Community Blog How to Migrate Existing Terraform Cloud Resources to KubeVela

How to Migrate Existing Terraform Cloud Resources to KubeVela

This blog will show you how to use the backup_restore tool to import your existing Terraform cloud resources into KubeVela.

By Nan Li

You may have learned from this blog that we can use vela to manage cloud resources (like s3 bucket, AWS EIP and so on) via the terraform plugin. We can create an application which contains some cloud resource components and this application will generate these cloud resources, then we can use vela to manage them.

Sometimes we already have some Terraform cloud resources which may be created and managed by the Terraform binary or something else. In order to have the benefits of using KubeVela to manage the cloud resources or just maintain consistency in the way you manage cloud resources, we may want to import these existing Terraform cloud resources into KubeVela and use vela to manage them. But if we just create an application which describes these cloud resources, the cloud resources will be recreated and may lead to errors. To fix this problem, we made a simple backup_restore tool. This blog will show you how to use the backup_restore tool to import your existing Terraform cloud resources into KubeVela.

Step 1: Create Terraform Cloud Resources

Since we are going to demonstrate how to import an existing cloud resource into KubeVela, we need to create one first. If you already have such resources, you can skip this step.

Before start, make sure you have:

Let's get started!

1) Create an empty directory to start.

mkdir -p cloud-resources
cd cloud-resources

2) Create a file named main.tf which will create a S3 bucket:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket-acl" {
    bucket = var.bucket
    acl    = var.acl

    description = "The identifier of the resource"
    value       = aws_s3_bucket.bucket-acl.bucket_domain_name

output "BUCKET_NAME" {
    value       = aws_s3_bucket.bucket-acl.bucket_domain_name
    description = "The name of the S3 bucket"

variable "bucket" {
    description = "S3 bucket name"
    default     = "vela-website"
    type        = string

variable "acl" {
    description = "S3 bucket ACL"
    default     = "private"
    type        = string

3) Configure the AWS Cloud provider credentials:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your-accesskey-id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your-accesskey-secret"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="your-region-id"

4) Set the variables in the main.tf file:

export TF_VAR_acl="private"; export TF_VAR_bucket="your-bucket-name"

5) (Optional) Create a backend.tf to configure your Terraform backend. We just use the default local backend in this example.

6) Run terraform init and terraform apply to create the S3 bucket:

terraform init && terraform apply

7) Check the S3 bucket list to make sure the bucket is created successfully.

8) Run terraform state pull to get the Terraform state of the cloud resource and store it into a local file:

terraform state pull > state.json

Step 2: Import Existing Terraform Cloud Resources into KubeVela

1) Create the application.yaml file, please ensure that the description of each field of Component is consistent with your cloud resource configuration:

apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
name: app-aws-s3
    - name: sample-s3
    type: aws-s3
        bucket: vela-website-202110191745
        acl: private
        name: s3-conn

2) Get the backup_restore tool:

git clone https://github.com/kubevela/terraform-controller.git
cd terraform-controller/hack/tool/backup_restore

3) Run the restore command:

go run main.go restore --application <path/to/your/application.yaml> --component sample-s3 --state <path/to/your/state.json>

The above command will resume the Terraform backend in the Kubernetes first and then create the application without recreating the S3 bucket.

That's all! You have successfully migrate the management of the S3 bucket to KubeVela!

What's more

For more information about the backup_restore tool, please read the doc. If you have any problem, issues and pull requests are always welcome.

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