Views the information of a specified UDF in a MaxCompute project. The information includes the name, owner, creation time, class name, and resource list of the UDF.


desc function <function_name>;


function_name: required. The name of an existing function.

Return value

  • Name: the name of the UDF.
  • Owner: the account that owns the UDF.
  • Created Time: the time when the UDF is created.
  • Class: the class of the UDF, which is case-sensitive.
  • Resources: the list of resources that are used by the UDF.


-- View the information of the my_lower function. 
desc function my_lower;
The following result is returned:
Name                                    my_lower
Owner                                   ALIYUN$****
Created Time                            2020-06-18 15:50:19
Class                                   org.alidata.odps.udf.examples.Lower
Resources                               project_name/my_lower.jar

Related statements

  • FUNCTION: Creates temporary SQL functions that can be used if you do not need to store SQL functions in the metadata system of MaxCompute. Temporary SQL functions apply only to the current SQL script.
  • CREATE FUNCTION: Creates a function. You can write a UDF and use the create_function() method of the entry object in MaxCompute to create the UDF.
  • DELETE FUNCTION: Deletes a function. You can write a UDF and use the delete_function() method of the entry object in MaxCompute to delete the UDF.
  • DROP FUNCTION: Drops an existing UDF from a MaxCompute project.
  • LIST FUNCTIONS: Views the information of all UDFs in a MaxCompute project.
  • UPDATE FUNCTION: Updates a function. You can write a UDF and call the update() method of the entry object in MaxCompute to update the UDF.