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Container Service for Kubernetes:Automatically expand a disk volume (public preview)

Last Updated:Jul 01, 2024

Your disk space may become insufficient as your business develops and application data grows. To resolve this issue, you can define one or more expansion policies to automatically expand a disk volume when the usage of the disk volume exceeds a specified threshold value. This topic describes how to automatically expand a disk volume.


Usage notes

  • Only ACK clusters that run Kubernetes 1.16 and later are support. You can expand disks but cannot shrink disks.

  • You can expand only disks that are mounted to pods.

  • You can expand only disks that can be resized. For more information, see ResizeDisk.

  • The maximum interval between two expansion operations is 2 minutes. The disk expansion process requires 1 minute. Make sure that you do not exhaust the disk space within 3 minutes.

  • The maximum capacity of a disk is 2,000 GiB.

Step 1: Enable automatic scale-up

The default storage-auto-expander in the storage-operator component manages automatic storage expansion. To enable automatic scale-up, run the following command to modify the ConfigMap file of the storage-operator component.

kubectl patch configmap/storage-operator \
  -n kube-system \
  --type merge \
  -p '{"data":{"storage-auto-expander":"{\"imageRep\":\"acs/storage-auto-expander\",\"imageTag\":\"\",\"install\":\"true\",\"template\":\"/acs/templates/storage-auto-expander/install.yaml\",\"type\":\"deployment\"}"}}'

Step 2: Configure an auto expansion policy

  1. Configure an auto expansion policy in StorageClass.

    We recommend that you create an alicloud-disk-topology-alltype StorageClass in each ACK cluster. The StorageClass can automatically select disk types to avoid disk creation failures caused by instance type limits or insufficient disk stock in the specified zone.

    If your cluster runs an earlier Kubernetes version, you can use the following method to manually create an alicloud-disk-topology-alltype StorageClass .

    1. Use the following template to create a file named storageclass.yaml.

      allowVolumeExpansion: true
      kind: StorageClass
        name: alicloud-disk-topology-alltype
        type: cloud_essd,cloud_ssd,cloud_efficiency
      reclaimPolicy: Delete
      volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
    2. Run the following command to create a StorageClass:

      kubectl create -f storageclass.yaml
  1. Use a custom resource definition (CRD) to create an auto expansion policy.

    1. Use the following template to create a file named StorageAutoScalerPolicy.yaml:

      kind: StorageAutoScalerPolicy
        name: hybrid-expand-policy
            app: mysql
          - default
          - mysql
          - name: condition1
            key: volume-capacity-used-percentage
            operator: Gt
              - "80"
          - name: action1
            type: volume-expand
              scale: 50Gi
              limits: 100Gi
          - name: action2
            type: volume-expand
              scale: 50%
              limits: 300Gi




      Selects a persistent volume claim (PVC) based on labels. In this example, mysql is used.


      Specifies the namespace of the PVC. If multiple namespaces are specified, the logical operator between the namespaces is OR. Default value: default. In this example, default and mysql are specified.


      Specifies the conditions that trigger the action. The logical operator between multiple conditions is AND. Each condition includes the following parameters:

      • key: specifies the type of the metric.

      • volume-capacity-used-percentage: specifies that the storage usage threshold is expressed in percentage.

      • operator: specifies the operator, which can be Gt (greater than), Lt (less than), Eq (equal to), or Ne (not equal to). The parameter value is not case-sensitive.

      • values: specifies the threshold value.

      In the example, the condition specifies that the action is triggered when the capacity usage of the PVC exceeds 80%.


      Specifies the operations that are performed when the preceding conditions are met. Multiple operations are allowed. Each action includes the following parameters:

      • type: specifies the type of action. Valid value: volume-expand.

      • scale: specifies the size of the storage that you want to add to the volume. Valid units: GiB and percentage (%).

      • limits: specifies the maximum capacity of the PVC if the action is performed.

      If multiple actions are specified in the actions section, the first action that meets the limits is performed. The other actions are skipped. In this example, if action1 meets the limits, action1 is performed and action2 is skipped.

      • In this example, action1 specifies the disk is expanded by 50 GiB if the disk size is no greater than 100 GiB. The maximum disk size is 100 GiB.

      • In this example, action2 specifies that the disk is expanded by 50% if the disk size is greater than 100 GiB but smaller than 300 GiB. The maximum disk size is 300 GiB.

    2. Run the following command to create an auto expansion policy:

      kubectl create -f StorageAutoScalerPolicy.yaml
  2. Create a StatefulSet.

    1. Use the following template to create a file named StatefulSet.yaml.

       apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: StatefulSet
        name: mysql
            app: mysql
        serviceName: mysql
        replicas: 3
              app: mysql
            - name: mysql
              image: mysql:5.7
              - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
                    name: mysql-pass
                    key: password
              - containerPort: 80
                name: mysql
              - name: pvc-disk
                mountPath: /data
          - metadata:
              name: pvc-disk
                app: mysql
              accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
              storageClassName: "alicloud-disk-topology-alltype"
                  storage: 25Gi
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: mysql-pass
      type: Opaque
        username: dGVz****             
        password: dGVzdDEt****     
    2. Run the following command to create a StatefulSet:

      kubectl create -f StatefulSet.yaml

Step 3: Verify automatic disk expansion

  1. Write data to the mounted directory to increase the disk usage to more than 80%.

    1. Run the following command to write data to the mounted directory:

      dd if=<Data path> of=<Mounted directory>
    2. Run the following command to query the disk details:

      df -h | grep d-****1

      Expected output:

      Filesystem    Size   Used   Avail   Use%    Mounted on
      /dev/vde      25G    24G    1.5G    95%     /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/****1/globalmount
  2. Run the following command to query events that are related to disk expansion:

    Disk expansion is triggered when the disk usage exceeds 80%. In this case, action1 meets the limits. Therefore, action1 is performed to expand the disk.

    kubectl get events

    Expected output:

    101s     Warning     StartExpand                persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Start to expand of pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 from 25Gi to 75Gi, usedCapacityPercentage:94%, freeSize:1472MB.
    101s     Warning     ExternalExpanding          persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Ignoring the PVC: did't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
    101s     Normal      Resizing                   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     External resizer is resizing volume d-****1
    97s      Normal      FileSystemResizeRequired   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Require file system resize of volume on node
    96s      Warning     SkipExpand                 persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 is expanding status from 25Gi to 75Gi, this action action2 will skip.
  3. Run the following command to query the capacity of the PVC:

    kubectl get pvc

    Expected output:

    NAME               STATUS     VOLUME     CAPACITY     ACCESS MODES     STORAGECLASS                      AGE
    pvc-disk-mysql-0   Bound      d-****0    25Gi         RWO              alicloud-disk-topology-alltype    22m
    pvc-disk-mysql-1   Bound      d-****1    75Gi         RWO              alicloud-disk-topology-alltype    21m
    pvc-disk-mysql-2   Bound      d-****2    25Gi         RWO              alicloud-disk-topology-alltype    21m

    The expected output shows that the disk d-****1 is expanded to 75 GiB.

  4. Repeat Step 1 to increase the disk usage to more than 80%. This expands the disk again.

    Run the following command to query events that are related to disk expansion:

    kubectl get events

    Expected output:

    7m22s    Warning     StartExpand                persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Start to expand of pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 from 100Gi to 150Gi, usedCapacityPercentage:95%, freeSize:3732MB.
    5m2s     Warning     ExternalExpanding          persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Ignoring the PVC: did't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
    2m4s     Normal      Resizing                   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     External resizer is resizing volume d-****1
    3m4s     Normal      FileSystemResizeRequired   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Require file system resize of volume on node
    5m59s    Warning     SkipExpand                 persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 is expanding status from 100Gi to 150Gi, this action action1 will skip.

    The limits parameter of action1 specifies that the maximum disk capacity is 100 GiB. Therefore, the disk size is expanded from 75 GiB to 100 GiB, as shown in the expected output.

  5. Repeat Step 1 to increase the disk usage to more than 80%. This expands the disk a third time.

    Run the following command to query events that are related to disk expansion:

    kubectl get events

    Expected output:

    7m22s    Warning     StartExpand                persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Start to expand of pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 from 100Gi to 150Gi, usedCapacityPercentage:95%, freeSize:3732MB.
    5m2s     Warning     ExternalExpanding          persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Ignoring the PVC: did't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
    2m4s     Normal      Resizing                   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     External resizer is resizing volume d-****1
    3m4s     Normal      FileSystemResizeRequired   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Require file system resize of volume on node
    5m59s    Warning     SkipExpand                 persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 is expanding status from 100Gi to 150Gi, this action action1 will skip.

    The limits parameter of action1 is 100 GiB. Therefore, this action is not performed. The expected output shows that action2 is performed to expand the disk size from 100 GiB to 150 GiB.

  6. Repeat Step 1 to increase the disk usage to more than 80%. This expands the disk a fourth time.

    Run the following command to query events that are related to disk expansion:

    kubectl get events

    Expected output:

    0s     Warning     StartExpand                persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Start to expand of pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 from 150Gi to 225Gi, usedCapacityPercentage:94%, freeSize:7637MB.
    0s     Warning     ExternalExpanding          persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Ignoring the PVC: did't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
    0s     Normal      Resizing                   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     External resizer is resizing volume d-****1
    0s     Normal      FileSystemResizeRequired   persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Require file system resize of volume on node
    0s     Warning     SkipExpand                 persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 is expanding status from 150Gi to 225Gi, this action action1 will skip.

    The expected output shows that action2 is performed to expand the disk size from 150 GiB to 225 GiB.

  7. Repeat Step 1 to increase the disk usage to more than 80%. This expands the disk a fifth time.

    Run the following command to query events that are related to disk expansion:

    kubectl get events

    Expected output:

    0s     Warning     StartExpand                 persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Start to expand of pvc pvc-disk-mysql-1 from 225Gi to 300Gi, usedCapacityPercentage:94%, freeSize:7637MB.
    0s     Warning     ExternalExpanding           persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Ignoring the PVC: did't find a plugin capable of expanding the volume; waiting for an external controller to process this PVC.
    0s     Normal      Resizing                    persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     External resizer is resizing volume d-****1
    0s     Normal      FileSystemResizeRequired    persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     Require file system resize of volume on node
    0s     Warning     FileSystemResizeSuccessful  persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-disk-mysql-1     MountVolume.NodeExpandVolume succeeded for volume "d-****1"

    The limits parameter of action2 specifies that the maximum disk capacity is 300 GiB. Therefore, the disk size is expanded from 225 GiB to 300 GiB, as shown in the expected output.

    Disk expansion is not triggered when the disk usage exceeds 80% again.