targetSdkVersion 30.

  • Added The wire library can be replaced with other versions. For more information, see Resolve wire/okio conflicts.

  • Added Android 13 is supported by default. UC cores still need to be configured separately.

  • Updated Security Guard is upgraded to V6.

  • Removed The armeabi architecture is no longer supported in the CPU.

  • Removed The mPaaS Inside integration method is no longer maintained. If you need to upgrade your system, change the integration method to the native AAR integration method.


  • Added AI-powered recognition capabilities are added to enhance the capability of recognizing small codes from a long distance and automatically enlarging small codes.

Unified Storage

  • Added Database encryption supports native Android databases.

Mobile Real-Time Communication

  • Added Tags can be set for custom ingest-streams.

  • Added Custom audio streams can be ingested.

UC Kernel

  • Fixed Some security issues are fixed.