Queries information about resource quota.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes DescribeLimitation

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeLimitation.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
MaxNumberOfScheduledTasks Integer 70

The maximum number of scheduled tasks that can be created in a region by using an Alibaba Cloud account.

Note To view the scheduled task quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfLoadBalancers Integer 30

The maximum number of Classic Load Balancer (CLB, formerly known as SLB) instances that can be associated with a scaling group.

Note To view the CLB instance quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfMaxSize Integer 2000

The maximum number of instances that can be contained in a scaling group.

Note To view the instance quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfAlbServerGroup Integer 30

The maximum number of Application Load Balancer (ALB) server groups that can be associated with a scaling group.

Note To view the ALB server group quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfNlbServerGroup Integer 30

The maximum number of Network Load Balancer (NLB) server groups that can be associated with a scaling group.

Note To view the NLB server group quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfDBInstances Integer 30

The maximum number of ApsaraDB RDS instances that can be associated with a scaling group.

Note To view the ApsaraDB RDS instance quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfScalingConfigurations Integer 70

The maximum number of scaling configurations that can be created in a scaling group.

Note To view the scaling configuration quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfMinSize Integer 2000

The minimum number of instances that must be contained in a scaling group. The value of MaxNumberOfMinSize must be consistent with the value of MaxNumberOfMaxSize.

MaxNumberOfLifecycleHooks Integer 10

The maximum number of lifecycle hooks that can be created in a scaling group.

MaxNumberOfScalingInstances Integer 500

The maximum number of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances that can be included in each scaling activity.

MaxNumberOfScalingGroups Integer 200

The maximum number of scaling groups that can be created in a region by using an Alibaba Cloud account.

Note To view the scaling group quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
RequestId String BE9BEB41-E7B8-4C7D-A3CF-2DCB1066****

The ID of the request.

MaxNumberOfNotificationConfigurations Integer 6

The maximum number of notification rules that can be created in a scaling group.

MaxNumberOfVServerGroups Integer 5

The maximum number of vServer groups that can be specified for a scaling group when a CLB instance is associated with the scaling group.

Note To view the vServer group quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.
MaxNumberOfScalingRules Integer 70

The maximum number of scaling rules that can be created for a scaling group.

Note To view the scaling rule quota or manually apply for a quota increase, go to Quota Center.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "MaxNumberOfScheduledTasks" : 70,
  "MaxNumberOfLoadBalancers" : 30,
  "MaxNumberOfMaxSize" : 2000,
  "MaxNumberOfAlbServerGroup" : 30,
  "MaxNumberOfNlbServerGroup" : 30,
  "MaxNumberOfDBInstances" : 30,
  "MaxNumberOfScalingConfigurations" : 70,
  "MaxNumberOfMinSize" : 2000,
  "MaxNumberOfLifecycleHooks" : 10,
  "MaxNumberOfScalingInstances" : 500,
  "MaxNumberOfScalingGroups" : 200,
  "RequestId" : "BE9BEB41-E7B8-4C7D-A3CF-2DCB1066****",
  "MaxNumberOfNotificationConfigurations" : 6,
  "MaxNumberOfVServerGroups" : 5,
  "MaxNumberOfScalingRules" : 70

Error codes

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.