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Last Updated:Jul 19, 2023

If you want to perform the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on a transactional table, you can encapsulate the operations in one MERGE INTO statement. Then, you can execute this statement to perform multiple operations on the table based on the join condition with a source table. This feature improves execution efficiency.

Before you execute the MERGE INTO statement, make sure that you are granted the SELECT and UPDATE permissions to read data from and update data in a transactional table. For more information about authorization, see MaxCompute permissions.


MaxCompute allows you to execute the DELETE and UPDATE statements on a table to delete data from or update data in the table. If you want to perform multiple operations including INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE on the table at the same time, you must write and execute a statement for each operation. In this case, multiple full table scans are required. To increase efficiency, MaxCompute allows you to execute a MERGE INTO statement to perform multiple operations on a table at the same time. This way, only one full table scan is performed. This method is more efficient than the method in which you separately execute the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

The MERGE INTO statement ensures the atomicity of multiple operations. A job is successful only after all the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations in the job are successful. If an operation fails, the job also fails.

If you separately execute the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, specific operations may fail. The data on which successful operations are performed cannot be restored. To prevent this issue, you can execute the MERGE INTO statement.


The MERGE INTO statement has the following limits:

  • You can execute the DELETE and UPDATE statements only on transactional tables. For more information about transactional tables, see Table operations.
  • You cannot perform multiple INSERT or UPDATE operations on the same rows in a table by using a single MERGE INTO statement.


merge into <target_table> as <alias_name_t> using <source expression|table_name> as <alias_name_s>
-- The ON clause specifies the JOIN conditions of the source table and the destination table. 
on <boolean expression1>
-- The WHEN MATCHED...THEN clause specifies the operation to be performed when the result of the ON clause is True. The operations of multiple WHEN MATCHED...THEN clauses cannot be performed on the same data. 
when matched [and <boolean expression2>] then update set <set_clause_list>
when matched [and <boolean expression3>] then delete 
-- The WHEN MATCHED...THEN clause specifies the operation to be performed when the result of the ON clause is False. 
when not matched [and <boolean expression4>] then insert values <value_list>
  • target_table: required. The name of the destination table, which must be an existing table.

  • alias_name_t: required. The alias of the destination table.

  • source expression|table_name: required. The name of the source table, view, or subquery that you want to join with the destination table.

  • alias_name_s: required. The alias of the source table, view, or subquery that you want to join with the destination table.

  • boolean expression1: required. A condition that returns a value of the BOOLEAN type. The value must be True or False.

  • boolean expression2, boolean expression3, and boolean expression4: optional. You can specify a condition for each of the UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT operations that you want to perform. The condition must return a value of the BOOLEAN type. Take note of the following items:

    • If a MERGE INTO statement has three WHEN clauses, you can use each of the UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT operations only once.

    • If both the UPDATE and DELETE operations are included in a MERGE INTO statement, you must specify a [and <boolean expression>] condition for the operation that needs to be performed first.

    • The WHEN NOT MATCHED clause can be used only as the last WHEN clause and supports only the INSERT operation.

  • set_clause_list: When you use the UPDATE operation, this parameter is required. This parameter specifies the data that you want to update. For more information about the UPDATE operation, see UPDATE.

  • value_list: When you use the INSERT operation, this parameter is required. This parameter specifies the data that you want to insert. For more information about the VALUES statement, see VALUES.


  • Example 1: Create a destination table named acid_address_book_base1 and a source table named tmp_table1, and insert data into the tables. Execute the MERGE INTO statement on the destination table. The data entries in the source table that meet the specified ON join condition are used to update the joined data entries in the destination table. The data entries that do not meet the specified ON join condition and whose value of the event_type column is I are inserted into the destination table. Sample statement:

    -- Create a destination table named acid_address_book_base1. 
    create table if not exists acid_address_book_base1 
    (id bigint,first_name string,last_name string,phone string) 
    partitioned by(year string, month string, day string, hour string) 
    tblproperties ("transactional"="true"); 
    -- Create a source table named tmp_table1. 
    create table if not exists tmp_table1 
    (id bigint, first_name string, last_name string, phone string, _event_type_ string);
    -- Insert test data into the acid_address_book_base1 table. 
    insert overwrite table acid_address_book_base1 
    partition(year='2020', month='08', day='20', hour='16') 
    values (4, 'nihaho', 'li', '222'), (5, 'tahao', 'ha', '333'), 
    (7, 'djh', 'hahh', '555');
    -- Query data from the acid_address_book_base1 table to check whether the INSERT operation is successfully performed. 
    set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true;
    select * from acid_address_book_base1;
    | id         | first_name | last_name  | phone      | year       | month      | day        | hour       |
    | 4          | nihaho     | li         | 222        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 5          | tahao      | ha         | 333        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 7          | djh        | hahh       | 555        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    -- Insert test data into the tmp_table1 table. 
    insert overwrite table tmp_table1 values 
    (1, 'hh', 'liu', '999', 'I'), (2, 'cc', 'zhang', '888', 'I'),
    (3, 'cy', 'zhang', '666', 'I'),(4, 'hh', 'liu', '999', 'U'),
    (5, 'cc', 'zhang', '888', 'U'),(6, 'cy', 'zhang', '666', 'U');
    -- Query data from the tmp_table1 table to check whether the INSERT operation is successfully performed. 
    select * from exists tmp_table1;
    | id         | first_name | last_name  | phone      | _event_type_ |
    | 1          | hh         | liu        | 999        | I            |
    | 2          | cc         | zhang      | 888        | I            |
    | 3          | cy         | zhang      | 666        | I            |
    | 4          | hh         | liu        | 999        | U            |
    | 5          | cc         | zhang      | 888        | U            |
    | 6          | cy         | zhang      | 666        | U            |
    -- Execute the MERGE INTO statement. 
    merge into acid_address_book_base1 as t using tmp_table1 as s 
    on = and t.year='2020' and t.month='08' and'20' and t.hour='16' 
    when matched then update set t.first_name = s.first_name, t.last_name = s.last_name, = 
    when not matched and (s._event_type_='I') then insert values(, s.first_name, s.last_name,,'2020','08','20','16');
    -- Query data from the acid_address_book_base1 table to check whether the MERGE INTO operation is successfully performed. 
    select * from acid_address_book_base1;
    | id         | first_name | last_name  | phone      | year       | month      | day        | hour       |
    | 4          | hh         | liu        | 999        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 5          | cc         | zhang      | 888        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 7          | djh        | hahh       | 555        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 1          | hh         | liu        | 999        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 2          | cc         | zhang      | 888        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
    | 3          | cy         | zhang      | 666        | 2020       | 08         | 20         | 16         |
  • Example 2: Create a destination table named merge_acid_dp and a source table named merge_acid_source. Insert data into the destination table and source table. Then, execute the MERGE INTO statement without specifying a partition to update data in or insert data into the destination table. The MERGE INTO operation takes effect on all partitions.

    -- Create a destination table named merge_acid_dp. 
    create table if not exists merge_acid_dp(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null)
    partitioned by (dd string, hh string) tblproperties ("transactional" = "true");
    -- Create a source table named merge_acid_source. 
    create table if not exists merge_acid_source(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null,
      c3 string, c4 string) lifecycle 30;
    -- Insert test data into the destination table merge_acid_dp. 
    insert overwrite table merge_acid_dp partition (dd='01', hh='01')
    values (1, 1), (2, 2);
    insert overwrite table merge_acid_dp partition (dd='02', hh='02')
    values (4, 1), (3, 2);
    -- Query data from the destination table to check whether the INSERT operation is successfully performed. 
    set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true;
    select * from merge_acid_dp;
    | c1         | c2         | dd | hh |
    | 1          | 1          | 01 | 01 |
    | 2          | 2          | 01 | 01 |
    | 4          | 1          | 02 | 02 |
    | 3          | 2          | 02 | 02 |
    -- Insert test data into the source table merge_acid_source. 
    insert overwrite table merge_acid_source values(8, 2, '03', '03'),
    (5, 5, '05', '05'), (6, 6, '02', '02');
    -- Query data from the source table to check whether the INSERT operation is successfully performed. 
    select * from merge_acid_source;
    | c1         | c2         | c3 | c4 |
    | 8          | 2          | 03 | 03 |
    | 5          | 5          | 05 | 05 |
    | 6          | 6          | 02 | 02 |
    -- Execute the MERGE INTO statement. 
    merge into merge_acid_dp tar using merge_acid_source src
    on tar.c2 = src.c2
    when matched then
    update set tar.c1 = src.c1
    when not matched then
    insert values(src.c1, src.c2, src.c3, src.c4);
    -- Query data from the destination table to check whether the MERGE INTO operation is successfully performed. 
    select * from merge_acid_dp;
    | c1         | c2         | dd | hh |
    | 6          | 6          | 02 | 02 |
    | 5          | 5          | 05 | 05 |
    | 8          | 2          | 02 | 02 |
    | 8          | 2          | 01 | 01 |
    | 1          | 1          | 01 | 01 |
    | 4          | 1          | 02 | 02 |
  • Example 3: Create a destination table named merge_acid_sp and a source table named merge_acid_source. Insert data into the destination table and source table. Execute the MERGE INTO statement with a specified partition to update data in or insert data into the specified partition of the destination table.

    -- Create a destination table named merge_acid_sp. 
    create table if not exists merge_acid_sp(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null)
    partitioned by (dd string, hh string) tblproperties ("transactional" = "true");
    -- Create a source table named merge_acid_source. 
    create table if not exists merge_acid_source(c1 bigint not null, c2 bigint not null,
      c3 string, c4 string) lifecycle 30;
    -- Insert test data into the destination table merge_acid_sp. 
    insert overwrite table merge_acid_sp partition (dd='01', hh='01')
    values (1, 1), (2, 2);
    insert overwrite table merge_acid_sp partition (dd='02', hh='02')
    values (4, 1), (3, 2);
    -- Query data from the destination table to check whether the INSERT operation is successfully performed. 
    set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true;
    select * from merge_acid_sp;
    | c1         | c2         | dd | hh |
    | 1          | 1          | 01 | 01 |
    | 2          | 2          | 01 | 01 |
    | 4          | 1          | 02 | 02 |
    | 3          | 2          | 02 | 02 |
    -- Insert test data into the source table merge_acid_source. 
    insert overwrite table merge_acid_source values(8, 2, '03', '03'),
    (5, 5, '05', '05'), (6, 6, '02', '02');
    -- Query data from the source table to check whether the INSERT operation is successfully performed. 
    select * from merge_acid_source;
    | c1         | c2         | c3 | c4 |
    | 8          | 2          | 03 | 03 |
    | 5          | 5          | 05 | 05 |
    | 6          | 6          | 02 | 02 |
    -- Execute the MERGE INTO statement. In the ON clause of this statement, specify the partition information dd = '01' and hh = '01' to update data in or insert data into the related partition. 
    merge into merge_acid_sp tar using merge_acid_source src
    on tar.c2 = src.c2 and tar.dd = '01' and tar.hh = '01'
    when matched then
    update set tar.c1 = src.c1
    when not matched then
    insert values(src.c1, src.c2, src.c3, src.c4);
    -- Query data from the destination table to check whether the MERGE INTO operation is successfully performed. 
    select * from merge_acid_sp;
    | c1         | c2         | dd | hh |
    | 5          | 5          | 05 | 05 |
    | 6          | 6          | 02 | 02 |
    | 8          | 2          | 01 | 01 |
    | 1          | 1          | 01 | 01 |
    | 4          | 1          | 02 | 02 |
    | 3          | 2          | 02 | 02 |