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Cloud Backup:Check Object Storage Service assets

Last Updated:Mar 14, 2024

Backup and Disaster Recovery Center (BDRC) provides health scores for your Object Storage Service assets to help you understand the overall data protection status of your cloud assets. This topic describes the check items based on which BDRC scores Object Storage Service assets. This topic also provides guidance to fix vulnerabilities. The health check and vulnerability fixing guidance help you better protect and manage data in your Object Storage Service assets.

Check items

Check item




OSS versioning

Checks whether the versioning feature is enabled for OSS buckets.

  • Failed

  • Passed

OSS allows you to enable the versioning feature for a bucket to protect objects that are stored in the bucket. When you overwrite or delete objects that are stored in a bucket for which the versioning feature is enabled, OSS saves the objects as previous versions in the bucket. If you overwrite or delete an object in the bucket by mistake, you can restore the object to a previous version.

OSS cross-region replication

Checks whether the cross-region replication feature is enabled for OSS buckets.

  • Failed

  • Passed

This feature can help you perform data replication and provide an ideal cross-region disaster recovery method for buckets. You can create cross-region replication tasks.

OSS backup

Checks whether the Cloud Backup feature is enabled for OSS buckets.

  • Failed

  • Passed

You can use Cloud Backup to protect important OSS data.

Cross-region replication of OSS backup vaults

Checks whether the cross-region backup feature is enabled for OSS backup vaults of Cloud Backup.

  • Failed

  • Passed

After you use Cloud Backup to protect your important OSS data, you can configure cross-region replication for OSS backup vaults to achieve geo-redundancy.

Description of check items and vulnerability fixing guidance

OSS versioning


Checks whether the versioning feature is enabled for OSS buckets.

How to fix

Log on to the Object Storage Service console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Buckets. On the Buckets page, find the desired bucket and click Enable in the Versioning column.

  • The versioning feature is free of charge. However, if you enable the versioning feature for an OSS bucket, you are charged for the storage of the objects of the current version and all previous versions. To reduce storage costs, we recommend that you delete the previous versions of objects that you no longer need. When you download a previous version of an object or restore an object to a previous version, you are charged request and traffic fees. For more information, see Billing overview.

  • When you overwrite or delete objects that are stored in an OSS bucket for which the versioning feature is enabled, OSS saves the objects as previous versions in the bucket. After the versioning feature is enabled for a bucket, the versioning state of the bucket cannot be set back to Disabled. However, you can suspend versioning for a bucket for which the versioning feature is enabled. For more information, see Overview.

OSS cross-region replication


Checks whether the cross-region replication feature is enabled for OSS buckets.

How to fix

Log on to the Object Storage Service console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Buckets. On the Buckets page, find the desired bucket and click the name of the bucket. In the left-side navigation pane of the page that appears, choose Data Management > CRR or Data Management > SRR.

  • You are charged for the traffic that is generated when you use the cross-region replication feature to replicate objects in OSS. For more information, see CRR overview and Billing overview.

  • After the same-region replication feature is enabled, you are not charged for the traffic that is generated when you use this feature to replicate objects in OSS. Each time an object is synchronized, OSS accumulates the number of requests. However, you are not charged for the requests. For more information, see SRR overview.

  • The versioning status of the source and destination buckets must be the same.

OSS backup


Checks whether the Cloud Backup feature is enabled for OSS buckets.

How to fix

Log on to the Cloud Backup console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Backup > OSS Backup. On the OSS Backup page, click Create Backup Plan. In the Create Backup Plan panel, configure the backup settings as prompted.

  • Cloud Backup cannot back up or restore symbolic links, object access control lists (ACLs), or objects in buckets of the Archive storage class.

  • Before you can use OSS backup of Cloud Backup, you must activate Cloud Backup. If you use OSS backup, Cloud Backup charges you the storage fee. For more information, see Back up OSS objects and Billing methods and billable items. You are charged for OSS API operations that are called during the backup of OSS objects. The charges are included into your OSS bills. For more information, see OSS billable items and billing methods.

Cross-region replication of OSS backup vaults


Checks whether the cross-region backup feature is enabled for OSS backup vaults of Cloud Backup.

How to fix

Log on to the Cloud Backup console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Storage Vaults. On the Storage Vaults page, find the desired backup vault and click Cross-Region Backup in the Actions column. In the Create Mirror Vault panel, select the region to which data needs to be backed up for Region and configure other parameters to complete the cross-region backup configuration.

  • Before you can use the cross-region backup feature of Cloud Backup, you must activate Cloud Backup. You are charged for the traffic generated when you copy backup data from the backup vault to the mirror vault. For more information, see Billing methods and billable items.

  • The cross-region backup feature does not support archive vaults or backup vaults for which Key Management Service (KMS)-based encryption is enabled. For more information, see Back up data across regions.