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Database Backup:FAQ about backup schedules for cross-region ApsaraDB RDS backups

Last Updated:Jun 14, 2024

If you enable the cross-region backup feature for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server, or ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance in the ApsaraDB RDS console, Database Backup (DBS) transfers and backs up the data of the instance across regions by using Express Connect. A backup schedule used to dump the data of the instance is generated in the DBS console. You can view the information about the source database on the details page of the backup schedule.

For more information about the cross-region backup feature and billing of this feature, see the following topics:


  • Q: How do I stop a backup schedule generated by enabling the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance?

    A: After you disable the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance in the ApsaraDB RDS console, DBS automatically stops the corresponding backup schedule.

  • Q: After I disable the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance, why am I still charged fees?

    A: After you disable the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance, no new backup files are generated and no traffic is generated for cross-region transfer of backup files. However, you are still charged for the storage of the existing backup files within the specified backup retention period. The existing backup files are retained for at least seven days. You can set the backup retention period to seven days. After seven days, the existing backup files are automatically deleted and you are no longer charged for the storage of the backup files. For more information, see the Disable the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance section of the "Use the cross-region backup feature" topic.

  • Q: Can I switch the billing method of a backup schedule generated by enabling the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance to subscription?

    A: No, you cannot switch the billing method to subscription. By default, the billing method of a backup schedule generated by enabling the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance is pay-as-you-go.

  • Q: After I disable the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance in the ApsaraDB RDS console, why does the corresponding backup schedule still exist in the DBS console?

    A: After you disable the cross-region backup feature for an RDS instance, the corresponding backup schedule is retained in the DBS console. However, you are not charged fees.