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Elastic Compute Service:Create an ECS instance on the Quick Launch tab

Last Updated:Jul 05, 2024

By default, the subscription billing method is used when you create an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance on the Quick Launch tab. The Quick Launch tab allows you to create subscription ECS instances within minutes to improve configuration efficiency. This topic describes how to create instances on the Quick Launch tab of the instance buy page in the ECS console.


An Alibaba Cloud account is created, and real-name verification is complete for the account. For more information, see Sign up with Alibaba Cloud.

Default configurations

When you create instances on the Quick Launch tab, specific parameters are automatically configured to simplify the instance creation process. The following table describes the parameters.


Default configuration

Billing Method

Only the subscription billing method is supported.


A random zone is automatically assigned to the instance and cannot be changed.

VPC and vSwitch

The default virtual private cloud (VPC) and the default vSwitch are used. For information about the default VPC and default vSwitch, see Default VPCs and default vSwitches.

Security Group

The default security group is used.


A 40-GiB system disk is automatically allocated to the instance. No data disks are allocated.


No password is automatically set for the instance. You can use the password reset feature to set a password for the instance after the instance is created. For more information, see Reset the logon password of an instance.

Instance Name

A random instance name is generated.


  1. Go to the instance buy page of the ECS console.

  2. On the instance buy page, click the Quick Launch tab in the upper-left corner.


  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the parameters that are described in the following table.



    Region and Zone

    Select a region that is close to your geographical location to reduce latency. After an instance is created, the region and the zone of the instance cannot be changed. For more information, see Regions and Zones.

    China (Hangzhou)

    Instance Type

    Select an instance type. Only t5 burstable instance types are provided on the Quick Launch tab. If you want to create instances of other instance types, go to the Custom Launch tab.

    2 vCPU 4 GiB (Burstable Type t5)


    Select an image. An image provides all information that is required to run instances. CentOS, Windows Server, and Ubuntu images are provided on the Quick Launch tab.

    CentOS 7.9 64-bit

    Network Type

    Select a network type. VPC is automatically selected.

    The default VPC, default vSwitch, and default security group are used. If you want to use a custom VPC, vSwitch, and security group, go to the Custom Launch tab.


    Public Bandwidth

    To allow the instance to access the Internet, assign a public IP address to the instance and then select one of the following billing methods for network usage:

    • Pay-by-bandwidth: You are charged based on the specified bandwidth. This billing method is suitable for scenarios that require stable network bandwidth.

    • Pay-by-traffic: You are charged based on the amount of consumed traffic. This billing method is suitable for scenarios that require highly variable bandwidth.

    • Select Assign Public IPv4 Address.

    • Pay-by-bandwidth

    • 1 Mbps


    Specify the number of instances that you want to purchase.



    Select a subscription duration and specify whether to enable auto-renewal.

    • 1 Month

    • Select Auto-renewal.

  4. In the lower-right corner of the page, click Preview.

  5. On the Preview page, read ECS Terms of Service and Product Terms of Service. If you agree to the terms, select ECS Terms of Service and Product Terms of Service. Then, click Create Order.

What to do next

When you create instances on the Quick Launch tab, you cannot configure logon credentials for the instances. After the instances are created, you can use the password reset feature to set passwords for the instances in the ECS console. For more information, see Reset the logon password of an instance.