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Bastionhost:Step 5: Audit O&M sessions

Last Updated:Jun 06, 2024

When a user logs on to a bastion host to perform O&M operations on assets, you can view the O&M session details in the Bastionhost console in real time as an administrator. The O&M session details are displayed on the Graphic Text, Commands, and File Transfer tabs. You can interrupt the sessions with unauthorized or high-risk operations. This topic describes how to monitor O&M sessions in real time and interrupt high-risk sessions as an administrator.


  1. Log on to the Bastionhost console by using your Alibaba Cloud account. In the top navigation bar, select the region where your bastion host resides.

  2. In the bastion host list, find the bastion host that you want to manage and click Manage.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose O&M Audit > Real-Time Monitoring.

  4. On the Real-Time Monitoring page, specify search conditions and click Search.

  5. Find the session that you want to monitor and click Play in the Actions column.

  6. If you find that the user is performing unauthorized or high-risk operations, return to the session list, select the session, and then click Interrupt Sessions below the list.

  7. In the dialog box that appears, click Interrupt Session.
