Community Blog Using EasyDispatch to Enhance Accuracy and Time Efficiency for Service and Logistic Industries

Using EasyDispatch to Enhance Accuracy and Time Efficiency for Service and Logistic Industries

This short article discusses the benefits of EasyDispatch.

As the 2021 ECI Awards winner for innovation, EasyDispatch is an AI real-time service dispatch product, embedded with Vehicle Route Planning (VRP), suitable for logistics, e-commerce, professional services, telecom, public utilities, and many other industries.

  • Logistics: Vehicle/fleet dispatch for parcel or product delivery
  • E-Commerce: Order Delivery
  • Professional Service: Provide home TV and broadband installation and repair for the telecom industry
  • Public Utilities (Electricity and Pipe Network): Dispatch engineers to patrol equipment


The challenges faced by traditional dispatch are non-real-time since it is very time-consuming for a dispatcher to dispatch orders because of the rigid rules and opaqueness to the business planners. Additionally, planning routes on a map for thousands of tasks is a complex task, especially for the real-time traffic situation and precision of location. Lastly, customers would like to stay in touch, so balancing customer requirements and the overall field service efficiency becomes another challenge.

First of all, EasyDispatch adopted three types of algorithms, Heuristic, Optimization, and Reinforcement Learning (RL), to overcome the challenges. The models trained from tasks are assigned to achieve the optimized result based on the predefined business rules; the more tasks assigned, the more intelligent the model.


Additionally, EasyDispatch provides a business rule plugin system to customize different business rules in the solution. When the existing business rules change (or new rules are added), the algorithm can adapt quickly to remain intelligent and responsive.

Last but not least, EasyDispatch integrates popular map engines to help AI make better routing plans based on real-time traffic situations. As a result, the end customers will have a clear view of how much closer the technicians are to the field after ordering the service. This results in an improved user experience.


Case Study

One of the success cases is about the largest global pest control company with 90 years of innovation and expertise that originated in the UK. The challenges faced by the customer are its inefficient task scheduling, poor end customer experience, and high dispatch cost. After adopting EasyDispatch, the entire task scheduling process was automated, releasing hundreds of dedicated dispatchers. The dispatching efficiency improved tremendously, with task dispatching efficiency improving by 90% and the average travel time on site reducing by 30%.

The concept of intelligent dispatch with VRP was also adopted by Ele.me, which roughly translates to “Are you hungry?” in Chinese. Ele.me is a professional online-to-offline (O2O) catering and food delivery platform in China. Ele.me covers more than 2,000 cities in China, with more than 1.3 million member shops, over 3 million riders, and more than 9 million daily orders. Their goal is to make everything (in) 30 minutes. Before adopting the intelligent dispatch solution, Ele.me faced problems, including limitations of a maximum of 1.5 million orders per day, high dispatch cost because of the more than 1,200 coordinators, high delay for delivery (i.e. average duration of 45 minutes), and lack of scalability. With the intelligent dispatch solution, Ele.me can handle 9 million orders per day (with an average response time of 500ms), 29 mins average delivery time from order submission to delivery, and more than 20 million USD cost savings annually.

Please visit the EasyDispatch page for more information

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