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CDN:Rules engine

Last Updated:Jul 11, 2024


The rules engine provides a graphical user interface that simplifies how you configure rules. You can configure rules to identify user requests based on the parameters that the requests carry. This helps determine whether a configuration applies to a request, and provides a more flexible and accurate method to manage the configurations and policies that you configure in Alibaba Cloud CDN.

Background information

The Alibaba Cloud CDN console provides basic features, including cache expiration rules and parameter rewrite, that are suitable for most scenarios but do not meet the requirements of all users. For example, Alibaba Cloud CDN does not support redirecting requests that contain specific paths, such as /example, to a specific origin server address. To implement flexible custom configurations, you can use the basic features together with the rules engine. You can also use EdgeScript for more complex configurations. For more information, see EdgeScript overview.


Basic features

Basic features + rules engine

EdgeScript (programmable configurations)


General configurations

Flexible configurations

Highly flexible configurations


Common requirements

Advanced custom requirements

Fully customized requirements

Ease of use (technical knowledge required)




Configuration flexibility




Usage notes

  • You can create a maximum of 50 rules for each domain name.

  • You can create a maximum of 20 sub-rules in each rule.

  • If you create a rule by using the console or calling an API operation, you cannot use regular expression-related operators, including regular expression match and mismatch. However, you can view existing rules that include the operators.

  • If you create a rule by using the console or calling an API operation, the rule can be referenced a maximum of five times across all features for a domain name.

  • Rules support up to three levels of nesting. You can configure complete logical statements within each level.

Syntax of rules

A rule consists of logical operators and conditional expressions.


Logical operators are used to evaluate the conditions of an expression and determine whether to match a rule. The following logical operators are supported:

  • AND: the logical conjunction operator. The rule is matched only if all conditions are true.

  • OR: the logical disjunction operator. The rule is matched if one of the conditions is true.

Parameters in conditional expressions

A conditional expression that has the finest granularity contains the parameters in the following table.


Corresponding parameter in the condition function



Conditional match


The conditional match expression.


Logical judgment


The logical judgment parameter of the conditional match expression. Valid values: and/or.


Criteria of conditional judgment


The judgment criteria of the conditional match expression.


Match type


The type of information to match. The expression attempts to match the specific type of information that is carried in a user request.


Match object


A subdivision of the match type. For example, the client IP addresses can be subdivided into IP addresses that are used to connect to points of presence (POPs) and X-Forwarded-For (XFF) IP addresses.


Match operator


The operator of the match.


Match value


The preset value to be matched against the information that is carried in the user request.


Condition judgment value negation


Specifies whether to negate the result of a conditional expression. Valid values: true and false.


Case sensitivity


Specifies whether the characters in the match value are case-sensitive.


Rule name


The name of the rule.


Effective status


The effective status of the rule.


Configuration of conditional expressions

Match type

Corresponding parameter in the condition function


Match object

Match operator

Match value

Case sensitivity

Corresponding variable in NGINX or Tengine



The protocol over which the request is sent, such as HTTP or HTTPS.


  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • http

  • https



Request method


The request method, such as GET or PUT.


  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • get

  • put

  • post

  • delete

  • head





The path in the request URL, excluding request parameters. Example: /favicon.ico.


  • Include any

  • Exclude any

The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards are supported. For example, /*/my_path/* is a valid expression. You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive

$raw_uri or $uri

File name


The name of the file that is requested by the client. Example: name1.


  • Include any

  • Exclude any

The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards are supported. You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive


File name extension


The suffix of the file that is requested by the client, which starts from the last period (.), such as, .mp4.


  • Include any

  • Exclude any

The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards are supported. You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive




The hostname that is carried in the request. The matching priority: host in the request URL > host in the HOST header of the request.


  • Include any

  • Exclude any

The host of the request. You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive

$host or $http_host

Client IP address


The IP address of the client. IPv4 addresses such as 1.1.X.X, IPv6 addresses such as 240e:95c:3004:2:3:0:0:XXX, and CIDR blocks such as 20.209.XXX.XXX/31 are supported.

  • IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs

  • XFF IP


For information about IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs and XFF IP addresses, see IP address verification modes.

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

IPv6 addresses such as 240e:XXX:3004:2:3:0:0:3f7 and CIDR blocks such as 120.209.XXX.XXX/31 are supported. You can specify multiple values.



Client IP version


IPv4 or IPv6

  • IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs

  • XFF IP


For information about IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs and XFF IP addresses, see IP address verification modes.

  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

  • v4

  • v6



Internet service provider (ISP)


The ISP to which the IP address of the client belongs.

  • IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs

  • XFF IP


For information about IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs and XFF IP addresses, see IP address verification modes.

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

You can select a value from the drop-down list or enter characters to filter options. Fuzzy match by ID or name is supported. You can specify multiple values.



IP location


The geographical location of the client IP address.

  • IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs

  • XFF IP


For information about IP addresses that are used to connect to POPs and XFF IP addresses, see IP address verification modes.

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

You can select a value from the drop-down list or enter characters to filter options. Fuzzy match by ID or name is supported. You can specify multiple values.



Request parameter


The parameter that is carried in the request URL.

Enter a parameter name.

  • Existent

  • Non-existent

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or equal to

  • Smaller than

  • Smaller than or equal to

The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards are supported. You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive


Request header


The header that is carried in the request.

Enter a parameter name or select a parameter from the drop-down list.

  • Existent

  • Non-existent

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or equal to

  • Smaller than

  • Smaller than or equal to

You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive




The cookie that is carried in the request.

Enter a cookie name.

  • Existent

  • Non-existent

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or equal to

  • Smaller than

  • Smaller than or equal to

The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards are supported. You can specify multiple values.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive




The User-Agent field in the request header.


  • Include any

  • Exclude any

You can select a value from the drop-down list or enter a User-Agent value, such as *Chrome/25*. The question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards are supported. You can specify multiple values in each expression.

  • Case-sensitive

  • Case-insensitive


Range bucket


Requests are grouped and executed based on the percentage.


  • Equal to

  • Not equal to

Enter a percentage.



Time range


The time range during which the request was initiated, in UTC+8. Example: 09:10 to 14:22.


  • Include any

  • Exclude any

Enter a time range, such as 09:10 to 14:22.



Nginx Var


If all the preceding variables in the table cannot meet your requirements, you can use NGINX variables. For more information, see Alphabetical index of variables.

Select a variable from the drop-down list or enter a variable name in the $region:$isp format.

  • Existent

  • Non-existent

  • Include any

  • Exclude any

  • Greater than

  • Greater than or equal to

  • Smaller than

  • Smaller than or equal to

You can specify multiple values.



IP address verification modes

The rules engine feature has two IP address verification modes, which affect the determination of POPs on the client IP addresses.

  • Determine based on the IP address that is used to connect to the POP: This mode verifies the IP address that is used by a client to connect to a POP. If a proxy is used when a client connects to a POP, the IP address that is used to connect to the POP is the IP address of the proxy.

  • Determine based on the XFF IP address: This mode verifies the first IP address in the XFF header in a client request. The XFF IP address is the client IP address regardless of whether a proxy is used when a client connects to a POP.

The choice between the IP address verification modes varies based on whether a request passes through a proxy before the request is sent to a POP.

Take note that the POP where the feature that references a rule takes effect also affects the choice between the IP address verification modes. For back-to-origin features that take effect on L2 POPs, L1 POPs that the requests pass through are regarded as proxies.

For example, the client IP address is and the proxy IP address is

  • If no proxy is used when a client connects to a POP, the following rules apply:

    • The value of the XFF header in the user request is

    • The client IP address is the IP address that is used by the client to connect to the POP.

  • If a proxy is used when a client connects to a POP, the following rules apply:

    • The value of the XFF header in the user request is,

    • The client IP address is

    • The IP address that is used by the client to connect to a POP is the IP address of the proxy, which is

    • The client IP address is not the IP address that is used by the client to connect to the POP.

Match operators


Corresponding parameter in the condition function


Equal to

The value of the matchOperator parameter is equals.

The condition is true only when all variables are equal to or not equal to the match value.

Not equal to

The value of the matchOperator parameter is equals, and the value of the negate parameter is true.


The value of the matchOperator parameter is exists.

The condition is true regardless of whether the variable exists.


The value of the matchOperator parameter is exists, and the value of the negate parameter is true.

Include any

The value of the matchOperator parameter is contains.

The condition is true if variables contain or do not contain any of the match values. You can specify up to 32 match values.

The following match modes are supported:

  • Exact match: Enter a match object. For example, when the match value is "a", the condition is true only if the match object is "a".

  • Wildcard match: You can add an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, a*, *a, and *a* can correspond to abc, bca, and bcabc respectively.

Exclude any

The value of the matchOperator parameter is contains, and the value of the negate parameter is true.

Greater than

The value of the matchOperator parameter is gt.


Smaller than

The value of the matchOperator parameter is lt.


Greater than or equal to

The value of the matchOperator parameter is ge.


Smaller than or equal to

The value of the matchOperator parameter is le.


Regular expression match

The value of the matchOperator parameter is regex.

You can enter a regular expression as the match value.


If you create a rule by using the console or calling an API operation, you cannot use regular expression-related operators, including regular expression match and mismatch. However, you can view existing rules that include the operators.

Regular expression mismatch

The value of the matchOperator parameter is regex, and the value of the negate parameter is true.





One character can be matched.


Any characters can be matched.

Features that can reference rules



Basic settings

Configure a conditional origin

Cache settings

Create a cache rule for resources

Configure an HTTP response header

Create an access URL rewrite rule

Back-to-origin settings

Configure HTTP request headers

Configure HTTP response headers

Parameter rewrite

Access control settings

Configure a Referer whitelist or blacklist to enable hotlink protection

Configure URL signing

Configure an IP address blacklist or whitelist

Configure a User-Agent blacklist or whitelist

Performance optimization

Ignore parameters

Video-related settings

Range origin fetch

Traffic throttling

Configure traffic throttling for individual requests


  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud CDN console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Domain Names.

  3. On the Domain Names page, find the domain name that you want to manage and click Manage in the Actions column.

  4. In the left-side navigation tree, click Rules Engine.

  5. Click Add Rule.

  6. On the Add Rule page, configure the Rule Name and Rule Content parameters.

  7. Click Submit.