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Data Transmission Service:Manage a data synchronization task

Last Updated:Oct 16, 2024

You can use Data Transmission Service (DTS) to synchronize data between two data sources in real time. The data synchronization feature is ideal for multiple business scenarios, such as active geo-redundancy, geo-disaster recovery, zone-disaster recovery, cross-border data synchronization, query load balancing, cloud business intelligence (BI) systems, and real-time data warehousing. This topic describes how to create, monitor, and manage a data synchronization task.

Background information

  • Overview of data synchronization scenarios

    This topic describes the database types, initial synchronization types, and synchronization topologies that are supported by DTS. You can learn the procedures for configuring data synchronization tasks from the provided references.

  • Data type mappings for schema synchronization

    The data types of different databases do not have one-to-one correspondence. This topic describes the data type mappings that DTS uses between the source and destination databases during initial schema synchronization. Based on the data type mappings, you can evaluate the impact of data type conversion on your business.

  • Functions and features

    For more information, see Data synchronization.

Manage a data synchronization task



  1. Preparation overview

Before you use DTS for data synchronization, prepare the environments that are required for the source and destination databases.

  1. Configure a data synchronization task by using the new DTS console

Create a data synchronization task by completing simple configurations in the DTS console.

  1. Manage a data synchronization task

  • Monitor task performance

    View the performance of data synchronization by using the performance metrics. DTS provides the connection and performance metrics to help you manage data synchronization tasks.

  • Modify the objects to be synchronized

    During a data synchronization task, you can add objects to or remove objects from the task.

  • Configure monitoring and alerting

    Configure alert rules for key metrics. This allows you to monitor the status of the data synchronization task at the earliest opportunity.

  1. Terminate a DTS instance

Stop the data synchronization task if you no longer need the task.