Community Blog [Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in December 2023

[Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in December 2023

Do you want to know what's new on database product in December? Check the infographic for details!

1. PolarDB for PostgreSQL Added the Drop Flashback Feature

Value: It helps you quickly restore deleted tables after misoperations, thus avoiding data loss.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/polardb/polardb-for-postgresql/drop-flashback

2. RDS for PostgreSQL 16 Released (With the Support for Serverless)

Value: Users can explore the latest features of PostgreSQL 16 on the cloud by provisioning new instances or upgrade the existing instances in one click.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/rds/apsaradb-rds-for-postgresql/features-of-apsaradb-rds-for-postgresql

3. RDS for PostgreSQL/MySQL Offers General-Purpose Database Proxy With Persistent Connection Features Free of Charge

Value: By providing functions like read/write (R/W) splitting and persistent connections, it is possible to avoid any kind of interruption when a failover or switchover occurs.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/rds/apsaradb-rds-for-mysql/use-the-persistent-connection-feature

4. RDS for MySQL Supports Long Backup Retention After Instance Deletion

Value: It helps you retain backup files long after the instance is released to meet special compliance standards.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/rds/apsaradb-rds-for-mysql/retain-the-backup-files-of-an-apsaradb-rds-for-mysql-instance-for-a-long-period-of-time

5. ApsaraDB for MongoDB Supports Automatic Compact to Reclaim Storage Fragmentation

Value: It greatly improves the efficiency of storage usage and makes it easier and simpler to maintain instances with large storage.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/mongodb/user-guide/view-the-storage-usage-of-an-apsaradb-for-mongodb-instance

6. DTS Supports MongoDB->Lindorm Data Synchronization

Value: It enables seamless integration of data between MongoDB and Lindorm (which supports wide-column tables, and is compatible with HBase and Cassandra). Moreover, this makes it possible to use a hybrid database solution. You can utilize the best features of both databases by keeping operational data in MongoDB while taking advantage of Lindorm's capabilities for specific use cases.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/dts/user-guide/synchronize-data-from-an-apsaradb-for-mongodb-instance-to-a-lindorm-instance


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