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Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh:Use an ASM gateway to access a Knative Service over HTTPS

Last Updated:Feb 29, 2024

A Service Mesh (ASM) gateway supports HTTPS and allows you to dynamically load certificates. When you need to securely access and manage microservices that are built by using Knative, you can use an ASM gateway to allow access to a Knative Service only over HTTPS. In addition, you can configure encrypted transmission for service endpoints to protect communications between the services, improving the security and reliability of the overall architecture.


Create a certificate and a private key

Before you use the domain name, you need to apply for an Internet Content Provider (ICP) filing for the domain name. In this example, the domain name is used to generate a certificate and a private key. Save the certificate and the private key as a secret.


If you have an available certificate and private key for the domain name, rename the certificate to and the private key to

If you do not have a certificate and a private key available for the domain name, you can use OpenSSL and perform the following steps to generate a certificate and a private key.

  1. Run the following command to create a root certificate and a private key:

    openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj '/O=myexample Inc./' -keyout aliyun.root.key -out aliyun.root.crt
  2. Run the following commands to generate a certificate and a private key for the server of

    openssl req -out -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout -subj "/ organization"
    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -CA aliyun.root.crt -CAkey aliyun.root.key -set_serial 0 -in -out

After the certificate and private key are generated, run the following command in the KubeConfig file of the cluster to which the ingress gateway pod belongs to create a secret that contains the certificate and private key in the istio-system namespace and save the secret name.

kubectl create -n istio-system secret tls myexample-credential

Enable HTTPS

  1. Save the following content as the default.yaml file:

    kind: ASMKnativeConfig
      name: default
      enabled: true
      useExisting: true
      tag: 1.4.0
        domainName: # Replace with the domain name you used. 
        credentialName: myexample-credential # Replace myexample-credential with your secret name.

  2. Use kubectl to connect to Service Mesh and run the following command:

    kubectl apply -f default.yaml

Access the Knative Service over HTTPS

  1. Add the information about the new domain name that you want to visit to the hosts file.

    The following sample code shows the content that you want to add to the hosts file.


    Replace with the gateway address that you actually access. For more information about how to obtain the gateway address, see Step 3: Query the gateway address in Use Knative on ASM to deploy a serverless application.
  2. Access the Knative Service over HTTPS.

    • Access the Knative Service by running the following command

      Run the following command to access the Knative Service over HTTPS:

      curl -k --cert --key
      # Expected output:
      Hello Knative!
    • Access the Knative Service by visiting the following website

      Enter in the browser to directly access the Knative Service.


      When you access the Knative Service by using a browser, the system may prompt that the URL you entered in the browser is risky because a self-signed certificate is used. Do not worry.

Related operations

  • Knative on ASM allows you to perform a canary release based on traffic splitting for a Knative Service. When you create a Knative Service, Knative automatically creates the first Revision for the Service. Whenever the configuration of the Knative Service changes, Knative creates a new Revision and modifies the percentage of traffic that is distributed to different Revisions to implement a canary release. For more information, see Perform a canary release based on traffic splitting for a Knative Service by using Knative on ASM.

  • Knative Serving adds the Queue Proxy container to each pod. The Queue Proxy container sends the concurrency metrics of the application containers to Knative Pod Autoscaler (KPA). After KPA receives the metrics, KPA automatically adjusts the number of pods provisioned for a Deployment based on the number of concurrent requests and related autoscaling algorithms. For more information, see Enable autoscaling of pods based on the number of requests.