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ApsaraVideo Live:Overview

Last Updated:Feb 08, 2025

The live monitoring system provides real-time monitoring for various live events. Real-time alerts are triggered when exceptions occur, such as frame rate and bitrate changes, audio and video synchronization issues, latency, and stuttering. This can help you ensure the continuity of various live events. This topic describes the features and scenarios of the live monitoring system.

  • Live monitoring is available for commercial use and begins to charge fees from 00:00:00 on April 1, 2023. For more information, see Billing of live monitoring.

  • Live monitoring is available only in the live centers of the China (Beijing), China (Shanghai), Singapore, and SAU (Riyadh) regions. By default, you can create up to 20 monitoring sessions in each region.






The timestamp of the live stream. The timestamp is displayed in the upper-left corner of each split screen.


The audio volumes, including the volume for the left sound channel and the volume for the right sound channel. The volumes are adjusted by using peak normalization. The volumes are displayed in the lower-left corner of each split screen.


The real-time frame rate and bitrate that are displayed in the upper-right corner of each split screen.


The alert information that is displayed in the lower-right corner of each split screen.

Supported alert types:

  • vfps: an alert that indicates video frame rate exception.

  • afps: an alert that indicates audio frame rate exception.

  • br: an alert that indicates bitrate exception.

  • eof: an alert that indicates traffic interruption.

  • a-v: an alert that indicates audio and video out of sync.

  • wc: the total number of alerts.


The audio quality that is displayed in the lower-left corner of each split screen.

Supported values for audio quality:

  • poor

  • normal

  • good

Key features

  • The live monitoring system allows you to monitor 4, 8, or 12 live streams in split screens at the same time.

  • The information about a live stream such as the frame rate and bitrate is displayed in real time.

  • Real-time alerts are triggered when exceptions occur, such as frame rate exceptions, bitrate exceptions, audio and video synchronization issues, stuttering, and latency.


  • Video platforms: The live monitoring system provides monitoring for different types of live events, especially major live events and sessions.

  • Enterprise services: You can monitor multiple live sessions at the same time to ensure the continuity of live events for enterprise customers.

  • Organization services: You can monitor multiple live sessions at the same time to ensure the continuity of daily live events for streamers.


If you have any questions or suggestions when you use live monitoring, join the DingTalk group by searching for the group number 35080444.