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DataV:What is Blueprint Editor?

Last Updated:May 12, 2023

This topic describes the concepts, benefits, and simple procedure of DataV Blueprint Editor.


Blueprint Editor is commonly referred to as Visual Programming or Flow Based Programming, which defines the interaction between layers through visual connections.


  • Unlike the callback ID used in node programming, Blueprint Editor ensures real-time and synchronous interactions and data.

  • Blueprint Editor can merge data requests and distribute data.

  • Blueprint Editor can be split by module, which enables you to focus on a single interaction link. This way, you only need to take business rules and interaction requirements into account.

  • Blueprint Editor supports widgets provided by DataV or third-party applications. This is a developer-friendly feature.


    Third-party widgets developed by users must comply with the developer standards.


  1. Log on to the DataV console.
  2. In Canvas Editor, click the Blueprint Editor icon in the top toolbar.

  3. In Blueprint Editor, drag imported nodes and logical nodes to the canvas.


    If no Import Node is available on the left side, you can go back to Canvas Editor, select a layer, and right-click Export to Blueprint Editor.

  4. Connect nodes based on the interaction logic.

  5. In the right-side configuration panel, configure the node name, upstream and downstream events, upstream and downstream actions, and processing methods.

    For more information about how to add widgets, connect widgets, and configure logical nodes, see Blueprint Editor.

  6. After the configuration is complete, click the Preview (预览图标) icon in the upper-right corner to view the interaction effect of the application.

  7. After the application is previewed, click the Publish (发布图标) icon in the upper-right corner to publish the application.