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Account Management:Create an Alibaba Cloud account on the international site (

Last Updated:Jul 24, 2024

This topic describes how to create an Alibaba Cloud account on the international site (

Before you purchase and use Alibaba Cloud products and services, you must create an Alibaba Cloud account and configure the account. If you need to purchase an Alibaba Cloud service in a region in the Chinese mainland, you must complete real-name verification for the created account.


Alibaba Cloud accounts are classified into personal accounts and corporate accounts. Alibaba Cloud provides the same services for personal accounts and corporate accounts.


  1. Visit the Alibaba Cloud official website.

  2. Click Free Trial in the upper-right corner.

  3. On the sign-up page, enter your information.

    1. Select an account type and click Next.

    2. Enter your account information and click Sign Up.

      1. Enter the email address that you use to log on to Alibaba Cloud and receive notifications from Alibaba Cloud.

      2. Enter and confirm your logon password.

    3. Select a verification method. You can verify the account by email or mobile number.

      • Select your country.

        Note: You must associate a credit card and a mobile number that belong to the selected country with your Alibaba Cloud account.

      • Verify the account by email.

        1. On the By Email tab, click Send to send a verification code to your email address.

        2. Enter the received verification code. The system automatically verifies the account.

      • Verify the account by mobile number.

        1. On the By Phone tab, enter your mobile number. The mobile number must belong to the selected country. Then, click Send Message to send a verification code to your mobile number.

        2. Enter the received verification code. The system automatically verifies the account.

      • Read the Alibaba Cloud International Website Membership Agreement, Privacy Policy, Product Terms, and Terms of Use. If you agree to these terms, select the check box. Then, click Sign Up to submit your information.

      • Note: In the next step, you must use the other verification method that is not selected in this step to verify the account again.

After you perform the preceding steps, an Alibaba Cloud account is created. Before you purchase Alibaba Cloud products and services, you must also enter your billing information and payment information. If you need to purchase an Alibaba Cloud service in a region in the Chinese mainland, you must complete real-name verification for your Alibaba Cloud account.


Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Payment

Real-name verification