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Container Service for Kubernetes:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Apr 30, 2024
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API catalog

OpenAckServiceOpenAckServiceYou can call the OpenAckService operation to activate Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK).


CreateClusterCreateClusterYou can call the CreateCluster operation to create a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. ACK clusters include ACK managed clusters, ACK dedicated clusters, ACK Serverless clusters, ACK Edge clusters, ACK clusters that support sandboxed containers, and registered clusters. For more information about how to create different types of ACK clusters, see the following usage notes.
DeleteClusterDeleteClusterYou can call the DeleteCluster operation to delete a cluster by cluster ID and release all nodes in the cluster.
DescribeClustersV1DescribeClustersV1You can call the DescribeClustersV1 operation to query the details about all Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters.
DescribeClusterDetailDescribeClusterDetailYou can call the DescribeClusterDetail operation to query the details of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster by cluster ID.
DescribeClusterResourcesDescribeClusterResourcesYou can call the DescribeClusterResources operation to query all resources in a cluster by cluster ID.
DescribeKubernetesVersionMetadataDescribeKubernetesVersionMetadataQueries the detailed information about Kubernetes versions, including the version number, release date, expiration date, compatible OSs, and runtime.
DescribeUserClusterNamespacesDescribeUserClusterNamespacesQueries the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions that are granted to the current Resource Access Management (RAM) user or RAM role on a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. You can use Kubernetes namespaces to limit users from accessing resources in an ACK cluster. Users that are granted RBAC permissions only on one namespace cannot access resources in other namespaces.
DescribeClusterLogsDescribeClusterLogsQueries the cluster log to help analyze cluster issues and locate the cause.
RunClusterCheckRunClusterCheckYou can call the RunClusterCheck operation to initiate cluster checks, such as cluster update prechecks.
ListClusterChecksListClusterChecksYou can call the ListClusterChecks operation to query all the cluster check results of a cluster.
GetClusterCheckGetClusterCheckQueries a cluster check task by cluster ID and task ID. You can view the status, check items, creation time, and end time of the task. Container Intelligence Service (CIS) provides a variety of Kubernetes cluster check features, including cluster update check, cluster migration check, component installation check, component update check, and node pool check.
ModifyClusterModifyClusterYou can call the ModifyCluster operation to modify the cluster configurations by cluster ID.
MigrateClusterMigrateClusterContainer Service for Kubernetes (ACK) Pro clusters are developed based on ACK Basic clusters. ACK Pro clusters provide all benefits of ACK managed clusters, such as fully-managed control planes and control plane high availability. In addition, ACK Pro clusters provide you with enhanced reliability, security, and schedulability. ACK Pro clusters are covered by the SLA that supports compensation clauses. ACK Pro clusters are suitable for large-scale businesses that require high stability and security in production environments. We recommend that you migrate from ACK Basic clusters to ACK Pro clusters.
DescribeClusterUserKubeconfigDescribeClusterUserKubeconfigKubeconfig files store identity and authentication information that is used by clients to access Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters. To use a kubectl client to manage an ACK cluster, you need to use the corresponding kubeconfig file to connect to the ACK cluster. We recommend that you keep kubeconfig files confidential and revoke kubeconfig files that are not in use. This helps prevent data leaks caused by the disclosure of kubeconfig files.
DescribeSubaccountK8sClusterUserConfigDescribeSubaccountK8sClusterUserConfigYou can use an Alibaba Cloud account to call the DescribeSubaccountK8sClusterUserConfig operation to obtain the cluster kubeconfig file of a RAM user or RAM role.
UpdateK8sClusterUserConfigExpireUpdateK8sClusterUserConfigExpireSets the validity period of a kubeconfig file used by a Resource Access Management (RAM) user or RAM role to connect to a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. The validity period ranges from 1 to 876,000 hours. You can call this API operation when you customize configurations by using an Alibaba Cloud account. The default validity period of a kubeconfig file is three years.
ScanClusterVulsScanClusterVulsScans for vulnerabilities in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, including workload vulnerabilities, third-party software vulnerabilities, CVE vulnerabilities, WebCMS vulnerabilities, and Windows vulnerabilities. We recommend that you scan your cluster on a regular basis to ensure cluster security.
DescribeClusterVulsDescribeClusterVulsYou can call the DescribeClusterVuls operation to query the vulnerability information of a cluster.

Node Pool

CreateClusterNodePoolCreateClusterNodePoolYou can call the CreateClusterNodePool operation to create a node pool for a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DescribeClusterNodePoolDetailDescribeClusterNodePoolDetailYou can call the DescribeClusterNodePoolDetail.html operation to query the details about a node pool in a cluster by node pool ID.
DescribeClusterNodePoolsDescribeClusterNodePoolsYou can call the DescribeClusterNodePools operation to query node pools in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DescribeNodePoolVulsDescribeNodePoolVulsQueries the vulnerability information of a node pool, such as vulnerability names and severity levels, by specifying the ID of the node pool. We recommend that you periodically scan node pools for vulnerabilities to enhance cluster security.
ModifyClusterNodePoolModifyClusterNodePoolYou can call the ModifyClusterNodePool operation to modify the configuration of a node pool with the specified node pool ID.
ScaleClusterNodePoolScaleClusterNodePoolYou can call the ScaleClusterNodePool operation to scale out a node pool by node pool ID.
AttachInstancesToNodePoolAttachInstancesToNodePoolYou can call the AttachInstancesToNodePool operation to add existing nodes to a node pool.
RemoveNodePoolNodesRemoveNodePoolNodesIf you no longer need one or more nodes in a cluster, you can call the RemoveNodePoolNodes operation to remove the nodes from the node pool and adjust the expected number of nodes. When you remove nodes, you can specify whether to release the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances and drain the nodes. When you remove nodes, pods on the nodes are migrated. This may adversely affect your businesses. We recommend that you back up data and perform this operation during off-peak hours.
UpgradeClusterNodepoolUpgradeClusterNodepoolYou can call the UpgradeClusterNodepool operation to update the Kubernetes version, OS version, or container runtime version of the nodes in a node pool.
RepairClusterNodePoolRepairClusterNodePoolYou can call the RepairClusterNodePool operation to fix issues on specified nodes in a managed node pool.
FixNodePoolVulsFixNodePoolVulsPatches node vulnerabilities in a node pool to enhance node security. Cloud Security provided by Alibaba Cloud periodically scans Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances for vulnerabilities and provides suggestions on how to patch the detected vulnerabilities. Vulnerability patching may require node restarts. Make sure that your cluster has sufficient idle nodes for node draining.
ModifyNodePoolNodeConfigModifyNodePoolNodeConfigModifies the configuration of a node pool, such as the kubelet configuration and node rolling update configuration. After you modify the node pool configuration, nodes are batch updated and the kubelet on each node is restarted. This may adversely affect the nodes and workloads. We recommend that you perform this operation during off-peak hours.
SyncClusterNodePoolSyncClusterNodePoolSynchronizes the information about a node pool, including the metadata and node information of the node pool.
DescribeClusterAttachScriptsDescribeClusterAttachScriptsQueries the script that is used to add existing nodes to a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. You can manually add existing Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances to an ACK cluster as worker nodes or re-add the worker nodes that you have removed to a node pool.
CreateAutoscalingConfigCreateAutoscalingConfigCreates a scaling configuration to allow the system to scale resources based on the given scaling rules. When you create a scaling configuration, you can specify the scaling metrics, thresholds, scaling order, and scaling interval.


DeleteClusterNodesDeleteClusterNodesRemoves nodes from a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. When you remove nodes, you can specify whether to release the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances and drain the nodes. When you remove nodes, pods on the nodes are migrated. This may adversely affect your businesses. We recommend that you back up data and perform this operation during off-peak hours.


InstallClusterAddonsInstallClusterAddonsInstalls a component by specifying the name and version of the component. To enhance Kubernetes capabilities, you can install a variety of components in Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters, such as fully-managed core components and application, logging and monitoring, network, storage, and security group components.
UnInstallClusterAddonsUnInstallClusterAddonsYou can call the UnInstallClusterAddons operation to uninstall the components in a cluster by component names.
DescribeAddonsDescribeAddonsYou can call the DescribeAddons operation to query the details about all components that are supported by Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK).
DescribeClusterAddonsVersionDescribeClusterAddonsVersionYou can call the DescribeClusterAddonsVersion operation to query the details about all components in a cluster by cluster ID.
DescribeClusterAddonInstanceDescribeClusterAddonInstanceYou can call the DescribeClusterAddonInstance operation to query the information about a cluster component, including the version, status, and configuration of the component.
ListAddonsListAddonsYou can call the ListAddons operation to query all available components in a cluster. You can query all available components in a cluster by specifying the ID of the cluster. You can also specify parameters such as the region, cluster type, cluster subtype (profile), cluster specification, and cluster version to get a list of available components in clusters that meet the conditions.
ListClusterAddonInstancesListClusterAddonInstancesYou can call the ListClusterAddonInstances operation to query information about the components that are installed in a cluster.
GetClusterAddonInstanceGetClusterAddonInstanceYou can call the GetClusterAddonInstance operation to query the information of a component instance in a cluster, including the version, configurations, and log status of the component instance.
ModifyClusterAddonModifyClusterAddonModifies the configuration of a cluster component. This operation may affect your businesses. We recommend that you assess the impact, back up data, and perform the operation during off-peak hours.
DescribeClusterAddonMetadataDescribeClusterAddonMetadataYou can call the DescribeClusterAddonMetadata operation to query the metadata of a component version. The metadata includes the component version and available parameters.
UpgradeClusterAddonsUpgradeClusterAddonsUpdates cluster components to use new features and patch vulnerabilities. You must update cluster components one after one and update a component only after the previous one is successfully updated. Before you update a component, we recommend that you read the update notes for each component. Cluster component updates may affect your businesses. Assess the impact, back up data, and perform the update during off-peak hours.
DescribeClusterAddonsUpgradeStatusDescribeClusterAddonsUpgradeStatusYou can call the DescribeClusterAddonsUpgradeStatus operation to query the update progress of a component by component name.


UpgradeClusterUpgradeClusterYou can call the UpgradeCluster operation to upgrade a cluster by cluster ID.
GetUpgradeStatusGetUpgradeStatusYou can call the GetUpgradeStatus operation to query the update progress of a cluster by cluster ID.
PauseClusterUpgradePauseClusterUpgradeYou can call the PauseClusterUpgrade operation to pause the update of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
CancelClusterUpgradeCancelClusterUpgradeYou can call the CancelClusterUpgrade operation to cancel the update of a cluster.
ResumeUpgradeClusterResumeUpgradeClusterYou can call the ResumeUpgradeCluster operation to resume the update of a cluster by cluster ID.


DescribeUserPermissionDescribeUserPermissionIn an Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, you can create and specify different Resource Access Management (RAM) users or roles to have different access permissions. This ensures access control and resource isolation. You can call the DescribeUserPermission operation to query the permissions that are granted to a RAM user or RAM role on ACK clusters, including the resources that are allowed to access, the scope of the permissions, the predefined role, and the permission source.
GrantPermissionsGrantPermissionsYou can call the GrantPermissions operation to grant a Resource Access Management (RAM) user the permissions to manage Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters.


CreateTemplateCreateTemplateCreates an orchestration template. An orchestration template defines and describes a group of Kubernetes resources. It declaratively describes the configuration of an application or how an application runs. You can use orchestration templates to manage resources in Kubernetes clusters and automate resource deployment, such as pods, Services, Deployments, ConfigMaps, and persistent volumes (PVs).
DescribeTemplateAttributeDescribeTemplateAttributeAn orchestration template defines and describes a group of Kubernetes resources. It declaratively describes the configuration of an application or how an application runs. You can call the DescribeTemplates API operation to query orchestration templates and their detailed information, including access permissions, YAML content, and labels.
DescribeTemplatesDescribeTemplatesAn orchestration template defines and describes a group of Kubernetes resources. It declaratively describes the configuration of an application or how an application runs. You can call the DescribeTemplates API operation to query orchestration templates and their detailed information, including access permissions, YAML content, and labels.
UpdateTemplateUpdateTemplateYou can call the UpdateTemplate operation to update an orchestration template by template ID.
DeleteTemplateDeleteTemplateYou can call the DeleteTemplate operation to delete an orchestration template by template ID.


CreateTriggerCreateTriggerYou can call the CreateTrigger operation to create a trigger for an application.
DeleteTriggerDeleteTriggerYou can call the DeleteTrigger operation to delete an application trigger.
DescribeTriggerDescribeTriggerYou can call the DescribeTrigger operation to query triggers.


ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries resource labels and the detailed information, such as the key-value pairs of the labels and the clusters to which the labels are added. You can use labels to classify and manage Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters in order to meet monitoring, cost analysis, and tenant isolation requirements.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds labels to a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. You can use labels to classify and manage ACK clusters in order to meet monitoring, cost analysis, and tenant isolation requirements.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves labels from a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
ModifyClusterTagsModifyClusterTagsModifies the labels of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. You can use labels (key-value pairs) to classify and manage ACK clusters in order to meet monitoring, cost analysis, and tenant isolation requirements.


UpdateControlPlaneLogUpdateControlPlaneLogYou can call the UpdateControlPlaneLog operation to modify the log collection configurations for control plane components in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) managed cluster.
CheckControlPlaneLogEnableCheckControlPlaneLogEnableQueries the current log configuration of control plane components, including the log retention period and the log collection component. Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) managed clusters can collect the logs of control plane components and deliver the logs to projects in Simple Log Service. These control plane components include Kube API Server, Kube Scheduler, Kube Controller Manager, and Cloud Controller Manager.


DescribeEventsDescribeEventsQueries detailed information about a type of events, including the severity level, status, and start time of each event. Events are generated when clusters are created, modified, and updated, node pools are created and scaled out, and components are installed.
DescribeClusterEventsDescribeClusterEventsQueries events and event details in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, including the severity level, status, and start time of each event. Events are generated when clusters created, modified, and updated, node pools are created and scaled out, and components are installed.


DescribeTaskInfoDescribeTaskInfoQueries detailed information about a task, such as the task type, status, and progress.
PauseTaskPauseTaskPauses an on-going task.
ResumeTaskResumeTaskResumes a task.
CancelTaskCancelTaskYou can call the CancelTask operation to cancel a task.
DescribeClusterTasksDescribeClusterTasksQueries tasks in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.


DeletePolicyInstanceDeletePolicyInstanceDeletes policy instances in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
ModifyPolicyInstanceModifyPolicyInstanceYou can call the ModifyPolicyInstance operation to update policy instances in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DescribePoliciesDescribePoliciesYou can call the DescribePolicies operation to query a list of policies.
DescribePolicyDetailsDescribePolicyDetailsContainer security policies for Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters offer a variety of built-in policies, including compliance, infra, k8s-general, and PodSecurityPolicy. You can use these policies to ensure the security of containers running in a production environment.
DescribePolicyGovernanceInClusterDescribePolicyGovernanceInClusterYou can call the DescribePolicyGovernanceInCluster operation to query information about policies in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster.
DescribePolicyInstancesDescribePolicyInstancesQueries the detailed information about policy instances of the specified type in a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, such as the policy description and severity level. You can choose a type of security policy for an ACK cluster, specify the action and applicable scope of the policy, and then create and deploy a policy instance.
DescribePolicyInstancesStatusDescribePolicyInstancesStatusQueries the deployment of policy instances in the current Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster, including the number of policy instances of each type and the number of policy types of each severity level.
DeployPolicyInstanceDeployPolicyInstanceYou can call the DeployPolicyInstance operation to deploy a policy instance in a cluster.


DescribeUserQuotaDescribeUserQuotaQueries quotas related to Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters, node pools, and nodes. To increase a quota, submit an application in the Quota Center console.