Community Blog How to Set up CyberPanel Control Panel

How to Set up CyberPanel Control Panel

In this tutorial, you learn how to set up the CyberPanel Control Panel on your server for easier management of your server.

By Abdulaziz Gebril, Alibaba Cloud Community Blog author.

CyberPanel is a next generation hosting control panel powered by OpenLiteSpeed. Built for speed, security, and reliability, CyberPanel automatically comes with builtin support for DNS, FTP, Databases, Email, File Manager, automatic SSL, and many other features, all this is free.

CyberPanel gives you the control of your hosting environment and allows you to host your websites in a more easy manner, yet CyberPanel also boasts a high performance with an event-driven architecture that is super light weight with a minimal CPU and memory footprint.

In this tutorial, you learn how to set up the CyberPanel Control Panel on your server running in the cloud.

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Set up a CyberPanel Control Panel

In this tutorial, you need a server that is installed with either Ubuntu 18 or CentOS 7. You will update it in this tutorial. You will also need to set up a static IP address for your server and inbound and outbound firewall rules. For this tutorial, you will need at least 10GB free disk space.

Update Your Server

We need to ensure that your server is up to date by using one of the following commands:

  • For Ubuntu 18: apt-get -y update.
  • For CentOS 7: yum -y update.

Install the Necessary Packages

We need to install Wget, which we will use to download CyberPanel Control Panel installer to your server and nano as a text editor by using one of the following commands:

  • For Ubuntu 18: apt-get -y install wget nano.
  • For CentOS 7: yum -y install wget nano.

Configure Firewall Rules

Firewall rules define what kind of Internet traffic is permitted or blocked. You can think of it as an additional protection layer provided by your hosting provider to take control of your traffic.

If your hosting provider asks you to configure the firewall rules of your traffic (Skip if not), you have to configure your firewall rules to allow your traffic through their network for the following ports:

20 – FTP
21 – FTP
22 – SSH
43 – WHOIS
80 – HTTP / Apache Web server
110 – POP3/EMAIL
143 – IMAP
443 – HTTPS / Apache Web server SSL
587 - SMTPS
873 – RSYNC
8090 – CyberPanel Panel
7080 - WebAdmin
3306 – MYSQL

For Alibaba Cloud customers, you can do that by Creating a security group and Adding security group rules to allow connections on these ports.

Install CyberPanel Control Panel

Now you can start CyberPanel Control Panel Installation by running the following command:

cd /usr/local/src && wget https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh && sh install.sh

You should see something like below, Select 1 for Install CyberPanel and press the Enter key.

CyberPanel comes with OpenLiteSpeed and is totally free for unlimited domains, while CyberPanel with LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise is free for 1 domain.

In this tutorial, we are going to install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed, which is totally free and does not requires any kind of license.

You should see something like below, select 1 to Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed, and press the Enter key.

Next, you will be asked about choosing the admin password, for now we are going to use the default password and we will change it later among with some other info.

Type d to use the default admin password, then press the Enter key.

Selected y (yes) for the next following questions (recommended).

  • Memcached and LiteSpeed Memcached (LSMCD) are an open source distributed memory caching systems with file-backed shared memory. Both are used to speed up dynamic web applications by reducing the database load.
  • Redis is an open source released under a BSD 3-clause license, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

The installation of CyberPanel is pretty easy since the installer will automatically install all the required packages and you don't need to do anything, but it may run more than 15 minutes because it needs to compile and install a large number of packages.

Once the installation is done you should see something like this:

You will be provided with an URL to access the panel like:


Log in to your CyberPanel Control Panel using that link, Enter admin for the username and 1234567 for the password and select your preferred language.

After successfully entering the panel, you should see something like:

Find and click on Edit profile like below:

Now select admin account, Change Name, Email address and Admin password, then click *the Modify User* button.

Docker Manager:
Docker uses containerization technology to make it easy and simple to deploy and run applications. Docker packaging the application code along with all the libraries and dependencies it needs to run. Once the application is packaged, it will run in any environment where docker is available.

CyberPanel provides you an easy way to handle your docker container and images. Docker is not installed by default during the installation of CyberPanel.

You can install it: From the left menu, click on Docker Manager, then click any link such as Manage Containers, and it will redirect you to installation page like below:

Click Install Docker to start the installation process, it may take a few minutes. Once installation is completed, the page will auto-refresh. You are now ready to manage docker images and containers.

MySQL root password:
To find out the password of your MySQL root, use the following command:

more /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword

If you want to change your MySQL root password at anytime, you can do that by using the command below:

nano /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword

Change the password, save the file and exit. You will also need to update the password in the settings file that is located at /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/settings.py file under rootdb entry by using the command below:

nano /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/settings.py

Once done, run the following command:

systemctl restart lscpd

CyberPanel comes with User-friendly WebAdmin GUI, you should spend some time exploring the features, options and settings of your CyberPanel Web Panel. Enjoy!

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ColdEgg April 3, 2020 at 6:07 pm

It's available on Marketplace now, so everyone can just lunch and play it on Ubuntu 18. https://marketplace.alibabacloud.com/products/56720001/sgcmjj00024863.html

5362889033528870 May 18, 2020 at 2:26 pm

If you are getting wordpress 404 and Database creation error while installing then You need to update password of PHPMyAdmin and map that password with CyberPanel backend to work properly, please check the screenshot how to fix this, Solve Database Creating issue in Cyberpanel, https://nextgenai.cloud/how-to-change-cyberpanel-admin-and-root-password-safely/