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Database Backup:Expiration and overdue payments

Last Updated:May 29, 2024

A backup schedule cannot be used if the backup schedule expires or you have overdue payments. If you want to continue using the backup schedule, you must renew the backup schedule at the earliest opportunity.


Alibaba Cloud sends notifications to you if your backup schedule expires or you have overdue payments. To avoid business interruptions, we recommend that you renew your backup schedule at the earliest opportunity.


Expiration occurs if the validity period of your subscription backup schedule ends and you do not renew the backup schedule at the earliest opportunity.

Overdue payments

Overdue payments occur in the following conditions: Your Alibaba Cloud account balance is insufficient when you use the pay-as-you-go billing method or when your backup data exceeds the free quota of the subscription backup schedule that you purchase in Database Backup (DBS).

Impacts of expiration or overdue payments

The following situations may occur if your backup schedule expires or you have overdue payments:

  • The backup schedule is automatically suspended.

  • If your services are stopped due to overdue payments, you can add funds to your Alibaba Cloud account within seven days to pay off the overdue bill. DBS automatically resumes your services after you pay off the overdue bill. For more information, see Renewal policy. If your bill is overdue for more than seven days, DBS assumes that you have stopped using services. In this case, your data in DBS are permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

  • The source database is not affected after the backup schedule is released.

Query bills

  1. Log on to the

    Expenses and Costs console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Bills > Bill Details.

  3. On the Bill Details page, click the Billing Details tab. On the Billing Details tab, configure the Billing Cycle parameter, and then select Database Backup from the Product drop-down list.

    To view specific details of bills, you can configure the Statistic Item parameter and Statistic Period parameter.


Query resource usage

  1. Log on to the

    Expenses and Costs console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Bills > Bill Details.

  3. On the Bill Details page, click the Usage Records tab. On the Usage Records tab, configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.





    Select cbs.

    Billable Item

    Select DBS.

    Time Period

    Select the time range for the query. You can query the resource usage of at most one calendar month at a time. For example, if you select 2024-04-01 as the start time, the latest end time that you can specify is 2024-04-30.

    Time Unit

    Select Day.

  4. Click Export CSV.

    After the CSV file is exported, find the CSV file on the Export Record page and click Download in the Actions column to download the file to your local device.