Community Blog How to Run a SQL Server on ApsaraDB for RDS

How to Run a SQL Server on ApsaraDB for RDS

This article explains how to run a SQL Server on ApsaraDB for RDS.

By Kelvin Galabuzi

What Is ApsaraDB for RDS?

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB is a fast, stable, reliable, and scalable database service. ApsaraDB for RDS supports different SQL Server engines, including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB.

Create and Access an ApsaraDB for RDS SQL Server Instance

The following section will cover creating and accessing an ApsaraDB for RDS SQL Server Instance.

  • Step 1: In the Alibaba Cloud console, access the ApsaraDB for RDS service under the Relational Databases service category:


  • Step 2: In the ApsaraDB RDS console, click Create Instance, which will lead you to the configuration page of a new RDS Instance:


  • Step 3: Select your Billing Method, the Database Engine (the Microsoft SQL Server), the Edition, and the Storage Type:


  • Step 4: Select the Zone of Primary Node, the Deployment Method, the Instance Type, the Capacity, and click Next on the Instance configuration:

Note: We recommend running production-grade workloads in a multi-zone deployment to ensure high availability.


  • Step 5: Select the VPC, VSwitch on Primary Node, Resource Group, and click Next to confirm your order:


  • Step 6: You will be presented with a summary of your configurations. Accept the terms of service and click Pay Now:


  • Step 7: you should see that the instance is running from the ApsaraDB for RDS instances console. Select your running instance to start managing it:


  • Step 8: On your instance, select the Accounts section and click Create Account:


  • Step 9: Selecting the create account option will open a slide on the left side of the screen. Fill in the required details to create the privileged account and click OK:


  • Step 10: Access the database connection blade to configure the database access settings. Click Apply for Public Endpoint to allow access to your database from the Internet. You can leave it to the Internal endpoint if you only want the database to be accessed from within your VPC:


  • Step 11: After applying for a new public endpoint, the endpoint URL will appear on the screen. You can use it to access your database using tools, such as the SQL Server Management Studio:


  • Step 12: Click on Configure Whitelist on your new endpoint URL to allow external access from your preferred IP locations and click OK:

Note: We advise against allowing access to your Database instance from all locations; only do this for test purposes with databases with no sensitive data:


Step 13: Click Log On to Database to access your database instance using the Alibaba Cloud Data Management service:


Step 14: A new screen with the Data Management service will open. Insert all the details required to connect to your ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance and click Login:


Step 15: After successfully connecting, you should start managing your SQL Server instance:


Alternatively, you can connect to the ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio:


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