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ChatApp Message Service:Use Ali cloud me bot service

Last Updated:Jul 18, 2023

Ali cloud me bot service is a bot service that uses NLP to simulate human conversation in different commercial message service channels. It allows you to configure your own knowledge base and achieve intelligent Q&A. This topic describes how to create a Ali me workspace and manage bots.

Open Ali me space



  1. Log on to the ChatApp console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Channels > Message channel.

  3. At the Ali cloud me bot service section, click Open Ali me space.

  4. Select the language from the Open language drop-down list, click OK. Create a workspace.

  5. At the Ali clound me bot service section, you can view the created workspace. image


    You can click Delete space to delete the workspace that you want to delete.

Robot Management


Create a bot

  1. Log on to the ChatApp console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Channels > Message channel.

  3. Choose Ali cloud me bot service Manage Bot. The Chatbot Management page is displayed.

  4. In the drop-down list over the left-side navigation pane, select the created workspace.


    Make sure you use the proper language for Q&A words for the workspace. The language for Q&A words is the language you select when you create the workspace. For the language information, see Channels > Message channel > Ali cloud me bot service.

  5. In the left-side navigation pane, choose ChatBot > Robot > Create new robots.

  6. Set Chatbot Name and Robot type. Then, click Create. image

  7. A bot is created.

Bind and unbind a bot

After creating a bot, you can bind it to the desired phone number.

  1. Log on to the ChatApp console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Channels > Message channel.

  3. Under the phone number to which you want to bind the bot, click Bind bot. image

  4. On the Bind bot dialog box, select the workspace and bot and click OK to bind the bot.


    Select a created bot. For more information about how to create a bot, see Create a bot.

You can click unbund robot under the phone number from which you want to unbind the bot and click OK to unbind the bot.

Change a bot

After you create a bot and bind it, you can change the bot.

  1. Log on to the ChatApp console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Channels > Message channel.

  3. Under the phone number for which you want to change the bot, click Change robot.

  4. On the Bind bot dialog box, select the workspace and bot to change the bot. image

  5. Click OK.


Ali cloud me bot service is used in scenarios such as intelligent customer service, intelligent office assistant, and pre-sales business consulting. For information about how to configure a Q&A bot and a dialog studio, see the help documentation.